Digoxin and all the other meds - British Heart Fou...

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Digoxin and all the other meds

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Hello everyone I have posted since being diagnosed 3 months ago but it's a complicated journey, I was diagnosed with afib in a and e and fluid on the lungs and sent home after staying for the day on the ward under virtual ward, I was presented with loads of tech equipment to take home which I said I could not set up as no good at tech, so was given an oximeter and rang daily to get readings by a nurse whose second language was English and I could not understand what she was saying my readings were jumping from 45 to120 and not stopping once I asked what reading I should be giving and how long to time it but was just told to give any reading, I was on edoxaban and 5mg bisoprolol it was then increased to 6.25 but she kept saying Don't give her higher readings as higher meds could stop my heart! I was discharged after 3 days the a and e consultant had ordered an echo which I had a few weeks letter but she increased my bisoprolol to 7.5 as she said my heart rate had gone to 115 and had lvsd as well she said arythmia clinic would be in the future, I have not seen a cardiologist or down to see one. Couple of weeks ago went to gp as stomach had swelled, bpm 125 so good job I went he increased bisoprolol to 10 and furosemide still bpm showing 100 on ecg, now just started digoxin as well I asked whether he recommended to see a cardiologist privately but he said he will sort this and sees me for 45 minutes in his lunch hour so a very dedicated gp! He's ordered another echo. I am now feeling a slight gripping sensation around my heart I'm hoping it's the meds working has any one else had this? I was asked for feedback on the virtual ward experience and told them I could see it would be great if I'd had help with the equipment as they would then have got accurate readings as well but my experience did not work it does provide care at home which is nicer.

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