Hey all I had my HA and OOHCA on the 27th of Dec I had a blood clot in my RCA i am self employed and really need to go back to work as ssp is rubbish I am a mobile hairdresser I can start driving again this Friday and my cardio rehab starts next week I still have a dull ache in my chest every now and then do you think it's wise for me to do a few clients or should I wait until I have been to rehab Sorry for the long post TIA 😊
Going back to work: Hey all I had my HA... - British Heart Fou...
Going back to work

Sorry forgot to add i had a stent in
Back to work three days after my heart attack a NSTEMI angioplasty and stent. Not a physical job. Felt fine and thought I may as well sit around doing something at work rather than sitting around doing nothing at home. Travel was a bit of an issue for a week until I was allowed to drive again. I came to no obvious harm. I was self employed of course and that makes a difference. A lot of employers won’t allow you back because of insurance problems.
The problem is ssp is rubbish i still have bills and a mortgage to pay so I am funding it hard and there is no help 😪
Make sure you inform you car insurance provider of you issue and any new medication you are taking and request confirmation in writing (or email) that you have informed them and of any changes they make
If you need to claim, or anyone makes a claim against you, and have not done this they can reject your claim and refuse to settle any claims against you
You also need to inform your work-related insurance company
What is the advice of your medical team ? What surgery did you have ? I certainly wasn’t fit for much for 2-3 months following nstemi heart attack and quadruple bypass surgery .
Hi I had a heart attack arrested 5 times and was fitted a stent i am a bit sore in the chest area I think that's because of the cpr but apart from that I feel ok physically I start cardio rehab next week I might chat with the nurses and ask their advice
Sounds like a perfect solution Bluecat223. I’m sure you’ll be back to work 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻. Enjoy your rebirth , loving mine. CPR can be brutal , mate of mine had broken ribs due to CPR following cardiac arrest.
Thankfully no broken ribs luckily I was with the paramedics when I arrested so I wasn't out long and cpr was very brief from the start of .you HA to hospital and surgery It was 3 hours I was so lucky my husband was with me as I say physically I am fine it's the mental side that's affecting me so sitting at home I keep going over what could have been so would like to get back to work to take my mind off it and feel normal again
The mental side can be incredibly tough to manage. I’m sure I had a touch of PTSD after my event. I remember crying on the night after I had angiogram and being told I needed open heart surgery. I felt that I had let everyone down, I was so fit and strong and everyone couldn’t believe that I had a heart attack. Post surgery just before my discharge I had vivid dreams about letting the side down that had me waking in tears in my hospital bed. For months after I was really sensitive to loud noises , couldn’t watch certain scenes on tv , I was totally wrapped up in my heart attack world of what the future held , how my meds worked , I became “food police” 🤦🏼🤣.. I also focused on my rehab and return to fitness . The recovery was incredible but not linear. I have posted quite a bit by way of my monthly progress and my achieved goals of getting back to living a full lifestyle. Gigs, music festivals , passed my full motorbike license, bought a Harley , park runs, working round our small holding… a full life ! It really is a journey . I’m reminded everyday by my scars and this wonderful forum where I’ve received huge support and hope to pay some back. Here’s to you 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻
Wow you have done amazing and yes I am like the food police I did go down the rabbit hole of Google but that has made my mental health worse so I don't bother now I had a telephone assessment today from healthy minds they told me its too early to see if I have PTSD and if I want counselling the waiting time is nearly 3 months 😪 so not sure which way to turn
I would definitely wait until you've been to a couple of rehab sessions to see how you cope and see what the nurses there think. The heart will have sustained some damage and although the damage can't be reversed, the heart does ned to heal. If you speak to your mortgage company I'm sure they will help until you can get back to work.
You should be asking your medical team if they believe you are fit to work. They have your medical records and can assess your situation. We are all different and recovery rates vary from person to person.
I would suggest you start very gradually, when you go back. Sometimes going back earlier but just working 2 hours a day followed by rest day can be much more manageable than doing too many hours straight off. The key is really to pace yourself and balance good quality rest.
Many years ago I had major surgery on my leg and I will never forget what my physio and OT said to me they said just listen to your body and if it's telling you to rest then rest and try not to do too much because you will suffer the next day
I was admitted to hospital with SVT and afterwards I sat at my desk and at first after just 5 minutes my back at the back of my legs ached. This Monday I walked around my local shopping mall and I didn't ache anywhere but before I ached really bad and I didn't have anything anywhere as bad as you.
The emotional side of heart issues can be very tough to deal with and isn't particularly well addressed by cardiology professionals. I was told there is a 50-50 chance for hearties who have had OHS to experience PTSD-like symptoms, I would guess having a heart attack can also be traumatic enough to cause that.
It's often been mentioned in this forum that having CBT counselling has been helpful, myself included. CBT helps you understand what you have gone through in a way you can mentally process. Perhaps it's worth looking at something like that through your GP or a local qualified counselling service rather than just looking for PTSD-specific counselling?
Regarding returning to work, yes, start going to the rehab classes and talk to the nurses. They will have a wealth of experience they can share with you, and will also be able to assess where you are physically. BTW I can understand the pressure of being self-employed, I was for forty years before I retired, so I know the issues!
All the best.