Last Thursday I had my first appointment with cardiologist since being discharged from hospital 11th September last year, (admitted due to HF with Afib).
I'd had a cardio MRI at Papworth last October with an adenosine stress test so was eagerly awaiting results, was in scanner for 80 minutes but unfortunately & annoyingly,
because of afib causing my heart to race, skip & bounce around,
the usual gold standard MRI images were blurred. 😬
So after 4.5 months I still don't have a diagnosis which Is causing me immense stress & anxiety.
Cardio Doc said he needed to bring my heart rate down so increased HR med dose but it's still not in the 80's where he wants to see it.
Received a letter back in September telling me I was on waiting list for cardioversion so he said he'd chase that up.
Also said I'd need a Ct scan & angiogram.
He mentioned the possible diagnosis of noneschemic Cardiomyopathy &/or Coronary artery disease but until further tests nothing can be confirmed.
He said my cholesterol had shot up this month so wanted to prescribe statins but I asked to wait to see If further tests re arteries were positive or negative.
Last week after appointment I felt incredibly relieved when he said at this stage there was no reason to think about OHS for two leaky valves, also have left & right ventricle damage.
The good news he said,
was the MRI scan had been able to detect that my ejection fraction has gone from 23% to 34% - my tricuspid valve was no longer severely regurgitating, now only moderate regurge, the same as my mitral valve,
& that my enlarged heart had very slightly
decreased in size.
But as this week's gone by, I've felt a deep dip in the rollercoaster ride of emotions for my weak struggling heart & I'm still feeling exhausted all of the time.
It's difficult to be positive without a diagnosis, especially when we feel so tired.