hi there I’ve only recently been diagnosed with arterial fibrillation and taking Ramapril, Veramapril and Apixamol. I now have general aches but real pain which started in my left knee, is now more severe and spread over my whole leg. Thinking it could be side effect of medication but can’t get gp appointment and now another weekend ahead. Has anyone else experienced these symptoms?
joint pain whilst taking heart meds - British Heart Fou...
joint pain whilst taking heart meds

Have you read the side effects report of your medication? I have recently had a very swollen and acutely painful foot (ankle and big toe ) and have seen a consultant rheumatologist. It started 3 weeks post total hip replacement. I have a further consultation on 26th Jan to get his advice following blood tests and MRI. He’s kept an open mind so far but has mentioned the possibility of Apixaban (blood thinner) being known to cause/linked to poly arthritis in some patients. The cocktail of meds we are on ( I had nstemi heart attack and quadruple bypass July 2023) may interact and cause issues for some. Might be worth having a chat with your pharmacist, mine was very supportive and helped me change a statin via my GP.
Apixaban is an anti coagulant( not a blood thinners,different job) If you have started any new meds and have usual new pains/ effects check with GP or pharmacists to rule out links. Otherwise coincidence 🤔
It's Atrial Fibrillation, the top part of your heart ( left Atrium usually but can be right) has its electric circuits affected. Sometimes the irregular heartbeat that occurs can affect us in other physical ways,such as dizziness,fatigue etc but not in the muscular system as far as I've ever seen.
I've had it for years. There is a dedicated AFibrillation forum you might benefit from.
AFAssociation on Health Unlocked.
I've found it invaluable.
Best wishes xx
Yes unfortunately the same here. I did have knee joint issues prior to meds/diagnosis....but the meds have exacerbated my existing condition plus given me problems in areas I didn't previously have...ie my shoulder, elbows, ankles, shins, hips and fingers. I have changed my meds and that's helped a bit.
We all have varied reactions to diverse meds- regardless of their target. I was switched to Apixaban from Xarelto. Joint pain increased significantly- switched back to Xarelto- reduced to “my normal” joint pain. I was moved to Diltiazam from metoprolol and could barely get up the stairs. Here’s the kicker- my older sister has developed AF and had exactly the opposite reactions. Point being: talk to your Dr about changing until you find the best balance for you!!! Best wishes!
I have a rather battered body from my past career, so considerable arthritis. But, all that said, I have little cartilage left in my knees and very arthritic big toes. They were "screaming" much more than usual and it went back to normal pain when I stopped! Hoping you find a proper compromise/solution!