I have followed the recent thread by Heythrop51 on UPFs which had good and interesting comments. Today I saws this which I think is sick! Burger King are using a hospital setting and the emotions of childbirth to promote junk food. They, and the advertising agency, should hang their heads in shame!
Burger King - How Low Can You Go - British Heart Fou...
Burger King - How Low Can You Go

really should not be allowed ,😱all UPF should carry a government health warning like tobacco and alcohol , then let people make there own choice, banning things is not good , I don't want someone sidling upto me in a dark alley asking if I'd like a buy a burger 😱😂
I'm surprised it's been allowed really , although I vaguely remember McDonald's doing something similar years ago with a husband bringing his wife a happy meal ( or was that just a weird dream ).Maybe if we all put in a complaint it would be removed.
I must admit though , some of the medical charity advertising could do with being toned down too .
But what do you expect advertiser's and big businesses don't really have a soul
Whilst it would be wrong to object to a woman eating very much what she likes after giving birth I think this advert morally reprehensible and will email the ASA tomorrow.
i agree, incidentally the last thing i ate on the day of my heart attack just over a year ago, was a burger from Burger king. I haven’t had a burger ever since. I think the use of a hospital setting for upf advertising is outrageous.
It is a very misleading interpretation of a survey into what food women would like after giving birth. It should be criticised by the ASA and hopefully removed.
It is crazy buy clever way how big businesses like McDonald advertise their product. Big businesses don't have a soul and what they care is big profit to the detriment of the nation's health and well being. I hear now that the N.H.S is broken and that is sort unrestrained advertisement does not help. However it is not only government but the great British Public that can move things for greater good of the country especially the the young generation who are so much influenced by the social media.
A damning indictment of modern times.
Home economics was a compulsory subject when I went to school. I understand this is no longer the case.
Advertising, government and industry is to blame for this diabolical situation.
Need I say more 😱
it’s genius marketing though, we’re discussing it here after all. We’re also probably talking about it. I would say that the marketing company has put the ball well and truly in the back of the net.
Words fail me Apart from one- disgusting !
There is much that can be said about this, I think that you have said too much, trucate the sentence a little, That's what I think and loads more! Using human emotions/suffering to promote food can't be right.
I don't want to be more specific with fear of being banned.
Disgusting but then I avoid that place, MickeyD's, etc and have for years. Price to much for low quality.