Hello - I had an echocardiogram in February 24 where I was diagnosed with mild to moderate mitral valve regurgitation - no real symptoms . However I now find it impossible to sleep on my left side as I am very breathless . I am very fit , not overweight at all and only 58 . Am I being paranoid ? Should I contact my cardiologist ?
Breathlessness - mitral valve regurgi... - British Heart Fou...
Breathlessness - mitral valve regurgitation

Yes! You can also self refer if seeing a Cardiologist privately. Ideally, any new or different symptoms should always be checked out. I was 49 when I became symptomatic in Feb ‘23. An Echo, Angio, T.O.E Carotid Doppler scan and lung function tests swiftly followed and O.H.S for a mitral valve replacement took place in June ‘23. Conditions change. Valves can deteriorate. Best to get your symptoms checked out and put your mind at rest. Hopefully the issues can be resolved with medication at this stage, but please don’t leave it. Hope you get it sorted.
My personal opinion is to get yourself checked out. In my own case with valve problems my situation changed very quickly...I too was very fit and a regular at the gym. I think once you know you have any problems with the heart it's always best to get any changes checked out for peace of mind. Xx
Definitely tell your cardiologist. I have aortic regurgitation and stenosis and I have trouble lying on my left side get breathless for a few minutes then it passes. I'm actually having palpitations at the moment with lightheaded and short of breath and chest discomfort so I have had ecg because I fold my GP and I emailed my GUCH team aswell and they are sending a 48 hour heart monitor soon. Hope your cardiologist investigates your symptoms just to rule out anything serious x
I have the same issue and yes I can’t sleep on my side any more. In fact I find it easier to sit upright. That’s my excuse when I go into a deep sleep in the chair down stairs - seriously though on my back or more upright is easier for sleeping. I also can’t walk and talk anymore but if I mention this to any medical person they look at me blank . It’s hard to get an understanding medic, what we need is a cardiologist who has the same medical issue to understand how it affects us.
Take care and keep safe 😊
Hello, I am also 58 female, healthy, and had moderate mitral valve regurgitation... asymptomatic. I too started to feel uncomfortable sleeping on my left side. I had another echo and they said I needed my valve repairing within 3 months. I've now had it repaired (4 months ago) and am as fit as a fiddle.However, they said it was touch and go as to whether it would be repair or replace. You don't want a replacement at 58, so I'd say get an appointment now and have it checked.
when you lie down the weight of you abdominal organs (guts etc) shifts and presses against you diaphragm (the thin sheet of muscle which separate your lungs and guts), this can reduce your lung capacity and apply pressure to your heart - so if your heart is already working at reduced efficiency because of a heart condition lieing down won't help, and being on the left side seems to be the worst choice for many people with heart and/or lung issues
positioning pillows so that your shoulders and chest are lifted a bit tends to ease the problem, or putting a wedge pillow under the head end of your mattress to tilt it
it is also important to remember that as we age most body parts and function deteriorate - anything which has any additional issues like wear and tear, injury or damage will fare worse - so basically your valve regurgitation is probably getting worse and this affects how efficiently you heart can work - so when your heart is under pressure it won't be coping as well as it used to
Hello you are definitely not being paranoid so see a cardiologist and as you know there’s a problem you can be aware of new symptoms, I was breathless dizzy having funny turns couldn’t sleep on my left side but I never imagined that I had a heart issue and was thinking a virus or pneumonia etc
I was eventually diagnosed with severe faulty mitral valve and AF and put forward for open heart surgery to repair it - it sounds terrifying but I’m 6 weeks post op and I can honestly say it wasn’t nearly as bad as my imagination had told me and I’m feeling absolutely fine now and looking forward to building up my fitness levels 😊
My neighbour also has it mild to moderate and they are keeping a watch on her which is good as it can suddenly change overnight like it did with me so definitely see a cardiologist , NHS is fine as you’ve got time on your side but all information is useful 😊
Do stay in touch and let us know how you get on xx
I just had an echo yesterday and then afterwards had an appt. with Dr. I too have had mild to moderate mitral valve regurgitation but never any symptoms. Each echo I have,it is always listed as mild or mild moderate. Mine doesnt seem to be getting any worse and has stayed the same for the last 10 years, and Dr said they dont normaly do anything about it until it becomes severe, and that might never happen. With your SOB I would contact your Cardiologist and let them know for sure. Take care.