So I have Mitral valve regurgitation. I have never been able to speak with anyone who has it and was wondering if anyone on here has this and how it makes them feel? I also would like to know if anyone on here has a loud murmur that those in the room can also hear it?
Mitral valve regurgitation: So I have... - British Heart Fou...
Mitral valve regurgitation

Hi, yes I also have a loud murmur and in my case it is due to my replacement aortic valve. Some Doctors can hear by standing next to me and I can hear it all the time.
I have never ever heard of anyone having it and when ever I tell people they they are little frightened by it. And doctors are fascinated by how loud it is. I have never been on treatment for mine until the last month but I am so exhausted with it. If you don’t mind me asking how is yours managed and do get an ache from it
Hi Squeaky-heart
I’ve just read your post and your diagnosis sounds similar to another member on here. I will tag Yumz199725 . Hopefully she will see this and can provide you with a more deeper insight about her experience with this.
All the best.
Hi, mine isn’t managed at all. No need as I’m so used to it and it kinda gives me reassurance that I’m still alive and kicking! If I want to take my pulse I just sit and count the beats I can hear and set the timer on my Apple Watch to 60 secs. It doesn’t bother me in the slightest.
I had to call an emergency ambulance a couple of days ago and the paramedic told me he could hear my heart beat! Bit embarrassing at times.
it can be embarrassing mines was going wild on my last job interview and I could see the people looking around wondering what the noise was. I never used to hear as much as I do now and it keeps my partner awake some nights it so loud. I am going to see a consultant on Monday to see how to go forward with it.
Hi sqeauky heart, I do have mild mitral regurgitation but I mainly have an issue with aortic regurgitation I have severe aortic regurgitation and moderate stenosis. I have been told that my heart murmur is very loud can be heard just with a stethoscope I've been told this recently about 3 times. Sorry you haven't been able to relate to anybody that can make you feel isolated and alone that's how I felt before I found this amazing forum! I noticed I always feel tired pretty much all the time, just recently getting fatigued after doing house work and feeling out of breathe walking up hills and when I get to the top of the stairs but I have been told this is more likely to be my asthma then my leaky valve. How often are you being checked or is this a recent diagnosis? I have been told I will eventually require major surgery to replace the valve. I noticed you said your murmur is so loud people in can actually hear it that in the room with you?? 😯. Wow I thought mine was loud! Are you under a specialist for your condition?. Sorry about all the questions just want to know a little bit more about your valve how does it make you feel? Take care and if you want you can private message me if that helps x
Hi Yumz, I was told about 8 years ago I had a leak in my heart and was nothing to worry about and would be monitored. My last echocardiogram was sept last year and they wrote to my GP with no action required and they will see me in 2025. Since my last echo my symptoms have got worse, like the noise happening all the time and it actually keeps my partner awake at night, I recently was sent to A&e and was discharged with Ramipril 2.5mg and on my discharge stated this was due my heart failure, which has left me shocked. I have never actually met with a cardiologist the whole time I have my condition and was advised wait time where I am is around 50 weeks. So I have booked to see a private consultant to discuss my case and find out if I don actually have heart failure. Past few months have been a rollercoaster. I went from being able to walk about so house work, walk my dog to now not being able to climb stairs without feeling like my heart is going burst out my chest
Aww I'm so sorry to hear that you have to wait until 2025 that's awful. Yeah valve disease can progress very slowly atleast that's my experience it's taken about 6 years to get to severe aortic regurgitation and moderate stenosis. That's odd that they never told you you had heart failure and you had to find out from A&E? I would definitely contact your cardiologist after your private consult to make them aware of your symptoms x hope your appointment goes well keep us updated with everything take care! 😘
Hi Squeaky-heart, I have mild/moderate MR which the cardioligy team have known about for the last seven years or more. They do not seem particularly concerned about it, and just monitor the situation when visiting hospital for other heart related issues. Earlier this year I had another stress echocardiagram, and my cardiologist assured me afterwards that my MR was "no concern at this stage".
I dont think my murmur is loud enough for others to hear, but I am very aware of it, and as others have stated, it makes checking your heart rate very easy!
thank you for your reply Dralex, I have been suffering recently with dizziness, shortness of breath just doing simple tasks around the house. My heart rate drops to 40bpm regularly and this makes me awful and I feel my heart pounding after these episodes. Just so worried at the moment as a A&E consultant has started me on medication for heart failure yet cardiology seem in no rush to see me. I have never seen a cardiologist in the 8 plus years if having this.
hi. I had mitral valve regurgitation for years apparently but I never knew it. By the time I had symptoms it was severe and I needed the valve replaced. The symptoms that I felt, which led me to go to my gp, were palpitations and fatigue. I also had a bit of a persistent cough due to the pressure that the regurgitation was putting on my lungs although I didn’t know the cause of it at the time. The only time I noticed a murmur was when I had endocarditis and it was very loud, but by then I also had fever too. X