Ectopics when bending down/changing p... - British Heart Fou...

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Ectopics when bending down/changing position?

HC74_2 profile image
25 Replies

My ectopics stress me out but my burden is low on halter, all tests clear, only under investigation because they sometimes chaing together. However, the past two days I suddenly can't bend down or stand up from sitting without having a strong ectopic (I get both PVCs and PACs I don't know which is causing it). This has never happened before so I'm quite anxious and it's going to be a month before I can check with the cardiologist, so my anxiety isn't great.

Has anyone had this? I don't know why it's happening. I've tried sleeping it off, getting more sleep, upping my fluids, looking after gut health but nothing resolves it. My pulse has been ok, not really any different to normal. I have been under work stress, but no more than usual and this hasn't happened in the past.

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HC74_2 profile image
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25 Replies
Sambobs17 profile image

Hi there sorry your having all this going on I’ve jumped on here as I’m in a similar position to you, mine are PVC’s they are driving me mad been like this for about seven weeks - mine jump about if I move about or sometimes just sat quiet no rhyme or reason! Either way don’t like it one bit, they also affect my sleep so feeling pretty tired at the moment- my holter is next week and I’m waiting for an appointment for an echo - I had these tests done in 2021 I was diagnosed with mild LVDD usually caused by hypertension which I have and age I’m 68f - the problem I have they are making me panic when I’m having a run of them I know lots of people on here are far better at coping with them than I do I take my hat off to them - I do take a anti arrhythmic tablet but I’ve been on this for a number of years so wondering if I’m too used to them - have they suggested a beta blocker to you? what I wanted to ask you has your anxiety started because you have these I would say I didn’t think I was having anxiety issues beforehand usual every day worries but I think my anxiety levels are truly up all because of this I’ve tried all the usual calming down techniques but will try anything - just didn’t want you thinking your on your own - I do think it helps if you know other people are going through similar. Please let us know how you go on take care 😊xx

HC74_2 profile image
HC74_2 in reply to Sambobs17

Thank you for your reply. I'm sorry to hear you're suffering, I can't imagine dealing with it of a night I've had one or two in my sleep but thankfully not for a while. The runs of them terrify my too. It's not a complete fix, but I do recommend watching Dr Sanjay Gupta (the York cardiologist) on YouTube. One video showed just how long it'd take for a run to be classed as sustained VT and that eased my nerves a tiny bit. He's really good at explaining things too. I unfortunately can't take beta blockers, I was on mebeverine which slowed my pulse down as a side effect but it didn't particularly help with the ectopics and I ended up more worried about my slow pulse so I imagine beta blockers would've been the same. I've had general work and life stress, but it never used to impact my heart, since the ectopics I do have more anxiety and tend to pay attention to them more but they don't really go away when I'm relaxed so it's hard to remain switched off. I hope your halter and echo go well! I got my echo results there and then so hopefully you'll also get some answers quickly!

Sambobs17 profile image
Sambobs17 in reply to HC74_2

hi there I think you and I seem to be similar let’s hope we get sorted soon - thanks for the tip on Dr Gupta I’ve watched his video on the ectopics themselves, but will definitely watch the other one on the sustained VT and yes he does have a calming way with him so you feel like ‘he doesn’t seem concerned about these ectopics’ of course providing they are benign - that was really good you got the echo results straight away I waited weeks when I last had one. In the meantime take care don’t overdo things 😊

Fazerboy profile image

Hi, I’ve not had ectopics so don’t know what they are like but I had svt and I found that this would trigger by, amongst other things, bending down. If I bent down to tie shoelaces or pick up something off the floor or anything then the svt would start. I had to lie down to get my hr back to normal. I think this was because of a change in the blood pressure in my heart (although I’m not a doc). I learnt to pick up things by bending my knees and keeping my head up. All ok after an ablation.

Not sure if this is any help though but may be of interest.

Choccie55 profile image
Choccie55 in reply to Fazerboy

I’m just the same - I have SVT too. Ablation next month. Glad to hear yours was a success.

Fazerboy profile image
Fazerboy in reply to Choccie55

I “only” had svt. I think it is relatively easy to stop this with an ablation. Better than trying to stop AF. Mine worked first time. No problems since. No meds or anything. Probably nearly 5 years ago now. I hope yours goes well.

Choccie55 profile image
Choccie55 in reply to Fazerboy

Thanks - it’s always good to hear a success story.

BaileyCat23 profile image
BaileyCat23 in reply to Fazerboy

I’m the same too with SVT, usually always triggered by bending down

Fazerboy profile image
Fazerboy in reply to BaileyCat23

You learn how to crouch sort of. I hope if you have an ablation it gets sorted.

BaileyCat23 profile image
BaileyCat23 in reply to Fazerboy

Yes you’re right I try to bend down upright if I can and slowly lol. Yes had an aviation in Feb of this year

Fazerboy profile image
Fazerboy in reply to BaileyCat23

Did the ablation stop the svt?

BaileyCat23 profile image
BaileyCat23 in reply to Fazerboy

So far! But I guess time will tell… 🙏🏼

Fazerboy profile image
Fazerboy in reply to BaileyCat23

Mine has been good. I do a lot of cycling but I try to not let my hr go over 150.

BaileyCat23 profile image
BaileyCat23 in reply to Fazerboy

Me too with exercise I get really anxious now if my heart rate goes above 140-ish as I can feel it pounding and it reminds me of SVT, I have PTSD with SVT I swear haha 😂😂

Choccie55 profile image

Sorry you are suffering. I have SVT which is often triggered by bending over or posture changes. I believe it has something to do with irritating the vagal nerve so this could be what is setting off your ectopics. I find holding my breath as I bend helps.

HC74_2 profile image
HC74_2 in reply to Choccie55

Thank you this (and the comment above) is really helpful. I'll try holding breath/bending knees next time it's bad. I had SVT in the past, it's awful and triggers with so much, I hope your ablation goes well. Mine was secondary to a congenital defect corrected with ablation, I've had the odd run since but barely ever and used to have it multiple times a day. My ectopics seem to hit when my vagus nerve is irritated so this makes a lot of sense

FraserB profile image

I also get ectopics by bending over when standing, turning over in bed and hunching while sitting. The vagus nerve gets irritated in these positions also these positions increase pressure in the chest with the heart. You'll need to be mindful of how you move your body which is easier said than done I know. Seeing the cardiologist will be of help and possibly medications to ease it all. I have paroxysmal atrial flutter which unfortunately of all the arrhythmias out there is not good to have and besides my medications I have found how you think is important. Take time to place your mind and thoughts on something you enjoy as well as deep breathing. Plus taking magnesium and l'taurine as well -- two supplements that have helped me.

HC74_2 profile image
HC74_2 in reply to FraserB

Thank you and sorry to hear about your artrial flutter. Mind set seems to be a huge thing with ectopics too, the more I worry the worse they get but it's do hard to get a grip on that when they feel so concerning (as I imagine has been the case for you too perhaps). Did you have a magnesium deficiency? I've found potassium works wonders for me, I keep those sports lucozades nearby as the electrolyte replacement stops most episodes. But the Dr acts like it must be placebo (even though water doesn't do the same) because my bloods showed normal magnesium and potassium. When people here say they added more to their diet I don't know if that worked even without a deficiency? I've stuck with the extra potassium filled foods and sports drinks because they work but the Dr wasn't terribly supportive

Tos92 profile image

Hi HC74_2

This happens to me as well. I have tachycardia upon small movements. It does not happen on a regular basis however, but I can experience an unusually fast heart rate with normal everyday activities. It is treated with a beta blocker called Nebivolol. I know it’s worrisome when they do happen but I believe for the most part, ectopics are harmless.

Interesting to read the comments on certain positions perhaps irritating the vagus nerve. I will keep note of that for myself too. This is such a great platform to learn from everyone.

Take care and I hope they improve soon!


bluemoon572 profile image

I have both PACs&PVCs and bending over or changing position in bed often provokes them. I'm told the parasympathetic nervous system and vagus nerve plays a role. I find that the PACs make me more uncomfortable, perhaps because they are more apt to occur in couplets. ( I can tell by my smart watch which ectopics are occurring). I've been better since I was started on beta blocker. I also found that bending over with my knees bent reduces pressure on my abdomen which I feel reduces the ectopic beats.

HC74_2 profile image
HC74_2 in reply to bluemoon572

If you don't mind me asking, what smart watch do you use? I have a samsung one it's great for most things but I never see the PACs or PVCs as I feel them on the watch ecg

bluemoon572 profile image
bluemoon572 in reply to HC74_2

I wear a Samsung watch. I also use a Kardia as sometimes the P wave amplitude on the strips from my watch is too low. They're much better seen on the Kardia. However the PACs on the Samsung should be at least seen as early but overall normal appearing beats while the PVCs have no P wave and are wide an quite abnormal looking.

From my visit to the cardiologist - he was saying that most people have ectopics to some extent and not a cause of concern in most cases. As long as you are feeling ok and not getting them too often- it should be fine. I have them too, picked up from a 7day holter. However, I dont feel them either bc the freq is too low or during sleep. How does it feel, may I ask?

HC74_2 profile image
HC74_2 in reply to TasteLessFood4Life

Thank you, mine says the same and my burden is very very low. My concern is they sometimes chain together so I'm terrified of NSVT. My cardiologist feels I'm safe even if I did have NSVT, but that's because I don't have heart disease. It runs early in my family, so I do worry about what happens when it develops and if the PVCs then become dangerous. When I have them it feels like a sudden lurching, jolt, shaking, fluttering or electric shock. Holters have confirmed those feelings are PVCs and PACs and sometimes picks them up when I feel nothing at all. When they 'chain together' it feels like multiple in a row, I hope there are some normal beats in there that I'm not noticing but it's impossible to say without a monitor

lgrass94 profile image

I also get them if I bend down. For myself it’s actually that split second or two when I bend back up and reach normal posture .. then I can commonly throw 3 or 4 very close together! It scares the heck out of me and I'm a ‘alpha male’ type mofo too 😂 You never get used to these things. I’d rather be slapped about all day then ever feel them. I went and brought a recorder round my chest that catches them! I was right all along and they DO happen because I’ve caught them now. I’m still told their not concerning but

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