I started getting svt to my early 20s, which was only short episodes. Didn’t know what they were wasn’t long enough really to catch over the last two years they got really bad lasting long periods of time so was diagnosed in October found a manoeuvre that helps but I feel like what bothers me more is ectopics. I seem to get them in bouts where it feels like every other beat they make me feel pretty sick. I’ve just started verapamil 40mg got to up my dose to 80mg tomorrow. Started them 6 days ago don’t feel terrible on them was scared to take them at first, but because of the ectopics and almost feeling like I was going to pass out in a shop I decided to start the medication. I had one weird episode of ectopic so far and woke up in the morning early to sinking feeling with chest pain heart racing and then it calm down. I don’t know if it’s more from the stress of taking the tablet and worry because I’ve had bad side-effects from tablets in the past or if it’s just my body adapting to the Medication. I don’t really know what I’m trying to ask I just feel a little bit lonely as people around me, don’t understand what it’s like living with this day in day out I’m not gonna lie when this happens. I’ll go automatically go into panic mode which I’m trying to control more. Has anyone else suffered without ectopics to that extent where it’s like a constant flutter in your chest or on the same medication of me, and does it get easier i’ve tried to contact cardiology not got back to me hoping they call Monday just for reassurance would be nice as I’ve sent him some readings over. This really gets you down. I’m getting to the stage where I get fed up that much that I’m scared to move also ive associated ectopics with eating. If I eat I can trigger them or if I drink sometimes it can trigger them. I am mindful of what food I eat what medication I take as the weirdest things trigger my svt I’m pretty sure bananas trigger my ectopics. Also a weird one twister ice lollies had twice both times had a svt, but there is things that I’ve learnt I just avoid, and also I take Only paracetamol if I get unwell I don’t take any cold or flu treatments because that makes it worse. I don’t drink caffeine haven’t for years I’m on a diet trying to lose weight I’m trying everything I can but nothing seems to be helping. I also have a hiatus hernia and acid reflux so that doesn’t help as I’ve been told to can be connected in someway. Thanks for reading and any advice first post so probably went on a bit 😆
svt ectopics : I started getting svt... - British Heart Fou...
svt ectopics
Hi Hidden
Welcome to the forum.
I understand your concern. For the most part, and as a few others will tell you on here, ectopics are usually harmless. They are really only an issue if they become frequent and you are symptomatic, which is what is happening with you and you’re on medication for it. Verapamil works to slow down the heart rate, so you’re on the right track. However, you will also need to give it some time to work.
It sounds like you know what your triggers are therefore, I would personally avoid them. Anxiety/stress can be a trigger and this maybe escalating your SVTs even more as you say you’ve been anxious about the medication you’re on. I personally find that stress can give me heart palpitations therefore, causing a higher heart rate.
Caffeine and alcohol can make SVTs worse, so I would avoid them. SVTs do not cause immediate danger, and you will find there are others on the forum with different heart rhythm disorders. I hope Hidden will see this post and give you some more reassurance and insight as she has experience with ectopics.
All the best.
thanks for your reply I just hope the medication works now I need a break it’s draining
Thanks for your reply sorry if I was confusing so basically I have svt attacks were my heart rate is around 257bpm I also get a slow heart rate in the 40s when I’m sleeping. But the last few months I get what I explain as the feeling I’m going into svt and it keeps happening over and over and fluttering it makes me feel sick and happens more after I have eaten on my ecg I took it shows 2 beats a longer gap then 2 beats and it’s like that for a while scary feeling i have contacted my cardiologist and I’m on the waiting list for ablation. I keep hearing the feeling isn’t dangerous, but it’s just hard to set my mind to the fact that it isn’t I find it really hard when I’m in a shop or with family and friends it’s very hard when I get that feeling and it feels like I’m stuck in it for a little while until it will pass. It can be quiet uncomfortable
this is one of my readings.

Hidden Just a thought, as I also take ECGs on my Apple Watch from time to time. Are you sitting down when taking these? And is your arm resting on something such as a table? I know that the watch is really sensitive to movement and slight movements or the incorrect position may cause obscured readings. Though reading your symptoms does suggest they may be something more going on which your cardiologist will have to investigate.
hi ya yeah always sit when I take a reading unless I’m with my legs up the wall in svt and I use the reading to see when I’m coming out of a episode ☺️
I’m not sure what it is but it feel similar to svt but slower then it will get up to about 130bpm I feel really sick and a bit dizzy with it hope that helps 🙂
thanks for the reply I understand
I have speaking to him tomorrow thank you
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