Just looking for sympathy and others with similar experiences for reassurance.
Since my OHS and cardioversion, I've been feeling some weird 'bumps' in my chest. Some of them feel like they're my heart, others are more like a big 'butterfly' in my stomach. I told my cardiologist about them and she said they were ectopics, the heart being a microsecond out of a beat and not to worry about them, and my cardiac nurse said they'd calm down. So I have tried to ignore them and get on with my life.
On Christmas Day these 'bumps' went from 2-6 per day to about 20, and the last 4 days have been full of them. 😔 They are very unsettling. At no point have I felt dizzy or breathless - I'm able to run, cycle and do gym workouts unimpeded, but they are causing me anxiety and I'm sure this quiet time of year gives me more time to dwell on them and fret. They have hampered my enjoyment of Christmas for sure.
I don't know why they've suddenly got more frequent and they come out of nowhere or go quiet for a few hours before jumping back in again. I have tried to do relaxation exercises and deep breathing.
I suspect if I flagged with my cardiology team they might put me on a holter at best, which I guess might pick them up, and then they might up my Bisoprolol... I have another appointment for an MRI in spring and I'll mention it then (again)...
Does anyone have any words of wisdom or tips for making these more tolerable? And sympathies if you also experience these - they're no fun!