Hello fellow hearties. Quick question, when I kneel down, stand up, kneel back down, stand up etc, shuffling along to the next patch of weeding, over time I begin to feel more and more dizzy. I know this is a perfect excuse not to kneel down to do the weeding but does anyone else get the dizziness? I’m okay if I garden whilst standing up, it just seems to come on when I do the kneel down, stand up thing. I had an NSTEMI in Oct ‘22 (no stent just the usual meds) and am taking Lansoprozole, Aspirin, Diltiazem. Ramipril, Atorvastatin (as well as Levothyroxine). My BP has been 121/71 and pulse about 67 after gardening and I feel okay after about 10-15 mins. Does anyone have any tips or advice? Many thanks ❤️🧚🏼♀️
Feeling dizzy during gardening - British Heart Fou...
Feeling dizzy during gardening

Do any of the medications say that they can make you dizzy at all ?
I take Bisoprolol and find bending down going dizzy which can be a side effect of this med
Your BP is that ok ?
Maybe have a med review with your Doctor if you can or have an appointment and see if they can explain why this is happening
Let us know how you get on x
Thank you BeKind. Nice to see you back on the forum giving great and kind advice as always. Hope you’re keeping as well as can be. Thank you for your reply. I did think it was to do with my blood pressure going down at the time and perhaps getting up too quickly. . I’ll ask doc as I suppose it could be the heat or perhaps lack of fluid or like you say medication. Thanks again, sending hugs to you ❤️🧚🏼♀️ xx
Thank You
I think it is a good idea to ask the Doctor chances are it will be nothing but at least it gives us peace of mind which is something we need
Let us know how you get on x
Hello I had this experience when I first started on medication when getting up from sitting down, I got around it by sitting up straight slowly counting to ten and then getting up and this did work. When i spoke to my consultant about this he said that is what I would have recommended to do.
So in the garden I straighten the back, wait a wee while and then get up. It might help.
In addition do you use a gardening stool/seat, if not why don't you get one and give it a try ( I did/do).
Hope you find something that helps.
Thank you for your advice uzininemm. That sounds like a good idea you have suggested. I don’t have a seat or stool, I tend to kneel down on a knee pad so I really am bent down and over. I will give it a try.
I don’t think it is the medication (but who knows, it could be) as I’ve been taking them now since Oct ‘22 but this isn’t the first time I’ve been dizzy doing the gardening but it is the only time I do get dizzy so maybe I just to avoid gardening haha! But I will take on board your suggestion. Thanks again, take care ❤️🧚🏼♀️ xx
Hope it works out for you Heartfairy, the one thing I dreaded most when I first was ill was I wouldn't be able to get into the garden, had to adjust but now I can, I do find my garden seat/kneeler indispensable (got one at home and one at the allotment), the other thing is do make sure you where a hat (if you don't already).😀
Yes I understand how you felt, I was the same, in fact I’m just beginning to regain some confidence in returning to normal things as I’ve been scared to push myself in case I bring on chest pain. The psychological side of having a HA has been far worse than the physical. So getting back into my very neglected weedy garden is actually a result for me but maybe I’m doing too much in one go. I’ll keep the knee mat and I’ll dig out a hat 🧢! Thank you for the advice. Look after yourself and keep going 😊! You’re very good taking on a garden and an allotment. You must be a great gardener. Best wishes ❤️🧚🏼♀️
Heartfairy, (I wish I was, it is actually untidy or should I say wild in parts and I don't grow/plant to a system it is what I like😁) When I was first diagnosed ill it took me three months to go back to the allotment once released from hospital (and part of it was because I thought I had caused my heart problems at the allotment!) and therefore getting over that mental barrier was a massive thing.
Considering it was summer you can guess what it looked like when I went back. ! What i did was pick a square (say, three foot square patch to weed) one day to weed and then do another square the next day you will be surprised as to how quick things start to look and once you see the difference it really does help mentally. Add on to that you will find you can build up the length of time you can spend doing it.
As for the garden I just started out doing five minutes and went from there, (now I can do both lawns which take about an hour).
What i would say (and you know this already) when you see the finished results either veg ready for picking, or the flowers in the sun then you know it is worth the effort.
Oh thank you for the encouragement. You obviously understand. How you had the barrier with the allotment, I still have a bit of that walking the dog as my chest pain happened every time I exerted walking him and then finally I had the HA one evening on my walk with him so I developed a bit of a phobia but now I’m overcoming it and regaining my confidence. I don’t get dizzy on the walks, just the gardening. But you’re right, little and often is probably better rather than doing too much in one go. Everyone tells me I’m an all or nothing person and it’s so true. I struggle with doing 5 mins of anything - not patient enough so it’s something I need to work on. Thanks for the advice and don’t forget if the allotment is untidy just tell folk you’re into “rewilding” 🤣 it’s the latest craze in our town 🤣! Take care ❤️🧚🏼♀️
Deep breathing and possibly don't overdo things if you feel dizzy rest it helps me lot
Have you talked to your doctor about this?
My experience is that bisoprolol, which I take, can make me dizzy when I get up from a squatting or bent-over position. I have to do it slowly and take 5 seconds to "reset."
I get the same when weeding. I take a moment to sit in between activities. It isn’t nice but I don’t think it’s anything concerning. Won’t hurt to mention it to your doctor though
Having been a "Hearty" for over a year, I think your BP after gardening is low. The reading you have given is what I have at rest! After activity it will go up to 140/70. We cannot really compare each others hearts and you need further investigations.
Thank you Jedi14 for your reply. I’ll ask the doc next time. It is only when I’m gardening that I get the dizziness but in the meantime I’ll drink more water, wear a hat and deep breathe, sit up straight before moving onto the next patch and see if it improves. I just had a feeling my BP dropped when I get up and wondered if it’s common amongst hearties. Thanks again, take care ❤️🧚🏼♀️
This is caused by your heart being unable to supply oxygenated blood quickly enough to your brain. Many of us experience this if we stand up too quickly after being sat down at rest for a time. The next step after dizziness like this is black out and collapse. You should contact a medical practitioner for professional advice 😉
Gosh now I am worried 😩
Well, you self diagnosed when you said that you thought your blood pressure dropped when you got up. Yes, that's very likely what is happening. It's very common and often people put it down to aging. I did, so imagine my surprise when I was diagnosed with aortic stenosis a few months ago. I'm now waiting for open heart surgery to correct it. Just get it checked out, meanwhile take things easy. All the very best 👌
Go and have an ECG either at your doctors or the hospital. Speaking from experience.
Hello Maggie80, what happened to you speaking from your experience? Do I need to be worried?? ❤️🧚🏼♀️
Morning, sounds like a postural drop. Take your time when undertaking these transitional moves. Give your body chance to catch up with itself. I’m sure it will get better being mindful of taking it slow. Hope things improve for you .
Hello. If you search STARS on Healthunlocked you will get to a sister site that supports people that suffer from the type of symptoms you describe.
POTS is the acronym given to these symptoms quite often, if you google that it will lead you to other reading material.
Lots of people suffer from this, many of them won’t be on the meds that you are so that makes it difficult to link it back to side effects, but anything is possible. I suffer from this as well, but not always, it’s sporadic and I haven’t been able to tie it down to blood pressure issues. I agree with advice given above, make sure that you stay well hydrated when gardening, especially if it’s hot.
Hi Heartfairy l get this problem as well and also get short of breath. This was before taking any heart medication. I have failed a stress echocardiogram and l am awaiting an angiogram. I have recently be prescribed Bisoperol and it has not got any worse.
Good luck with all your tests Kluckieduc and with the newly prescribed Bisoprolol. I took that following my HA but it reduced my heart rate too much so changed to Diltiazem. We are all different and how our bodies react to the meds are different too so it may work wonders for you. Try and be calm when you have your angiogram, you will be in safe hands and it will be all done quite quickly. Take care and thanks again ❤️🧚🏼♀️
Thank you for your kinds word and reassurance. I am a bit anxious about the angiogram and what they will find. Like you my bp and pulse is average or below so maybe that is a factor but thr dizziness it’s something that has definitely got worse these last few years. Good luck to you too in sorting it out 🌸🤞
Hey you’re welcome. It’s not easy and the unknown is the most scary but I suppose we have to go through the tests to get a diagnosis and then treatment. I always remember the cardiologist telling me when he finished my angiogram that if we’re going to get something wrong then we “want” it to be the heart as they can give us pills, stent it, bypass, patch it up and send us back out to live. I think he was trying to make me feel better as I was so scared. I remember as well when I had the angiogram done, I asked if the probe was in my heart yet - he said “it’s on the way out” so proves I couldn’t feel it in there. It’s normal to worry but at least they should get to the bottom of what’s going on in there. Hopefully things won’t be as bad as what you’re playing in your head. Take care and good luck. Let us know how you get on. Be brave xx ❤️🧚🏼♀️
Yes had that for years…got one ( actually more as wheels eventually fall off) of those sit on ‘trolleys/storage boxes’ on wheels that when you get the knack you can push yourself a long without rising from weed patch to weed patch and under your seat got extra useful tools like a knife, trowel, small rake etc.
Could be your ears causing this. They are our balancing mechanism. I have same problem and have to move very slowly. I can get vertigo quite badly if I get out of bed too quickly. Something to do with the crystals dislodging in the middle ear. Just a thought……….may not be anything to do with heart or drugs.
A vertigo type reaction would be.more.of an inner ear reaction from those head movements. A lightheaded type of dizziness would be.more likely changes in BP going from kneeling to standing. Have you checked your BP sitting and then standing to determine whether it drops transiently upon standing up? Perhaps you'll have to get up more slowly. With all due respect, that type of gardening sure doesn't appear to be enjoyable& not especially healthy. You'll have a legitimate excuse to stop doing it.
Hi Heartfairy, I have postural orthostatic hypotension (Low blood pressure) it happens when stooping down then getting up or from lying down then getting up. The blood doesn’t go back up to your brain quick enough. If you feel really faint then it’s best to lie down on the floor where ever you are before you pass out preferably with your feet raised a bit. Your doctor can test you for it by lying down on the couch taking your bp then standing up and taking your bp again after a few minutes. The hospital way is having a table tilt test but I’ve heard that this isn’t very nice and can make you sick. I get up very slowly but it still happens. When I prune the trees/bushes I pull a garden chair close to me with a bin bag on it and each time I clip I put it straight in the bag then I don’t have to bend down to pick twigs and leaves up. I can’t weed as I get too dizzy like you are so my husband does that. Ask on your next visit to your gp to see if he will test your bp lying down then again standing X
BP likely - we can get blips so it can drop for a period and often when checking it’s gone up again - see your GP in my view as changing positions standing/sitting/kneeling as long as not too quickly shouldn’t result in you feeling like that and there may be a reason for it so I’d get it checked out so you either get an understanding of the why or get the chance to remedy it
Hello MWIC thanks for replying. I did put an updated post on the forum yesterday as I managed to speak to a cardiac nurse on Thursday who said this was probably down to my meds which are controlling my BP so with getting up too quick plus the heat, it’s very common. But if I start to get it more frequently or in different circumstances then speak to GP. Thanks for the advice though, take care ❤️🧚🏼♀️
Always good to know - I had something similar fairly recently and was caused by the Ramipril I was taking so seems suddenly that it’s too much - told to reduce but didn’t stop it either so stopped the Ramipril completely for a while keeping an eye on my blood pressure and none of the dizzy spells, started again and back so will be speaking to GP again soon as need to be sure no impact to kidneys as this was the reason why they upped the dose but some time ago. not surprising really as our bodies change and I’d had an ablation Dec 23 so maybe has impacted / improved blood pressure and the dose now too much and bringing blood pressure too low
Sorry to hear about your situation, you’re right though our bodies do change over the years and meds need amending too. My Ramipril has been changed a few times over the last year so perhaps it’s something that will be looked at again however, the majority of the time I’m okay, it’s just the kneeling down gardening so maybe I just need to stop that 🤣! Take care ❤️🧚🏼♀️