still feeling odd 4weeks after LAD stent - British Heart Fou...

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still feeling odd 4weeks after LAD stent

Ladylovesmilktray profile image

still experiencing nightly pains and real fatigue, have been signed off work for a further 2weeks. Also feel spaced out a lot of the time.

cardiologist suggested dropping Atorvastatin (80mg) for 2 weeks, which I have agreed to.

Meds are as follows: AM:Clopidogrel 75mg; Asprin 75 mg; Diltiazem SR 90 mg; Famotidine.

PM: Diltiazem SR 90mg; Atorvastatin 80 mg (dropped for 2weeks)

Any ideas?

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Ladylovesmilktray profile image
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22 Replies
BeKind28- profile image

Hello :-)

Some people have stents and bounce straight back up again some have heart bypasses and bounce back more quickly than others it could simply be that you need more time as some do

I think some of us are more sensitive after they have been putting stents in our arteries and it can take longer to settle down

Medications can sometimes make us feel spaced out and maybe that little change you are making will help if not then ask for a med review

Have you been asked or attended the Rehab classes this maybe something that might help you :-)

I hope you have follow up appointments with your Consultant but it seems like they are not concerned so be kind to yourself and give your self a little more time and hopefully you will feel better :-)

Others will come and reply that have felt like you do when they see your post and maybe able to give you some more feedback and share how they felt with you

Let us know how you get on :-) x

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to BeKind28-

A heart attack and stents had no long lasting effect on me but my word the medication did. In my case bisopralol was the main culprit but you are taking diltiazem instead. It may be worth asking your GP about a possible change or lower dose. Everyone's different both in how much damage has been caused by a heart event or how they react to medication. Your stating might be causing pains but is not likely to cause the tiredness. Have you started rehab yet? That's usually a huge help.

Spurs39 profile image
Spurs39 in reply to Qualipop

Hi,just read you had issues with bisoprolol as do I,increased dosage twice due to heart palpitations but still getting them when out walking.any advice or care to share your experience.

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to Spurs39

I wasn't put on bisopralol for my arrhythmia . They are one of the automatic list everyone's given after a heart attack even though my heart rate and BP were normal/ Even the lowest dose of bisopralol dropped my BP and heart rate so low, I could barely get out of the chair; just wanted to sleep all day; no energy at all. They were swapped to a calcium channel blocker which did pretty much the same so I was taken off them completely. When I was in hospital last year with an arrhythmia they wanted to give me bisopralol again until I told them how I'd been so they tried diltiazem instead. Unfortunately I took just one and woke next morning covered in a rash so I ended up taking nothing. AFraid I'm a nightmare to prescribe for because I react so badly to so many.

Ladylovesmilktray profile image
Ladylovesmilktray in reply to Qualipop

Thank you for your support. Starting rehab on Tuesday, hopeful it will be helpful.

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to Ladylovesmilktray

I will be extremely helpful. The nurses will give you a thorough check over before they allow you to do anything. Make sure you tell them how you are feeling and don't try to do things just because you feel you should. Everyone's different. They will say if they think your meds need tweaking.

Ladylovesmilktray profile image
Ladylovesmilktray in reply to Qualipop

Thank you for responding -I start rehab next week. So looking forward to being able to talk to the team and other attendees.

Jedi14 profile image

This winter has been particularly bad for viruses! You could be suffering the backlash? You'll just need to sweat it out (I'm sure your GP will tell you this also, as mine did).

Miocardial_1 profile image


It’s still early days. Give it time and give yourself time. Remember you’ve gone through a massive thing.

I had a heart attack and 2 stents in December 22.

The medication will work itself out. Give that time too. If anything needs to be changed, the Drs/cardiologists will do this in time.

The fatigue is normal and will pass in time as you get your strength back. You will still have days when you feel really tired though. Listen to your body at these times and rest/relax. Even now I still have the random day I feel like this.

Pains will come and go. Try not to worry about them too much. They also will settle.

I felt spaced out at times but once I got into more of a routine I was ok. Try to relax and remember little steps before we try to do too much.

I hope it’s all ok Xx

Ladylovesmilktray profile image
Ladylovesmilktray in reply to Miocardial_1

Thank you for your encouraging response.

RF260 profile image

Hi, after HA in April (Angiogram showed didn't need stent but potential LAD issue to keep an eye on). I'm still juggling meds, so far 80mg of Atorvastatin was stopped for 2 weeks and replaced with 5mg of Rosuvastatin and leg pains have lessened. Also Lansoprazole was replaced with Famotidine as suspected Lansoprazole was giving severe "digestive issues". From your note I see you take Famotidine in the morning, mine says take at night so maybe worth a try. Also I sense that double the dose of anything doesn't half the risk so I'm trying to get on as low a dose of everything as reasonably possible and maybe (eg statin) build back up the dose if no issues..feel a bit knackered too so trying to shift some weight which I hope will help too, good luck.

Ladylovesmilktray profile image
Ladylovesmilktray in reply to RF260

We have a lot in common; I was also taken off Lansaprazole and put on Famotidine, didn’t know I was supposed to take at night tho. Also taken off Atorvastatin for 2 weeks and after 2 days am not feeling as hazy as I was.

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to Ladylovesmilktray

YOu may find rosuvastatin better for you. It's more expensive so GPs can be reluctant but has fewer side effects. Atorvastatin crucified my stomach but simvastatin is fine.

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to RF260

Yes I take famotidine at night too. It works much better and it's far better than the "azoles"

Ladylovesmilktray profile image
Ladylovesmilktray in reply to Qualipop

oh, have to be careful how we pronounce that one. :-)

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to Ladylovesmilktray

LOL, never thought of that

RF260 profile image

Good luck with everything, notice you are on Clopidogrel, saw GP yesterday to see if I can go on that too as the cardio rehab nurse suspects Ticagrelor is causing my random episodes of breathlessness so suggested Clopidogrel might be better for me.

Ladylovesmilktray profile image
Ladylovesmilktray in reply to RF260

I’ve had no problem with Clopidogrel, good luck.

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to RF260

I had the same effect from Ticagrelor; in fact it was so distressing and my GP wouldn't change it, that I stopped taking it without permission. The cardiologist was furious when I went for another angiogram and had to give me a big loading dose of clopidogrel but I just couldn't stand it any longer. Ticagrelor was like I was having a sudden asthma attack and couldn't take in a deep breath -a common side effect.

RF260 profile image
RF260 in reply to Qualipop

Thanks , good reassuring info, GP has sent a note to cardiologist so hopefully gets changed early next week. I didn't take Friday morning dose due to the breathlessness but GP said take last night's dose and keep taking until hopefully switch to Clopidogrel in next few days ..

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to RF260

You're lucky your GP was willing to contact cardiology; mine wasn't ; probably because I had the angiogram coming up and he didn't realise just how desperate I was. Breathless didn't describe it. I had an oximeter which said my oxygen was 99 or 100%. It just felt as if I was fighting to get a breath in. I was on the verge of panic attacks over it. It was as if my lungs were refusing to expand yet they obviously were taking in enough oxygen.It was good to learn it wasn't harming me but it was just too unpleasant to continue on it. I had absolutely no such problems with clopidogrel; just stomach pain but most tablets do that to me. I have a very delicate stomach.

andrew290171 profile image

Took me about a year for pains to settle down. Ended up going back to a and e 3 times (if you ever speak to gp or 111 and have chest pain and history of heart diesese they just send you straight to a and e.

Every time I went they said nothing wrong and kind of hinted I should not have gone.

Anyway stopped taking beta blockers in Jan and felt much better since. Running and cycling again

Good luck hope it settles down

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