Keto vs Western Diet : I am a big... - British Heart Fou...

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Keto vs Western Diet

73 Replies

I am a big advocate of a Keto diet. It's 11 month since my bypass operation for blocked arteries.I have lost a total of 6 stones, I am off all BP meds including beta blockers and should be the rest on my 12 month anniversary after I see my surgeon.

My lipids are in the optimal range and the following article shows the pro's and Cons of both diets.

I very rarely eat bread and I never eat cereals or pastas. I do have the occasional Indian.

I also use continue CGM to help assist with flat lining my glucose on average. My projected H1bac is at 27mmol/mol.


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73 Replies
Stentsandrun profile image

Mmmm. One of the most inconclusive reports I have ever read! And I think you will find, the Keto diet is not recommended for people with CHD, or endorsed by the BHF.

Why do you keep promoting this?

in reply toStentsandrun

Because my blood works show that it's the correct approach. The advice you mention is flawed and given time food rich in carbs will be shown to be the true cardiovascular risk.

Stentsandrun profile image
Stentsandrun in reply to

It's not my advice, it's that given by the vast majority of GP's, consultants, the BHF, Heart UK and the NHS, plus many others.

Clearly they are all wrong! The fact you were obviously very overweight is probably the most important factor, nothing to do with an crazy unbalanced diet!

Bluelobby profile image
Bluelobby in reply toStentsandrun

He promotes it because it works , and it works for me too . All you mention are reading from the same song sheet written years ago and usually funded by big foodie .Have a nice day

Just to add I'm not and wasnt overweight

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toBluelobby

People like the above are without being educated or any knowledge barking statements, alot of Heart conditions are caused by Herditary factors. I have replied below with a full medical plan that's run by UK NHS leading weightloss centre. And I would say its very similar to the Keto. I tend to ignore the negative Nellie's who think they know it all. I dont dignify them with a response. I am following the science and the science has proven we don't need that excess of carbs.

Best wishes


in reply toShabana1974

Shabana I thought you would be interested, I went to my GP not heart related and he asked me about my diet. I told him that I don't take refined sugars of any kind and my diet is high in saturated fat, with meat, eggs butter cream. His response shocked me, he said the guidance on saturated fat is slowly changing and the main culprit is actually sugars.

I didn't mention the word Keto. But he looked at me and said I was the picture of health especially after coming through heart bypass op.

I have got my bloods booked tomorrow with Randox. I am interested what my inflammation bloods with be.

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply to

Hi Dave,

His response is clearly of someone that clearly as a little bit of an idea, but firmly brainwashed by the Highly processed food industry, since cutting all processed foods, including bread, chapattis rice. I have not craved anything sweet. And this is from a person that needed sweet things everyday.

But guess what it was the processed foods that gave me sweet craving. I accidentally put sweetners in my coffee out of habit it tasted awful. Super sweet and artificial

The whole low fat industry is 1 big con. They reduced the fat and replace with sugar so you still get the right taste

Best regards


Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply toShabana1974

Hi Shabana

Whilst I have no opinion on your diet, particularly as you're only in the early stages of it, but I would say that diets no doubt work differently for each person. My husbands diet was high in saturated fats before he had his heart attack. For the last 20+ years he's followed the low fat diet and, apart from his completely blocked LAD which was a result of his bad diet, his arteries are also clear. He's also not overweight at all, in fact he's incredibly slim. For him the low fat diet has worked as it should so he definitely won't be reintroducing ghee, lard or dripping into his diet 😳

But I'm a bit confused, you say your arteries are clear as confirmed last November but you're in the early stages of your diet, what diet have you been following up to now that's kept your arteries clear?

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toLezzers

Hi lezzer there's nothing to be confused about I am the early stage of removing all processed foods from my Diet. Butter as always been apart of my diet. If you read one of my other comments higher up. I said my Arteries are perfectly clear. My brother that has followed a low fat diet as had Heart Attacks, and Stents on more than one occasion. But removing highly processed food and sticking to food the way nature intended is far better. I feel so much better and the rubbish hidden in processed food is so toxic. And when they reduce fat the put sugar in to compensate. So I following the rule it a product has any ingredients that I can't identify in its raw form. It's not food. I not suggesting someone should eat gallons of butter, Ghee or lard but if a recipe calls for fat then I will use them. Apart from 3 spoons of Olive in a week and a spoon of butter I have not used masses in a week. Marg has a lot of unidentified chemicals and Rapeseed causes inflammation and is in most veg oils

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply toShabana1974

I completely agree that everything is moderation is acceptable, though having said that my husband won't touch coconut milk, ghee, lard, etc, as I said the low fat diet has absolutely worked for him. And of course it makes complete sense to cook every from scratch, though of course dairy products such as milk and cheese are not completely natural as they're treated to remove the bacteria from them. Again my husband has only used marg for 20+ years whereas I haven't, it's completely unappetising to me & as I said not all diets suit everybody

But what I was wondering was what diet you followed before taking up this diet for your arteries to be in such a good condition especially if you've been having processed foods, you've said you're in the early stages of removing processed food from your diet. This is an interesting topic to me as I've recently given up work and I'm really getting into cooking healthy, well balanced meals though I will continue to substitute high saturated fats with a lower fat version if I feel the there too much fat in the recipe.

Ps: do you mind if I ask what caused your heart failure my husband also has severe heart failure.

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toLezzers

I use to have processed foods, low fat claiming foods, but full fats milk and butter, I used Rapeseed oil ( Vegetable oil). With the misguided it was good for you no saturated fats. But now has Inflammation qualities. Are for my Severe Heart Failure. All the tests have not found the cause. But they are now think genetic.

I spoke to my Dad's sister, recently and she told me years ago the hospital referred my Dad for Genetic testing but he refused. But my Grandad. (Dad Father) aged 41 and my Nan (My mums mother but also my grandads Sibling) aged 52 died Suddenly from Heart Failure (they didn't know they had my) Mum and dad were 1st cousin's Mu mum Passed away 1st May 2014 aged 61 from chronic Heart Failure. But she was given 6 months to live in 2009 so out lived drs expectations. My dad has had severe Heart Attacks along with my older brother. Who is now 52. So definitely looking down the line of having genetic testing.

And I agree not even diet suits everyone. But returning to raw food and cooking from scratch makes more sense.

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply toShabana1974

Tbh, if you've been having processed foods & low fat foods and your arteries are clear then it would seem that diet has worked for you to some extent. Having said that, making your own meals from scratch is not only healthier, I find they're more tastier & definitely more interesting, and I'm definitely not the world's greatest cook!

I hope they find the reason for your HF so that your treatment can be targeted. You definitely seem to have a high incidence of heart disease in your family. Strangely, my dad had a couple of heart attacks & 3 cardiac arrests & looking back he probably had heart failure too, my sister was born with a heart condition but the rest of us have no heart issues at all, I come from a large family! My husband also comes from a large family, his mum lived until her 90's and apart from the last year or so she lived independently in her own home. His dad died young but not heart related and yet my husband had a massive heart attack & cardiac arrest at age 42 & his brother had a stroke at age 26!! But the rest of his family have no heart problems at all

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toLezzers

A lots of processed but not low fat as I already knew the were higher in sugar to balance the flavour.

But My Great Grandad ( my Grandad and Nans Father) lived until he was 98 years old 😢 but sadly died in 1984. He was from the time before eclectic and gas. So when they were invented he refused to install them in his house. And due to the breakins at his farm he had several locks and bolts on on the door, So he used paraffin lamps and unfortunately the cat must have knocked it over. So sadly found next to the door. He must have been trying to open it. My great grandma I never met so guessing the heart related problems are from her side.

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply toShabana1974

How awful was that both for your great grandad & the person who found him! In the days before central heating became more affordable and popular we had open fires & paraffin heaters to heat the house, which was always freezing! I remember the awful smell of paraffin & how dangerous it was! That was when you could take a can to whoever the supplier was and just fill the can up from a hose thing (bit like filling your car up at the petrol station!) and it inevitably splashed all over you as well! Highly dangerous, do glad that isn't a thing anymore!

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toLezzers

Yes we had an open fire, and used coal. But remember using those Paraffin heaters. The things we were exposed to years ago would be an health and safety crisis now.

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply toShabana1974

Definitely!! I mentioned my sister was born with a heart condition, she's a couple of years older than me. . We lived in London before the clean air act came in. Because of her heart condition she regularly had to go to convalescent homes outside London because the smog made her so ill. She was away so often that I didn't really know her until she was about 7/8 yo, I was probably 5/6 I distinctly remember her coming home for good & not knowing who she was!!

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toLezzers

It's sad when that happens I was born in Wiltshire moved around the grew up in Yorkshire. Moved to London in 1991. So we weren't exposed to the London smog. My grandparents were from Northampton

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply toShabana1974

Oh you're definitely far too young to remember the smog. 🤣 I dont remember the smog so much but I do remember days when it was so foggy you literally couldn't see you hand in front of you. We don't seem to get fog like that anymore so maybe that's part of the clean air as well 🤷‍♀️Anyway it's been nice talking to you but I must go to sleep now as I've a busy day tomorrow! I will definitely try out your recipe if you don't mind giving me the amount of chickpeas, garam masala etc, I did use that in tonight's meal, only a teaspoon of it but I don't know if that's the same for every dish, and I'll let you know how I get on!

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toLezzers

Nice chatting to you also. I use 1 cup gramflour, 1tsp garam masala about table spoon fresh coriander, and chilli and salt is personal preference I used only 1 fifth of a teaspoon you will get between 5 to 7 Chapattis from that. If you need more you can make the mixture again

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toLezzers

I would recommend Dr Saira Hameeds Book The Full Diet. The is a qualified Dr and also has a PHD in Hormones and the Humans body reaction to foods. She works at a NHS hospital. So I get my advice from her for free, And she is not Sponsored by the food industry therefore very independent medical advice

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply toShabana1974

Tbh, I've looked into her and her credentials, though highly qualified she's a dietician dealing with weight issues not heart issues. Additionally one of her specialties is Bariatric Surgery which seems a bit contradictory! As I said the low fat diet has worked well for my husband, and myself, for 20+ years so we'll continue with it. But thanks for the recommendation anyway.

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toLezzers

Yes but she works as part of a team, and closely with cardiac and Diabetes. And not everyone that goes to see her are there to have surgery. But if it's working for your husband then no point in fixing something that's nor broken

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply toShabana1974

Totally agree with that. He's had a tough time health-wise, we're definitely not gonna take any chances. Though the cooking from scratch is definitely a good thing. My speciality (the only one I have!) is cooking curries, I have a lot of Indian friends both in this country & India and one friend (in India) in particular talks me through her recipes. She uses olive oil though rather than ghee & so far they've been fairly easy recipes to follow!

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toLezzers

Yes my husband is pakistani so all my husband eats is curry's. People always presume them to be unhealthy but cook in the right way they offer so much flavour. I now for him make tradional Chapatti but I eat made from Gram flour(Ground Chickpeas) I mix salt, garam masala, Chilli, fresh coriander and Salt. Mixed to the consistency of Pancakes. Then cooked in none stick pan(So no need for Oil) and cooked similar to Pancakes.

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply toShabana1974

I think people think they're unhealthy as they're traditionally cooked with lots of ghee but they don't have to be. My husband loves Chapatti so I'll give your recipe a try. Unfortunately he can't use salt as it affects him badly & he has to be careful with things like chickpeas because he has high potassium issues but a once in a while treat won't hurt him.... hopefully!

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toLezzers

You can leave salt out . Salt is my personal preference buy not necessary to add

AlfredV profile image
AlfredV in reply toStentsandrun

It has worked miracles for me, but I'm sure some people are more suited to refined carbohydrates and statins.

Bumpitybump profile image

Fantastic effort, great it worked for you and others too but likely you know everyone responds differently to various food types. Very impressive results though.

pasigal profile image

Based on this paper I would not touch the keto diet if you have CAD.

Bluelobby profile image
Bluelobby in reply topasigal

Have a watch of dr Ken berry's youtube vids , well dont even watch , just read the comments from all the real people who have benefited Have a nice day

in reply toBluelobby

I watch Dr Ken also Dr Ben and Dr Robert Lustig. After I went for speciality bloods my fasting insulin results came back less than 6 which shows I am insulin sensitive and I am metabolically healthy.

CalvinHb profile image
CalvinHb in reply toBluelobby

How to discredit your point in one fell swoop "read [YouTube] comments."

Bluelobby profile image
Bluelobby in reply toCalvinHb

I dont discredit real people , I discredit so called studies funded by Kellogg's and big pharma.Anyway back to my ribeyes

CalvinHb profile image
CalvinHb in reply toBluelobby

Lack of rigour automatically discredits, and doesn't discriminate.

Steak looks lovely; natural food, not like the ultra-processed junk Kellogs produce!

Bluelobby profile image
Bluelobby in reply toCalvinHb

I concur

Shabana1974 profile image

Hi Dave thanks for sharing your story, as for those that are critics without professional knowledge.

I have started a plan that is being lead by the UKs NHS Top weightloss centre. It's Run by Dr Saira Hameed PHD in the human Body Hormones and how the body reacts.

There are 46 people on my course atleast 50% have very serious health conditions including my, I have Heart Failure last scan upto 32% , High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Under Active thyroid. Pre Diabetes with a score of 47 so literally border line.

The program is called Satpro. It does not call itself Keto Diet but I would say its extremely similar. But Satpro is backed by Science and its really good for heart patients. Look at the picture all the colours are good for us and the grey are bad for you. Our body doesn't need the cards we throw at it on a daily basis. Example our body need 1spoons of sugar but 150g boiled potatoes is 9 spoons so the fat controller (Insulin) then uses the 1 spoon and sweeps the rest to fat stores.

I have been told to buy Keytone test straps and check a couple of times a week to avoid ketosis. And told to check mu blood pressure as my medication will need lowering as a positive side effects of the plan. And also to check my glucose levels. Also type 2 Diabetics thst have been successful on the plan are no longer Diabetic .

She has written a book for those not lucky enough to get on her plan.

It's Called

The full diet, by Saira Hameed.

And it has a section in there for clinicians and I would take a read of that first so you know what to monitor if you have health problems and you will be able to show your drs this section. As you health improves medication will need lowering.

Best wishes


Cans and can'ts
in reply toShabana1974

That's very interesting. My diet is a modified Keto. I make everything from scratch. For breakfast I have strawberry and Banana smoothies made from frozen mix or eggs when I go to work. For lunch at work I eat pistachios and have regular meat and veg for dinner.I don't snack at night and I fast between 6pm and 9am.

What's important to me is not to spike my blood glucose, and I follow Dr Ben Bikman who has spent his career researching metabolic health and how the fat cell grows and the role insulin plays in telling the body what to do with the energy you consumes.

I use a continuous glucose monitor once every couple of months.

In 2020 my H1bac was 98 it's now 33 and it has been that for the last 2 years.

I have heart disease running rampant in my family and have lost two siblings yo this dreadful disease.

My cardiologist agreed that we were going against mainstream dietary advice but he did say all my bloods were in the optimum range. We backed all this up showing my bypassed vessels had no furring and the original atherosclerosis vessels had not got any worse since the bypass which was 11 months ago.

Because of my physical condition I was chosen to be the first patient to undergo bypass at Spire Hospital.

I excercise daily and so far this year I have cycled over 1000kms outdoors and also cycle indoors on days it's raining. I also walk over 10000 steps per day.

CalvinHb profile image
CalvinHb in reply toShabana1974

Could you share the methodology please? The above is meaningless without that context.

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toCalvinHb

Look her up she's on YouTube as well under Imperial college London account

CalvinHb profile image
CalvinHb in reply toShabana1974

I was meaning the research paper, not YouTube channel.

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toCalvinHb

She talks about the the research and and science in the video or your can buy her book the Full diet. We get all the information on a daily basis. In a few weeks when I have it all.

CalvinHb profile image
CalvinHb in reply toShabana1974

Does it have a link to any research papers? Books and YouTube videos aren't peer reviewed.

CalvinHb profile image
CalvinHb in reply toShabana1974

OK, so what she is saying is avoid ultra-processed foods. Cook from scratch so you know what you are putting into your body.

All great advice. She's certainly not claiming that a fat rich diet will protect against atherosclerosis.

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toCalvinHb

Yes everything from scratch and if you need to use fats then only use from the list. For example a lentil bagel recipe. Or to fry an egg but only a small amount

in reply toShabana1974

I pretty much follow the do's and don't eat anything from the donts. All those foods spike your blood sugars that causes the body to use insulin to control these spikes. I have treat once a month either haagen daz ice cream or cinema mix pop corn.

I don't drink alchohol and I don't take caffeine. I drink decaffeinated coffee. I don't ever want to be cut wide open to do another bypass.

It's sugars that causes NAFLD and the liver ferments these sugars hence the non alcoholic name.

Dementia is now becoming known as Diabetis 3 and I avoid sugars on a daily basis. I still eat real fruit, so bananas, apples and oranges.

I didn't always follow a healthy lifestyle but now I cycle 30 miles per day. I burn around 3000 calories with the excercise I do.

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply to

Yes that's how she explains it the Insulin is the Fat controller. Because your body dose not know whether you put sugar or artificial sweetners in the body so it reacts to the sweet taste in the same way.

BaronFrankenstein profile image
BaronFrankenstein in reply toShabana1974

Jesus. Full fat dairy, coconut and especially ghee are terrible for you. If you want to pile on the weight and wnd up with loads of brown fat around your waist and organs this is the diet for you.

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toBaronFrankenstein

Honestly that's what we have been brainwashed to think. Ans no one's saying use it but the tons. Low fat products is just the commercial companies way in to brainwashing us the think that's better for us. When actually it contains so many harm chemicals. The rule of thumb if you can not identify an ingredients in there raw form don't put it in your mouth. This is not a fad diet. It's Actually lead be science and fully qualified weight loss expert's in the NHS. So they are not making money from us.

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toShabana1974

Also my Arteries are completely clear. No blockages no clots no nothing. On the other hand my poor brother low fat every has had 3 heart attacks fur up Arteries, stent to Bypass blockages the results speak for themselves

in reply toShabana1974

How long since your operation?

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply to

I have don't need surgery luckily. My Angioplasty was November and it results my Arteries are 100% clear no deposit. My biggest enemy is Carbs they are my biggest addiction. But I found a bagel recipe that has absolutely no cards, it's just Red lentils, physeĺlium husk, olive oil, salt, full fat yoghurt. So this will be my new sandwich go to. Nice bit of Chicken Tikka.

BaronFrankenstein profile image
BaronFrankenstein in reply toShabana1974

Do people whondo this type of wating have strenuous jobs or do they tend to have office jobs? I just wondered becuase when ive tried high proteing low arb diets I dont have enough energy duting a 12 hour shift and i am craving carb and sugary foods bad

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toBaronFrankenstein

I am a full-time carer for my hubby that's disabled after a catastrophic stroke 3 years ago. He had a very rare type of Stroke that only 1% of stroke victims suffer.

This is why it's important to follow that Satpro plan and get your energy boasts from other foods.

I am talking about my Personally cares are my biggest enemy and is what has stopped me losing weight. I don't each a lots or oils, fats etc. Maybe a couple of tablespoons a week. But probably more considering over complicated process foods.

CalvinHb profile image
CalvinHb in reply toShabana1974

You have no scientific way of concluding that your diet is the cause. Purely anecdotal.

I'm not saying that it is not the case, but here am I, followed the same diet as you for over a decade, but with quite the opposite in my arteries.

Anecdotal evidence is lethal, as there will always be anomalies.

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toCalvinHb

It is I can give you all the relevant information in a few weeks but right now I am in the early stages. But Dr Saira Hameed has done a PhD into Hormones and the bodies response. I have been on so many courses regarding weightloss I was before 2010 on a project to reduce childhood obesity. But this is the 1st time my mind as been blown and makes perfect sense to me. My brother has been low fat diet for years but his weight isn't shifted.

BaronFrankenstein profile image
BaronFrankenstein in reply toShabana1974

How do you explain obesity in the Asian communities where ghee, coconut milk and yoghurt is used in a lot of traditional Asian foods?

At the end of the day, and I am talking from experience, eating a balanced diet, sensible portions, is the best way to lose weight combined with regular activity and exercise. You lose weight and have good sugar and fat levels in your blood.

Theres no easy diet route to getting healthy and losing weight. My sister for example has tried all the diets known to man but at the end of the day they failed because she hasnt the will power not to go back to eating fatty and sugary foods.

I just think following diets like the Keto may give what appear positive benefits short term but in the long term they may not. I can lose weight quick if i do a couple of weeks of high protein low carbs, but it doesnt stay off in the long term.

I remember a Harry Enfield sketch where its set in the 1930s and the doxtor recommends no exercise, plenty of sausages and 60 cigs a day. Makes me think of that.

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toBaronFrankenstein

85% of Asians use Sunflower oil very Rarely use ghee in the UK. I know as a white British person living in an Asian household and friends, Family and Neighbours. For over 33 years

I never Said I am following a Keto Diet I said Satpro is similar.

And yes oils and low fat over processed and foods that are over processed are very unhealthy in reality.

It's about returning to pure unadulterated foods like butter, Ghee fresh fruits and veg and in moderation.

Your example is like saying if you drink enough orange juice you will actually get drunk.

Nobody should eat or drink certain foods in excess. Its about moderation

I use Rapeseed oil (vegetable oil) As it has similar in properties but turns out its an Imflammation promoter.

I don't eat fried potatoes of any kind as in plays havoc with my IBS..

MoretonCross profile image
MoretonCross in reply toShabana1974

I agree with all of the above... Stay clear of ALL plant seed oils rapeseed, sunflowerseed and any others. Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil good but expensive now, however you should be able to afford it owing to the savings from not buying low fat products and other such items. I shall check out the doctor's book and video that you recommend, it seems we are on the same page 😀 Thanks for posting. All the best to you...

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toMoretonCross

For me the cost of my health is more important. And yes the £4 bottle of extra virgin Olive oil 1 Litre is now £8.40. Honestly it's opened my eyes she displayed a white box and asked if we eat it obviously everyone said well we don't know what it is. She said exactly so why are you not doing the same with labels the list of chemicals in it do you know what they are. She's 💯 why are we putting unidentifiable food in our bodies. We all need to return to food as Nature intended.

Stentsandrun profile image
Stentsandrun in reply toShabana1974

Butter, Ghee, lard, dripping and coconut oil?? You are not actually being serious are you?? I do believe you are just trolling to be honest!

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toStentsandrun

Yet again a troll without education barks. I have reported your offensive attitude if you don't have anything nice to say don't tag me

Stentsandrun profile image
Stentsandrun in reply toShabana1974

I tell you what, give one of the BHF nurses a ring and run your advice regarding the Butter, Ghee, dripping and coconut oil past them?

I have also reported your response for resorting to insults, if that's the best you can do I'll leave it there.

Anyway let us know what the nurse has to say?

Shabana1974 profile image
Shabana1974 in reply toStentsandrun

No 1 if you can't handle insults don't hand them out.No 2 at your age you should know better than to fall for the processed hype

No 3 This information is from a fully qualified Dr with a PhD in the human Hormones and the bodies response. So her opinion regarding food is far more superior than a nurse

No 4 no one is so stupid to go eat gallons of the stuff in a day. But if a food requires some kind of fat it's better to use Natural fats rather than chemicals or Inflammation causing oils.

You don't have to follow good advice carry on pouring poison into your body

Hel52 profile image

Hi davebla67

That’s amazing if you have found the right diet for you with the help of healthy professionals and it’s going in the right direction for you congratulations on your weight loss and coming of some medications

Regards Hel52.

DWizza profile image

I don’t do keto , eat homemade breads, potatoes , rice, oats (all types) etc and my lipids are also optimal and I’m not pre diabetic 👍🏻. More of a Mediterranean diet overall. I suggest that you have created a calorie deficit in your Leto diet and lost weight , your body will function better . I’m not sold on the high saturated fat content of a keto.

With regards to populations and obesity it is commonly found that the increase is due to the access of western type diets , fast foods , ultra processed foods that are hugely calorie dense and highly palatable. This leads to the over consumption of energy that isn’t used up and stored as fat. Whatever anybody says , we can’t beat the laws of thermal dynamics and basal metabolic rates, energy in vs energy out. Feed your dog more and walk it less , it gets fat. Same applies to human 🤣👊🏻

in reply toDWizza

I don't eat oats or any form of Cereal as it causes huge blood glucose spikes. I do eat potatoes and occasionally pilau rice.I make chips using olive oil and I never eat out of takeaways and ultra processed fruits are a no no.

I kicked out caffeine due to effects on withdrawal from it during my first CT angiogram. I just listened to my body and decided it was not good for me. I don't drink alchohol.

I certainly would criticise your diet and for me it's all about my bloods and we are all very different, so what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for someone else. My carbs come from natural sources,so fruit and vegetables.

On average I burn 3000 calories per day and do not lead a sedentary life style.

in reply to

Ultra processed fruits should read ultra processed foods.

Sb1171 profile image

It would be great if there was a universally "good" diet that worked for everyone, but I don't think it exists.

Humans evolved as hunter gatherers and therefore are well adapted to eat protein, animal and fish fats and some carbs in the form of fruit, vegetables, berries and nuts. Over recent years (in evolutionary time) we have selectively bred wheat and rice and used them as a primary food source (agricultural revolution). This allowed larger populations to be fed with much less effort/cost. In some parts of the world we have also adopted dairy food sources. Finally, we found the potato in the new world.

Wheat, pasta, rice, potatoes and dairy are not what we evolved to eat and it is only recently that we have started to adapt to these food sources with varied success. For example some people are fine with dairy, yet a large part of the world's population is lactose intolerant. Many seem fine with wheat, others are gluten intolerant to some extent (often unaware).

A predominantly or heavily carb based diet uses glucose as the energy source. This requires the body to use insulin to manage. Some seem to cope fine with this, for others (perhaps with less adapted genes in this regard?) it seems to be a path to insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

In the end, I think it means that if you put the wrong fuel in, the engine will run badly and this will lead to inflammation which can lead to all sorts of ills, including diabetes, heart disease, strokes, cancer etc.

It is not always easy to find out which fuels you are personally best suited for, but there is a sort of "base" human diet based around meat, fish, above ground vegetables, berries, fruit and nuts. This is often called the "Paleo" diet. It's also worth bearing in mind that "meat" meant lean game, not force fed, selectively bred, fat cows and pigs. With the exception of grains it also forms the core of the "mediterranean" diet. Building on this base we can add the "new fuels" that we seem to personally deal well with and drop the rest!

Here is my CGM from today. I had a banana before going on my Peloton for 1 hr at 9am. At 11am I ate 5 eggs, I then walked 10000 steps around the trafford centre. For a snack, I had half punnet of fresh stawbs and for dinner I had cabbage and mince.

Just going out for a 4k country walk.

Will then fast until tomorrow morning and then I will have a banana before 15mile cycle to work.

Continously glucose monitor.

God knows what is right , what is wrong.

I thought I was doing right 🤣

breakkie -Greek yoghurt and fruits or porridge and fruits

lunch - Sardines on sourdough or beans on sourdough or salad with sourdough

evening - one chapati, veggie or lentils , sometimes meat.

I've decided that what I ate compared to some others wasn't a recipe for a heart attack, so have continued to do so.

One day they tell you it's bad to eat something, then they tell you it's actually good, then they say stop it will kill you.

Who knows....

Stentsandrun profile image

100% agree. We are far too used to cheap food in this country and an awful lot of it is full of rubbish we don't kneed. As you say if it's been made in a factory don't go near it if you can avoid it.

TasteLessFood4Life profile image

I am a bit baffled about this ongoing battle Carb vs Fat diet. It is hard enough to go leftfield and go on a heart healthy diet by giving up all the tasty and delicious food. But it would be rubbing salt into the wounds, if I have to give up healthy/wholemeal bread, carbs, oats too- what can you have then? Dont like eggs, not a huge meat eater? So, Keto out of the window.

Why arent there medical studies showing the benefits of the keto diet for a wider group of people?

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply toTasteLessFood4Life

Sadly to confuse you even more & talking of salt! We've not used salt in our cooking for over 20+ years, though when we eat out obviously we have no control over how much salt is used and up to now that's never been a problem. However, any salt is now a no no as it immediately causes my husband to retain fluid, that makes eating out quite difficult! But, apparently the Japanese have a very salty diet and they have the lowest incidence of heart disease! Studies are currently being carried out to find out why this is the case. I think more & more that diet etc is not a case of one size fits all which is why targeting treatment, meds etc is very much in vogue.

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