My partner was put on bisoporolol in October last year, this was done because he passed out at work in August, following investigation it was discovered that he had an irregular/ extra heart beat. One week on he collapsed after getting out of bed first thing in the morning, this happened again a week later , both times leading up to this collapse he had a severe pain in the middle of his chest , we went to the doctors , he put this down to the aspirin upsetting his tummy and reflux after laying down all night, the pain did not radiate to his arms or jaw.
He put him on Lansaprazole to protect the stomach from the aspirin.
About a month later he had a sudden cardiac arrest at home on 6th Dec last year. I performed the CPR for about 8 mins until the cardiac response team arrived , it took 7 shocks on the defib to get him back.
After a time in intensive care and CCU he was fitted with an ICD , he has a dangerous LV arrithmya . He left hospital on Bisoprolol still, amongst a lot of other meds.
On 13th Jan his ICD delivered a shock, again he had gone into arrest , thank goodness for the ICD.
He went back in hospital , he had a procedure to try and bring on a cardiac arrest to see what part of the heart was causing the problem , they were looking for Spasm, they could not bring one on. He has an idiopathic diagnosis, they don't know why he arrested.
They then took him off bisoprolol and put him on sotolol , he felt the best he had been on these . Then his consultant called and said they wanted to try him on Nebivolol, he tool them for 2 days and ended up arresting again . He is now back on sotolol and this is the best he has been.
Sorry for long text , I was just wondering if anyone else who has suffered an SCA has been swapped between nebivolol and sotolol and what the results were like ?
Thankyou in advance