Would appreciate any info regarding a rise in potassium levels after beginning Entresto.
Thank you .Cheers.
Would appreciate any info regarding a rise in potassium levels after beginning Entresto.
Thank you .Cheers.
Sorry I have no advice hope your post gets seen and others will offer theirs but you could ask your Doctor or pharmacist and see if they can help
Hope you are keeping well x
Hi am1875, I've taken Entresto 24mg/26mg for over a year now and whenever I get results of a blood test my gp doesn't highlight potassium so I'm assuming it's OK. Sorry I couldn't help further. Take care.
My husband often has high potassium but this is something that's been an issue for years, well before he started Entresto, previously it was candesartan or spirolactone that was the culprit. Is there anything in particular you wanted to know about? Do you know what your potassium level is?
I don’t know if it is diet or whatever. It went from 3.7 to 4.7. My diet and meds have been consistent with the exception of increasing the Entresto dosage. Thanks for responding.
I believe Entresto can increase your potassium slightly but if your level is within range (between 3.5 & 5.2) I don't think your medical team would be concerned. Potassium levels can be affected by the way your blood is taken (if you make a fist when they're drawing blood this affects the level) the way the blood is transported to the lab can also affect it, if the blood is kept too long before being tested, this can also affect the levels. In the UK if your potassium is showing above range (over 5.2) then you usually have a other blood test a week later as false high potassium reading are very common. It could be yours was a false high reading but because it's still in range it's not necessary for it to be re-tested.
Just as an aside, other meds can increase your level even if you've been taking them for sometime (even years) with no problems. So it could be a combination of Entresto &/or other meds.