Hi, my Mum had a bypass on Tuesday and is doing well but her potassium levels are low and they're having to give her potassium chloride through a drip. I spoke with her nurse who didn't seem too concerned but does anyone know why this happens? Her levels were low pre-surgery too, is this related to heart disease? Thanks in advance for any insight you can give.
Low potassium levels : Hi, my Mum had a... - British Heart Fou...
Low potassium levels

I have high potassium with heart problems. It goes with being older...high or low.Can also be kidney problems.Apparently, accord. to my GP potassium can be high in the winter and lower at other times of the year. The sample of blood,doc. said, does not like being moved after they have drawn blood to do a test.I sugggest your mothers GP will need to monitor the pota. levels when he does your mothers routine blood tests. So remind him about this.Mine has stabalised and doc. got a kidney and bladder scan done.which was said to me by radiologist to be ok.
This can be quite common and why the Nurses were not alarmed when you asked them
The drip should do the trick and like has already been said make sure for a while her Doctor keeps checking them when she comes home
Try and relax easier said than done but she is going to be ok
Just found on BHF this and when you read it as I will put the link on as it is always best to stay on the BHF than google I hope it will also help reassure you x
Hi seabridge
I can only say for definate that it's heart related from my own experience I was on potassium tablets because mine was low I would of preferred it in a drip!. I think the water tablets can mess with potassium levels but I'm not sure as I'm not a doctor. Hopefully I have given a little bit of insight, apologies if not and I wish your mum all the best ❤️.
It's often related to the use of diuretics the fluid balance in the body, and how well the kidneys function.It's important as without enough potassium nerves and even the brain can be affected.
I have to take potassium in soluble form in water, it tastes awful!
Hi Seabridge, after my HA and Bypass my potassium levels were low,over a couple of months they did stabilise again but regular blood tests and some meds for a little while seen things settle, 😊
My potassium and sodium levels were dangerously low after taking diuretics and it was only found because I had to go to A&E over something totally unrelated to these levels. I think diuretics can be dangerous and I am thankfully, no longer taking them.