In 2013 I had a tissue aortic valve fitted. In 2022 I was advised by the Hospital that my valve came from a batch that in a small number of cases failed prematurely and so I should have an annual Echo to ensure all is well. This year my Insurance Company are refusing to pay for my Echo having decided it is a “chronic condition”. Has anyone else been affected by this situation?
Faulty aortic tissue valve: In 2013 I... - British Heart Fou...
Faulty aortic tissue valve

Dear Deltona
What a pity. Not sure I would want to know about the possibility of the valve failing. I had an Edwards Resilia in 2020 and the expected lifetime was 15 to 25 years.
But I get an annual scan as a matter of routine.
I paid to have the op done privately, but the NHS do the scans. And they do the scans very efficiently.
Heck, after my TAVI last July I asked my surgeon how long my tissue valve would last and he proudly said "five years"! He wants me to have a check-up (scan) every year. I paid for my operation but hope to discuss with my GP my future care and who manages it (the more so as I saw a gastroenterologist privately who wants me to have a further blood test soon and am about to see an NHS haematologist about anaemia). Last Spring I had a series of scans with the NHS and all were provided reasonably promptly.
your valve will last a lot longer than 5 years. I had a new valve in 2020 and since then huge improvements have been made.
Plus, the recent valves will accept a future TAVi whereas mine will not.
I think annual scans are the norm. By the NHS.
Best wishes
Was your Resilia valve replacement via TAVI or OHS? Mine was the latter (2022), via a minimally invasive procedure. I've never been clear whether TAVI valves are different from those used in OHS & therefore might have a different life expectancy? Like you I was advised that the Resilia valve was a good substrate for a future TAVI replacement should the Tissue valve start to deteriorate.
Incidentally, re annual echocardiogram checks, like you, I have to date had annual scans. But my cardiologist has intimated that should all still be OK at my next scan, then NHS guidelines now suggest scans are only needed every 5 years, which does seem a worryingly long interval!
Hi DinoCat I had a Edwards Inspira valve in via TAVI last year I was told it had a life tme of 20 years and can be replaced with another valve via TAVI now as can the open hearts . afar as I am aware its exactly the same valve just inserted a less invasive way
I had OHS. I was offered TAVi but went for OHS.
Interesting point you raised…are TAVi valves the same as OHS valves.
I thought my valve (2020) did not have the option for a later TAVi.
My last annual scan was May 2023. All clear. I think I will get another scan this year. But everything changes, doesn’t it.
I am very pleased with my valve. Now I want the rest of my body changed to keep up. If only.
Best wishes