Hi, I am new to this site and would like to tell my story. In 2020 I was diagnosed with left bundle branch block. In 2020/2021 I had echo and ctca scan, both results were normal however I have constant symptoms of heart problems which my GP seems happy to dismiss. Any ideas how I can get them to listen thank you x
Saying hi: Hi, I am new to this site... - British Heart Fou...
Saying hi

I am so sorry you feel dismissed by your Doctor
The only thing I would do is tell them that even though they think there is nothing to worry about you know the symptoms you are feeling and strongly believe they are not what you should be feeling and so therefore would they please refer you
If they refuse tell them to put on your records that you strongly believe something is not right and they refuse to refer you sometimes this makes them sit up a little
Or you could see another Doctor in the same surgery and ask for a second opinion
The only other thing is going private to get some tests done even though I know this is not always possible for so many of us to be able to do
I hope others will come and give you some suggestions
Let us know how you get on x
Thank you, I like the idea of having it logged on my records that they refuse x
A few years ago when I had double pneumonia I thought every system I was telling the Doctor would be on my records
Without going into detail they made some huge errors and I started to take it further to my horror half of what I know I had told them had not been logged so basically it was my word against theirs and the matter could not go any further
Since then I have now got access to the On Line System which is where you can see your records etc and what has been put and many times as always they have not written what has been said but I phone up and let them know and at least ask them to put what I have said as I always trusted everything was logged as was said when speaking with my Doctor but found out the hard way that it is not always the case
So that is why I would suggest to anyone if they are not happy with their Doctors view ask them to put what you have said on their records and if you are on the On line system check they have if not ask to see it
I really hope if you persevere you will get a referral
There is a saying know one knows their own bodies more than we do and I agree with that saying so if you think more needs to be done keep going till they listen to you x
hi I have heard lots of people say the same thing and it personally happened to me if you read my profile as it’s too much to go into - I felt no one believed my symptoms and because of numerous visits to the doctors they kept saying there was nothing wrong and because I “look” well they couldn’t refer me! I started with LBBB years ago and last October diagnosed with Heart Failure! Now have a device fitted with a defibrillator! I had to go private to get someone to listen to me so keep saying ‘you know your own body and symptoms when something is wrong’ and ask them to put it on your records that nothing is being done. I had to even beg the private cardiologist to do an echo as he said I look well and I don’t drink or smoke and a healthy diet. The echo that time showed up that my heart was only pumping at 35%. Now I’ve been diagnosed properly they can’t do enough for me and have allocated me one specific GP for consistency. Why do they wait until you get really ill? I’m all for preventative care before things get worse. I suppose it’s their guidelines and the NHS is under so much pressure. Good luck and don’t give up! Joy
Thank you for your response I will definitely contact my GP as heart failure scares me and I don't want to be fobbed off x
Not everyone is the same it could be something completely different this was just my experience. Let us know how you get on. The best test to have is an echocardiogram. All the best. Joy
I will thank you, thankfully my echo was all normal but that was back in 2021 x
I was diagnosed with LBBB age 32, had echo in 2016 it was EF 61%, had an echo in March 2024 EF 40% . Now age 66. heart catscan showed severe stenosis but angiogram showed only mild. So not arteries. Going for MRI soon. You know your body, keep pushing for checks and tests.
also what are your symptoms? Mine were very low blood pressure, dizzy, near fainting with falls, sick on one occasion, pain in neck and across shoulders and after being a Walker for years started to get very heavy feeling in legs and tired and couldn’t walk far. These symptoms came on slowly over the years they didn’t happen all at once and every time I got to see a gp I didn’t have the symptoms. I’d say they started when I was middle 50’s and I’m now 64.
Very similar symptoms, bp is fine, shoulders and neck ache but I have arthritis in my neck, my legs feel heavy some days and I can't walk very fast but used to be able to but iv stopped excersising so I put it down to being out of condition as I work from home so am really lazy, I used to be very active. X