hello, I wondered if anyone has any information around the risks of a general anaesthetic when you have CHD? I have a mild atheroma in my LAD. I need to have surgery for breast cancer and I’m worried about whether a GA carries more risks for me. I don’t think I’ll see the anaesthetist until shortly before the op so just wanted to ask if others had any experience. I’m not keen to Google as that tends to set off my health anxiety and I don’t want to go there!!
general anaesthetic with CHD - British Heart Fou...
general anaesthetic with CHD

you should have a breast cancer nurse assigned to you, so you can ask her. Otherwise, try one of the charities e.g. MacMillan
I would have thought the risk of continuing life without having your breast cancer surgery and perhaps also risks associated with the procedure itself would far outweigh any risk that would arise from you having mild atheroma. But that assessment is down to your surgeon and certainly the anaesthetist who will be trained in dealing with situations like yours, and will no doubt have managed many similar cases before you, and will be consulting your medical records prior to the procedure, and these risks will be discussed with you before you sign the consent form. Certainly CHD was discussed with me when I have had three or more medical procedures involving a GA subsequent to my HA and finding out at the time I have moderate to severe blockages in all heart arteries.
I had BV surgery in 2008 and had my congenital hole in my heart diagnosed in 2020! I was fine. I also have bronchiectasis an had no problems with the anaesthetic for my heart surgery. Good luck. Have you joined the BC forum forum.breastcancernow.org as I found it very helpful during treatment. I also made good friends with 15 others there and we are still in contact 16 years later.
Thankyou so much, that’s good to know and great to find out about the BC forum, I will look for that. Thankyou x
Also, get a form signed to get free prescriptions - if you are in the UK - see cancerresearchuk.org/about-... "Contact your GP practice and request a Medical Exemption (EC92A) form to be completed by your GP. Your GP is required to complete the EC92A to verify that you have a medical condition that entitles you to free NHS prescriptions." Here is the form selsdonparkmedicalpractice.... Good luck