hi, I’m new here. I’ve just spend 4 days in hospital due to a high pulse rate, palpitations and dizziness. Ecg, X-ray and all bloods came back clear but the problem persists. I’ve been put on beta blockers which have brought my pulse rate down but not stopped palpitations. I have to go back for an echo and 24 hour monitoring. I was just wondering if anyone has experienced this? I’m 38, don’t smoke, hardly drink, healthy weight. I’m unable to live my life right now and I’m so scared
palpitations and high pulse - British Heart Fou...
palpitations and high pulse

I have both a high pulse and palpitations however, they are not as consistent as yours. The holter monitor is a good test to have as it will rule out any abnormal heart rhythms you are having and the frequency of them. If it shows that the frequency or level of your heart rhythms is high then they will either investigate further or put you on medications to control it. Just remember however, ectopic beats and palpitations are usually harmless. I know they are very scary when we get them as I used to feel this way when I started experiencing them for the first time however, once you get over the fear that they don’t put you in immediate danger, you should hopefully be okay.
Good luck for the test.
All the best.
I spent 2 days in hospital with this last month. I was told I had heart failure but after an echo, it showed that my heart is perfectly healthy and nothing to worry about. I struggle with anxiety and stress so they’re putting it down to that. I wouldn’t worry too much if the tests you’ve had so far are clear. I know it’s easier said than done but stressing about it will definitely make all those things worse xx
I agree. Wait until the echo and monitor. They will show up more results and hopefully they will be clear as well. Your vitals are all ok, so I would try not too worry too much.
Sorry to hear you’ve been in hospital and suffering! Earlier in the year I started getting episodes of a very fast pulse (190-200s) which was very scary. I also started getting palpitations and dizziness on standing and sometimes exercise. I had a 10 day monitor which picked up an abnormal rhythm and I’ve got an echo this weekend.
I am 31, fairly active, don’t smoke and very rarely drink, but I am a long term anxiety sufferer and have been very slim my whole life. It seems to happen to anyone, I definitely didn’t have any history before this!
I had an appointment with a cardiologist about a month ago and since then I’ve definitely become less scared of the symptoms. Knowing what it is makes a huge difference and also knowing how to deal with it too takes away the fear. I take beta blockers and can also take extra if needed. I had an episode last week which lasted half an hour but after taking a beta blocker it calmed down and it was a good feeling knowing I was back in control!
Hope you find out what it is soon, this forum is so friendly and helpful so hopefully you will find lots of useful advice!
Thank you so much. That’s the thing, the doctors didn’t explain much to me, so the fear has been huge! My brain automatically goes to “you’re going to die” I have also been put on beta blockers, they are helping to control my pulse, but I’m still getting the palpitations. Xx
I can really relate to that, my gp was the one that did the monitor and he couldn’t tell me what it was other than abnormal, so I was waiting months to speak to a cardiologist who knew what it was and said not to worry as it’s not life threatening! But those months in between, I was so scared to do anything and cut out any thing that might raise my heart rate at all! The only advice my gp could give me was that if it lasted longer than 10 minutes to phone an ambulance 😅 which didn’t reassure me much!!
Do you have any follow up appointment with a cardiologist? Xx
Hi 👋 i had this just over a year ago my heart was racing i couldn’t sleep . Dr put me straight to hospital . I had chest x-ray ECG and bloods . bloods came back normal so did x-ray . so i was put on medication . About a month later i went to see cardiologist. ( my husband got private through his work ) Had Echo turns out i have a moderate leaky mitral valve . i’m on Verapamil. That’s what caused the racing heart . it’s still fast at times . can go up to 133 when out for a walk . but i feel fine . i don’t drink never smoked . went to gym about 4 times a week . so just goes to show it can happen to anyone , Hope you get answers and feel better soon xx
I have had similar am ok for a few months in-between then another attack I go straight to A & E now if they are making me feel unwell or going on longer than an hour they know what drugs to give me to stop them and you don't suffer so much exhaustion afterwards and its good for them to see what's happening