Hi everyone. Firstly an apology for not updating sooner, my mind has been in a terrible place and i basically switched off from everything heart related. In my last post Id been admitted to hospital again and was told by the consultant that they would transfer me to New Cross as an inpatient because of the frequency of my episodes. This was the last time I posted. Again my apologies for the delay but my head has been in absolute turmoil since. The day after my last post the consultant at the hospital came to see me, he stated that he had studied my angiogram thoroughly with his colleagues and was happy to send me home with the knowledge that I had an appointment with my surgeon on 11th Sep. He said that my original diagnosis (3 vessel disease) was perhaps exagerrated and to him he believed that 3x bypass would not be required and my worse case would be a single bypass. You can imagine my relief. Fast forward to meeting the surgeon. I left the surgeons office going from originally needing 3x bypass then thinking 1x bypass but the surgeon clearly stated that I need a quadruple. My likelyhood of a severe or fatal heart attack within the next 5 years was pretty much guaranteed without the surgery(i did ask) so thats where im at. Waiting for a date now and results of a head MRI with contrast as they found cysts on my brain (explains some of my symptoms) The craziest thing has happened to me despite all of this. I am now ready for the surgery, keen to get it done and actually waiting for the daily post to arrive in apprehension of a letter from the surgeon. I believe that the last 8 months have been the toughest challenge of my life and ive got through it, (thanks to family and all the information and advice ive received from you guys) if thats possible then i can get through the next step, its been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least but its like my brain has flipped a "ive had enough of this, lets get it done" switch. Thank you everyone for all the support. I sometimes have to escape my own mind so please accept my apologies again if I go quiet. Much love x
Still waiting bypass: Hi everyone... - British Heart Fou...
Still waiting bypass

Just to say if you need a single , triple , quadruple heart Bypass the operation procedure is still the same I suppose the less Bypasses that need doing you just might not be in theatre as long but other than that I cannot see any difference
I was told I needed a triple and a Triple I had but I also remember saying if you find any more just do them I thought I don't want to go through it again so do whatever you need to
I think we do so much worrying and I was just about you that in the end I just wanted it all over with and I hope you get your date soon so this is done with then and you can concentrate on getting on with your life
The cysts on your brain will you be needing any treatment for those ?
It must have felt like another blow on top of everything else and sorry to hear about this finding when they did your scan
Please never say sorry for not posting or updating I think we all understand sometimes we get so overloaded we just need some time out to get our heads together
Nice to see your update today and when you feel like it let us know how you get on x
Hi Bekind, they found the cysts a few weeks ago during a head ct scan as I temporarily lost use of my left arm, had an MRI and just waiting to see the outcome or if any treatment is required. I will definitely update when i hear something. Thank you
Ahhh don't worry you needed to time to process everything you been told! I know I would. Wow that's alot of difference in opinions one minute it's a triple then a single then a quadraple totally get why you needed space x hope your not waiting to long for surgery and appointments keep us all updated when you can take care! ❤️
Thank you, like Bekind has said it makes no difference whether its 1 or 4. They told me about 4 months wait, i was relieved that i could still do a decent xmas with the kids but to be honest, id take a cancellation tomorrow x
what a message of inspiration for all of us waiting in a state of anxiety
Stay strong and every best wish to you

So true Jessica… my sister said I need to take Ativan, or something similar so as not to be so anxious and always thinking about tomorrow and beyond. I’ve read on many pages (FB) that so many of us are in the same state. The “not knowing” that is hard to put out of your thoughts.
Thanks Redheart, best thing abt being on here is knowing each of us is not alone in this

And JessicaRed, only since I’ve joined this forum, did I realize I was not the only one, phew!
Hello Stevie, gosh what a lot for you to take on board. Please never apologise for not posting. We are all here for each other, whenever that may be. I do hope you get a date for bypass asap. Having had 4 x CABG a couple of years ago, I was very glad to have the surgery. I also hope that you hear about the treatment following your cysts diagnosis very soon. Take care and remember we are here for you. Judi
Hi, sorry you have been through all this uncertainty but now at least you know where you are at. You’re also in the right mindset so hopefully you won’t have long to wait and will soon have had the operation and on the road to recovery. Wishing you all the best going forward.
wow Steve what a strong person you are and inspirational to us all. It’s that encouragement and support we all need at times.
Get this next step over and you will feel a new man!
It’s great to hear from you and keep positive the operation changed my friends life some 10 years ago at 86 .
sorry to hear what you have been going through, but glad you now feel ready to take it on. Good luck with it all.
Thanks for posting, you have certainly been on a rollercoaster I wish you all the best and hope you get the operation date soon 😊
Hi Stevie,it sounds like you've had a tough past 8 months, but you're ready to go for it now.. well done and I wish you well, keep us posted and take care 👍👍
Wish I could be of more intelligent help but all I can offer is "Hang on in there", try to be as merry as you can, even in this very bad time, and accept warm good wishes from others in similar predicaments.
My sympathy goes out to you my friend my head is in the same place, I have been waiting for a heart transplant for 9 months now and if I don’t get it soon that will be my lot.
Stay strong my friend it will happen and you will be running marathons 😉
Goodness me you are far too young to have to go through all this and teh varying opinions can't be good for your confidence. I'm not surprised you need to switch off for while. I do h ope your bypass happens soon. However many it is it's better to get them all done at once than to need another operation. I hope it happens soon for you. The cysts are a whole other matter. I think you need to compartmentalise them ie try to ignore one while dealing with the other. I wish you the very very best.
All the very best to you, will be thinking of you.
Hi, Stevie335,
I am so sorry that you have had to go through all of this. It sounds like you have been in a very difficult place, and needed a “time out” from all of it.
I do understand that feeling of finally just complying or accepting or giving in. It can arrive like flipping a switch, and it often feels like a relief to stop struggling against what must be.
You are lucky to have much support and understanding from your family. That is such a good thing! Plus, it sounds like you have a very good surgeon in place. I hope that all goes extremely well for you with surgery! ❤️ Hopefully, you will feel much improved once you have the surgery!
I consider myself very fortunate, having self admitted with minor chest irritation. Told I had been having a mild heart attack. 8 days later with out going home was all set for a double bypass. 8 hours later came round having had a quadruple bypass. 6 days later back home. Forward 15 months feeling better than have done for years. Moral of story don't always settle for less, sometimes more is better ❤️
Wow !! Thank you everyone. The support and well wishes is amazing. I really appreciate it xxxx
Good luck. I had triple 2 years ago. You have the right attitude. "OK, let's get this done." I was the same. I was almost a month in hospital waiting, postponed once, but as soon as I knew where it was heading I just rolled with it, went with the flow and didn't worry at all. Even slept like a log the night before.