Gi everyone I currently on ramiprill and biosoporlol for my prolapse valve and tachycardia. Recently I have been suffering with leg cramps that are so painful and happen out of no where, I then have pain in calf for 48 hours and just managing to walk. Has anyone else suffered with this and if so what did you do? Thanks
leg cramps: Gi everyone I currently on... - British Heart Fou...
leg cramps

I do not get keg cramps as bad as you but sometimes if I stretch in bed I get one and they are so painful
I am not in Ramipril but I do believe that some of those that are have had this problem to
Maybe speak to your Doctor as there are alternative meds they could try
Let us know how you get on x
Yes I have SEVERE leg cramps mostly at night as soon as I lay down .I am on bisoprol & apixaban. If I manage to get to sleep they wake me constantly, my ankles an feet become rigid and I have to pull them back into shape also normal cramping in calves and thighs very painful doctors given me amitriptyline which makes me groggy, tried magnesium oil rubbed in to legs not helping but saying this I am a lot older than you, hope you get advice on here
I had that issue with Ramipril, talk to your doctor asap about it.
I am currently taking Ramipril following a triple by pass. I get general aches pretty much all over and a feeling of fatigue. I'm loath to say that it's due to the Ramp because I'm taking 8 others 6 of which are new to me.
I think it's certainly worth speaking to your Dr to see if there can be an adjustment.
If you are not restricted try drinking more water every day as dehydration is the most common cause of cramps. Try 3.5ltrs for males or 2.5ltrs for females. Hope its that simple for you.
hi all thanks for the advice: went and seen the GP today and they are going to take bloods next week. Gave me an anti inflammatory gel to use on the leg until blood results come back.
We can get really depleted on magnesium and is very safe to take and better taken internally as powder or capsules than a spray in my experience. A good dose of magnesium helps stop my cramps and also helps the heart:
I recently purchased magnesium citrate but it’s sat in my drawer as I was told it causes loose bowels and couldn’t cope with that I would be frightened to leave the house !!!! Anyone tried this and not been effected, I’m only getting about 2 hours sleep due to the severe cramps. Oil rubbed into legs no help at all !
In my case it does not affect me with loose bowel. However, I would purchase a different type if you are concerned, there are many and magnesium glycinate or mag bisglycinate is a good one for the heart. There are many on the market, and the powders are great as fast acting. If you buy one on Amazon make sure the reviews are solid. I don't know what you can get at Holland and Barratt. Sadly a lot of health food stores selling magnesium have now closed down. Here is one of several I have tried:
Hi. Could be Ramipril (I am on this and do get them) but have heard that statins can cause cramps as well. See your doctor asap.