Hi everyone I finally had my MRI scan took nearly two hours, they had to put canula in my wrist because of my very shy veins ( kind of saw that coming anyway), this was so I could have the dye to show my aorta. Lying down for that long wasn't good for me I felt so dizzy and off balance so I had to take it easy the staff were amazing! Brilliant care 👌❤️, they gave me some water and asked me to sit down had to keep an eye on me for a bit they said I looked pale and I felt bit rubbish, resolved really quickly though. I was able to watch despicable me the whole thing! That's how long scan took 😅. They said I will get scan results in 2 weeks but that's just how long will take to get to St barts x so I'm hoping I won't be waiting too long for results because once again another test result! I'm waiting for like 4 test results! ❤️.
MRI appointment ✅: Hi everyone I... - British Heart Fou...
MRI appointment ✅

Bless you! What a day of it you've had, glad you've had your MRI though!! I'm not a fan myself get so claustrophobic! Hoping you get speedy results 😊 x
Hi waiting is all we seem to do for one thing or another! At least your test is over now. I had to have cannula in both writs AFTER they’d had a good go digging about elsewhere on arms!!!
Fingers crossed all your results come soon - like buses all at once!

Ah thanks x ahh it's not nice is it having it in wrist but the staff were incredible didn't hurt at all taking it out did though x
Hi. I’m so pleased that you finally got this done. It seems like you have been waiting a long time. It sounds like it was a bit of an ordeal but it’s over now and hopefully they won’t take too long to get the results to you. Xx
Thanks hun! Me too it was driving me crazy waiting for this appointment and yep definitely was an ordeal 😅❤️. I hope i will get results soon they had to take so many pictures more then expected x
That’s so great to hear! Sorry there was a bit of discomfort but I’m sure having the results and knowing what is wrong will be worthwhile. X
That's a long old time to be in the machine, so can imagine it wasn't pleasant by any shape or form, but thankfully it's done now and you will now get a clear answer as regards to how everything is going 👍🏾I'm not surprised you felt off afterwards. Glad to hear they treated you well as that always helps the experience.
Fingers crossed for you hun 🤞🏾x
Glad you have finally had it done, hopefully won't be too long for the results mine took about 10 days, so I hope the same for you xx
Good morning I hope yr fully recovered now from all that and dont have too long to await results x take care
Hey 2 hour scan omg was you laying in that tunnel the whole time ? How did you watch a film was it on a screen attached to the scanner ?
Hope you're feeling better today 🤗

Yeah whole time I was lying flat and had to keep doing breathing, breathe in, breathe out and stop breathing must of done that like 50 times and the screen was like a mirror showing the TV on the wall so I could watch a film really helped although my eyes kept watering and I kept yawning lol and couldn't move at all so that sucked alot x
I'm sure it did ,I'm not sure I could cope not being able to move I'd freak out, well done you though hope you are going to treat yourself to some kind of reward 😉

Ahh thanks hun x yeah I think I will hopefully tomorrow too tired today I woke up at 11 and ok still tired my eyes are so heavy and half asleep.
MRI sounds so simple, but can actually be quite a trauma. Nobody seems to prepare you for what's about to happen, the time you will be in, the noise. I am a larger gentleman so it was tighter as I slipped in. I had my hands above my head and my eyes closed trying to imagine a beach scene with building works going on around. The time seemed endless, then somebody rushed out to inject dye into my cannula which was on my wrist behind my head. The worst feeling ever as my body started to over boil, the noise seemed to get louder and my heart rate went through the roof. I'm now banging on the machine to get out, wiggling my feet in the hope that someone could see I was in trouble, but we were close to finishing and they wanted their pictures. Eventually I was sliding out to a trauma team, oxygen and rushed blue light back to ICU of my originating hospital. It was touch and go for a while until I was stabilised. Hopefully, never again..
OMG. You poor thing. I really felt for you when l read of your awful experience. Some things in this life, that we have to endure, are so terrible and difficult to understand. I expect that experience will be etched on your mind forever. Like you say “never again.” Take care xxx
Oh wow that sounds traumatic! You poor thing 💔😳😯😢. I had a button in my hand the whole time I could squeeze if I felt unwell of anything, and I had my hands near my side the whole time and the canula was hooked up to a pump that injected the dye felt bit uncomfortable when they did that they let me know when they was gona do it so that helped alot x
oh my good grief that sounds truly AWFUL
I Recently had a ct contrast of brain neck horrible burning in the donut scanner followed by a lung chest donut scan at least head wasn't in machine and not so much burning more warm tingly
2 more to come of heart and aortagram don't even know how that will be, hopefully in the donut !
Ahh bless you. At least they’re finished now. Once this one goes in hopefully they will give you an appointment. I have an appointment there next month, I might see you there 😄. All the best x
Ah wow what time and date are you there mine is November for my appointment with consultant x
Mine is Friday 13 October 2pm😊I had one for November to see Simon Sporton but suddenly it was cancelled. I was glad because if he wants to see me he can see me in October. I was ill around May and my heart was acting weird but then it settled. Last month I had that which must not be mentioned and my heart as been feeling quite bad lately I can hardly breathe at nights it’s worse.
Mines on 21st November I'm not sure what time but knowing my luck probably early in the morning x
Well done Yumz. It’s been a long drawn out time for you. I think you are a very brave lady and an inspiration to us all. Lots of prayers for you that all the results are good and that you can now get on with your life in peace. You have been so worried over the last couple of months, so this check up was needed for you to stop worrying. Every good wish. Xxxxx
Oh my goodness that was a long time. I’ve only had one MRI, and it was not a very nice experience. Mine only took an hour and I thought that was a long time, They pulled me out and I though it was over, then they put the dye in a pushed me back in. I was very glad when it was over. I now have a CRT-P so don’t think a can have another MRI.
You seem to be facing this unpleasantness and anxiety with wit and courage. Thanks for the lesson.
Warm good wishes
Hi Yumz. Glad to hear you finally got your MRI scan. It's about annoying when you know something not quite right with your heart health, I bet it seem like ages for the appointment to come through. I was in the same boat as you, as they say. I told my doctors that a keep on feeling light headed and feeling like iam going to pass out after doing light walking after 20mins,or any kind of stressful situations, I told my doctors in February 23rd 2023 and finally got my MRI in the April 2023 and done again, June 12th 2013. On my MRI scan they found that my Arota Root has a Dilation of 4cm, my heart rate keeps going well into the hundreds and also my blood pressure keeps on spiking. Iam waiting now for my echocardiogram for my repeat measurements of my Arota Root, 6 months has already pass, but reckon it will be February 2024. There is plenty of support on here and plenty of New friends too. Take care, keep us updated with things.
Thanks hun Im so glad that ive had all the tests just waiting on results now x hope your feeling better? Hope your appointment comes through soon did they do any investigations to see what was causing symptoms or if its just the aorta root dilation getting worse?? X
Hi there. The hospital only booked me in for an echocardiogram because I had 3 visit to A and E all with chest pain. The hospital took my bloods to see weather or not I had a heart attack, did my ECG and waited around 12 hours each time I went in, better safe then hearing sorry, all came back as normal.They said we better book me in for an echocardiogram thinking I was getting one at the time of my visit, but No had to wait 6 weeks for the appointment then another 4 weeks for The MRI. I was only told in June this year about my Arota Root Dilation the measurement and that's when I started to break down, feeling Anxious all the time. I don't want to leave the house on my own anymore because of my server Anxiety it just comes on out of the blue in any situation, it's horrible. I spent most days crying and thinking about when iam going to die. Since I have been a member of this site my mental health hasn't been full on but I still struggle with life everyday since knowing, family members are different towards me, because I have always been the healthy one, but now it looks like iam the first one to go first, it's hard not to think like this. I always now just take one day at a time and see where it takes me. Let us know if you would ever like to talk about anything I will do my best to help. You are lucky really life can be much better when you have alot of people one hear will listen to any worries. Take care always.