Ahhh what a day I'm absolutely exhausted! Started of at 10.30 and got back at 7. I got there 1 hour half early so sat in the cafeteria for a bit 😅. Echo was interesting really hurt my ribs I even said your really hurting my ribs 😭. I tried to ask how it went and the doctor said the pictures aren't important it's how you feel with in yourself so I don't know whats changed on my echo the doctor called another doctor to come and have a look aswell and they started talking about my scan in front of me but not to me, I guess there not allowed to maybe, but I definitely heard the words, mitral regurgitation and coarctation of the aorta, which I had repaired at a day old so hopefully that doesn't need repairing again, obviously I'm no expert so I'm probably completely wrong about everything! 🙈🙊. Had ecg done aswell just have to wait for results now so I'll be going crazy for months! 😆. Great thing though I was able to claim my train fair back at hospital with a travel expenses form. I did ask about possibly having my holter done today but they didn't have enough monitors but atleast I asked 😜😁. Will let you all know when I get echo results. Take care everyone and have a great evening! I know I'm gona sleep well tonight 😴😄😆.
Echo appointment done just holter nex... - British Heart Fou...
Echo appointment done just holter next Friday

Glad the appointment went well! Shame they couldn’t tell you your results but if there is anything urgent on there, then they will get in touch with you fairly quickly so just be rest assured about that.
First time I heard of a hospital reimbursing travel expenses, but that is good news too.
Hopefully the journey there and back wasn’t too bad. Even it if was, it looks like you’ll have to do it again for the holter 😆.
Thanks Tos92. So glad today is over! Yeah your right hun. Just my anxiety gets the better of me! I wasn't even aware of it either hun my mum said she used to do that when she took me to my hospital appointments when I was little x yeah aw was gutted they couldn't fit holter today!
Yumz199725 I hope the echo results come back to you soon and you managed to have a lie in this morning x
Thanks Tos I hope so too even if there is no change I would love to know soon just for peace of mind. I had a great lie in just woke up but my ribs hurt and chest felt tight and I did my oximeter and my blood oxygen was 96 ( I know it's normal and not considered low but for me it was and heart rate went up to 115 for bout few seconds then tightness went away and went back up to 99 % and heart rate went down to 86 weird 😅. Anway I'm so tired from yesterday gona take me a few days to get over it I think x
Keep an eye on your heart rate. The pain in the ribs may be a temporary side effect from the echo. I have had 3 in the past, and sometimes the pressure applied during the echo can cause pain. I only remember 2 of mine being quite uncomfortable. If your symptoms don’t subside, get in touch with your GP x
Hi hun just saw your reply. I been fine since then heart rate is fine although I'm seriously beginning to think there's something wrong with my oximeter I was wearing it and it said 99, and bpm 87 then went down 83! And bpm 47 now if that was true lol I would of been done for aw cant seek to buy anything that works! 😆. Is it possible to have asthma symptoms but have a very controlled peakflow?? Cause yesterday was very short of breathe like most of the day felt sick and heart felt bit dodgy so I'm so confused 🤔🙁😕. Comes over me in waves like one minute ill be fine then the next feel like that and is it possible to get acid reflux from drinking water 💦🤔😆. X anway hope your ok tos.
It sounds like there might a blip in your oximeter. There is also a number of factors that can affect oximeter readings. For example, you should use the index finger and make sure your fingers are warm before taking a reading. I’ve always been told that if the peak flow is in the “green zone” then it’s not of concern. But you say you’re having symptoms. Did you take your inhaler to see if that helps with the shortness of breath?
Believe it or not, I’ve had acid reflux from drinking water. I feel it more if I’ve not eaten all day and I’ve just been drinking water on an empty stomach. Gaviscon usually relieves it for me. Are you taking anything for your acid reflux? X
Thanks for message hun. Yeah I am taking my inhaler everyday like I'm supposed twice a day but still get short of breath easily so I think my asthma might be playing up a bit cause I've had blood tests recently and everything came back normal so can't be anything else. I don't get acid reflux every day just occasionally and when I do get it hurts my ribs so much! Must be what I eat that's doing it lol. I definitely think my oximeter is bust cause of the constant change in readings weird only happens to me? My brother tried it didn't do it? And my neice it was fine on her so clearly screwed up on me! X
Glad it went well, hopefully you hear soon (how rude of them not to include you in the discussion in some way)
Sleep well tonight!!
Well done Yumz. Long day, and bet you are glad to arrive back home and it’s all over. Have good sleep. 🥰🥰🥰
Well done , I bet you are looking forward to having a weekend not thinking about and waiting for tests, hugs , Bee
Thanks everyone. Will reply to you all later just sitting down and eating x 😅
Hi, Hopefully you'll get the results back soon, but, try not to worry about in the meantime. Interesting about the discomfort, as I have a long standing theory that you have to have some discomfort, otherwise the Echo hasn't been done as good it could be. Sometimes good pictures only come from the awkward angles.
Take care

Thanks x yeah I think your right in that case they must of got some great pics then cause I'm well achey this morning I knew I would be always happens.
Sleep well and try not to worry too much about what they were saying. If it was urgent you would have heard there & then xx
Sounds like it all went well and hope your ribs are feeling less sore. Cam I ask what hospital you went to. No worries if you don't want to say. It's just that I'm trying to understand how adult services work as my son is at a children's hospital and they do tests echo etc but we see consultants at the same time to discuss the tests done. Thanks
Hi I live in Scotland and go the clinic every 6 months MRI one appointment and Echo the next. I always speak to the consultant after and get the results before I leave and then they confirm by letter a couple of weeks later. Char
Glad you got today over, Yumz - hopefully you won't have to wait too long for your results. X
hi. Pleased that your appointments went ok. Hope you had a good nights sleep and feel ok this morning. Fingers crossed that you get the results soon. Xxx
I'm happy yesterday is over aswell was such an early start and got home at 7 x lol then felt so ill and had to make dinner was a miracle I actually was able to make it as I had the worst migraine ever making me feel sick and dizzy x I hope i get my results soon I'm almost certain there's been a change but obviously not a significant one.
hope the migraine has gone, there’s nothing worse. I wish medical staff wouldn’t talk about us as if we weren’t there, it’s rude, inconsiderate and unprofessional. If they wanted to have a discussion about your scan they could have done it outside of the room because doing it in front of patients only raises anxiety. They did this every morning on ward rounds while I was in hospital as if I was just a passive observer in the whole process. It was awful. Anyway, try not to second guess anything and stay positive, as you always are. X
Thanks that helps alot x. Yeah I couldn't believe it i did think afterwards maybe the doctor needed help doing the scan maybe but still didn't agree with how they were discussing it in front of me then when I asked about it not telling me nothing ❤️
I think one of the problems with picking up snippets of their conversations is that we let our imaginations do the rest because we don’t have the context. Maybe them mentioning coarctation of the aorta was about them being able to see evidence of your previous repair. And, from what I understand, everyone has some degree of regurgitation so it’s likely to be nothing to worry about. Please try not to worry, if it was anything urgent they would have kept you in or you would have heard by now. Xx
Thanks hun I definitely agree about the coarctation of the aorta but I do know for certain I've been told in my most recent hospital letter I have severe aortic regurgitation and moderate stenosis x ❤️
hopefully this more recent scan will be a step towards them sorting it. Xx
Yeah I hope so too cause I've waited so long with this dodgy valve x I just want a replacement so I don't feel so tired and weak all the time I mean it's there descion when is best to intervene as they say, but can't be too long now I don't know how long I can cope like this so fed up honestly. They just say we will need to replace your valve eventually thats all so vague honestly x
I’m glad you got there in time, and what a result getting your fare back.
I do know what you’re saying about the echo I really hate it too. They press so hard and it’s uncomfortable, but it tells them the condition of our hearts so we have to go through it. Hopefully you will find out the results soon.
I was really hoping you wouldn’t have to go through that 2nd trip but knowing you will get your fare back will make it slightly better. I forgot the London hospitals usually do reimburse fares.
All the best with everything.
Ahh thanks mate! Yeah I know i couldn't belive it either so happy I have my train fair for Friday 4th August now.
So glad it's not just me who it feels uncomfortable for. Ahh I was gritting my teeth and I was so tense it hurt so much! But like you say definitely gives them an idea of how my heart is looking well the valves anway!
I really hope I get the results soon I know I will be driving myself insane wondering how it went. Yeah I was hoping I could have monitor fitted yesterday but atleast I will get my fair back and the good thing is I will be wearing a monitor travelling back all that walking and getting tired will be interesting to see how my ecg looks then. I'm going to the gym the next day wearing it aswell to see how my exercise is affecting my heart I mean it probably isn't but will be interesting to find out what my ecg looks like while I'm exercising!
Take care and hope your ok have you got any up coming appointments??
Yeah try and do as much as possible. My heart failure cardiology apt. is in October and EP in November for VTs I assume.
I hope you get seen quickly after all your tests are done. All the best.
Thanks yeah i definitely will this time cause last time I had a holter I was nearly as active as I am now! Hope your appointment goes well in October keep me posted how it goes yeah. I have one in November aswell it's to speak to my consultant. What's VTs sorry for asking. Thanks I hope so too cause I always have to wait months for results I mean I get it there busy understaffed and over worked makes sense but even still I just want peace of mind you know x
You can always contact the cardiologist secretary and tell them it’s worrying you not knowing the results, and see what they say.
Ventricular Tachycardias. They’re meant to be quite dangerous, but mine don’t last long if they last long I think they can turn into Ventricular Fibrillation which can cause cardiac arrest. My defibrillator will then kick in and try to kick start my heart. I don’t know if they want to discuss ablations. In November I will find out if I’m still around😊
Keep us posted on yours also. All the best.
Thanks x I think I need to be a lot more patient 😅. Oh i know what you mean now I have ventricular Tachycardia I'm on verapamil 40mg x2 for it. Yours sounds way worse then mine though hope everything is ok.
I do think that about many people on here sometimes, but when I really think about it I’ve had 20 years of learning to be patient with my care and trying not to stress about things I can’t control, so it’s easy for me.
I might suggest trying that before any ablation. My heart as been badly failing for years now. I think VTs are just another thing added to its demise. All the best.
Hi, Yumz199725,
I am very happy that you have been able to get the Echocardiogram completed. It sounds like the trip to the hospital went okay, and now, it is just the waiting on results. Of course, we all know that waiting can be torture too! Also, it is lovely that you can be reimbursed for travel!
I am scheduled for an Echocardiogram in August. My anxiety is already kicking in. I thought that this test involved ultrasound wands—but you have described pain from the test. I had an ultrasound during my last pregnancy (about 35 years ago), and it was not painful that I can remember. Can you tell me anything about the test? Also, did you have to have an IV for contrast dye? I hate getting an IV placed, and I’ve had so many this past year. Anyway, this is just me worrying about everything a few weeks ahead of time.
I hope that your headache has gone and that you are feeling less sore and tired. Testing and travel can certainly take it out of us! 😊
Positive thoughts going your way!
Thanks for your message smitty1956 x 🥰.Yeah it was a smooth trip to the hospital thanks, I was so happy because it wasn't gona be there was gona be a rail strike! Thank goodness was suspended. Honestly the waiting for the results is actually worse then the tests!. Was so happy I could get my money back for my ticket was long and stressful though but definitely worth it! 😅😊😄.
Hope your echo in August goes well and there's no unwanted cancellations or strikes. I was so stressed about having my echo but definitely helped having my brother with me nice to have support.
The echo does involve ultrasound wands your right but the pain is from pressing hard in to your ribs and the awkward angles they have you ly in dosent help. My ribs are always sore and tender so didn't help they did say sorry that my ribs were hurting and to let them know if it was hurting too much. I think the harder the press the clearer the videos are. Mine lasted about 30 - 40 minutes which is standard time for an echo.
I didnt have an Iv in thank goodness! Hopefully you don't need one I think they do that if you have a stress echo?.
My headache is definitely gone thanks goodness thanks for asking hun, I felt sooo tired and exhausted and achey when I woke up my ribs felt tight and my heart rate went up to 115 just from sitting up only lasted a few seconds. Travelling definitely tires us hearties out!! X
Wish you all the best for your echo and I will keep you guys posted about my results. Positive thoughts and vibes your way and hugs thanks again and have a great day! ❤️
I have had several echo's of my heart in the past 12 years. Like Yumz, my ribs were indeed pressed into. I believe the angles that the technicians are attempting are based on what part of the heart is being monitored. Thankfully, the pressing on my ribs was rather mild. It helps that a lubricant is used (just like for my wife's prenatal ultrasounds 21 years ago). My condition may not require as lengthy an echo as Yumz's. I am being monitored for a Bicuspid Aortic Valve and Ascending Aortic Aneurysm (BAV and AAA). So far, I have no stenosis and only mild regurgitation. I also believe they are monitoring a prolapsed mitrol valve.
Love and best wishes to all in their heart care.
Thank you for the helpful information. I have had many tests and procedures this past year (not all were heart related), but I am rather dreading this Echo test. I know that sounds silly as it is non-invasive and basically painless (minus the sore ribs 😊),
My doctor asked me today why I feel this way. I finally admitted that I’m afraid to find out what might be wrong. She made me realize that what I thought was all good with the results of the nuclear stress test over a year ago, might not really be okay when my heart is viewed via the Echo.
Anyway, I know that I just need to do it—pull up the big girl pants and go on. There are just a lot of things that I hope that I don’t hear as a result,
Thanks again, and best wishes to you. 😊
Thank you for your kind thoughts and for the information! I’m not looking forward to the sore ribs, but needs must. Hopefully, like you, I will not need the IV placed in my arm.
Best wishes to you, and I will watch for your post about your results. ❤️
Yes it is tiring looking after your health. The worst bit is having to organise everything. What I mean with that is they love you to sort everything out on-line or with apps. It is frustrating. My echo had in February I never got a report, so I phoned the cardiac nurse who basically said nothing had changed. What I was told., was that I was haemodynamically stable and euvolemic stable. That was in the letter I got. And you know what I have been doing googling haemodynamically stable and euvolemic. I am naughty .

I always Google my echo results as its the only way to understand it. One good thing is I have NHS app so I will see my results before letter is sent when ever that will be! 🙃😂x
The lovely nhs app. Yes I get the letters before the snail post. Only trouble is that was where I found my letter from Barts. The wording about heart transplant. Sort of sent me to another planet but that may be in the future. But that letter was from last October. So I think they look at all scenarios. But I Google my mri report and echo to try and understand. I have a prolapsed mitral valve but no regurgitation. But the prolapse can be caused by the congenital issue I have due to the enlarged right side.

Yeah it's good to have it's how I found out I have severe aortic regurgitation and I need to have MRI, holter I've already had my echo and ecg. Haven't received any information about MRI yet all I know is I'm having it at Great Ormond Street hospital will be great do go back there ain't been there since my last MRI. How long you been with st barts I've been a patient under there complex congenital heart disease team for about 8 years now nearly 9. ❤️ That's interesting about the heart transplant did they not go ahead with that treatment plan then?? I am at risk of developing enlarged left ventricle because of my damaged aortic valve.
No my cardiologist had an mdt meeting at Barts. I am under Norwich adult congenital team. Norwich use the teams in London. Professor Tsang has reviewed the notes and I carnt have a cone procedure. I don't think I can have a replacement tricuspid valve as it will cause more problems. But we will have to see. It is complicated the conditions can be extreme where it is dangerous to infants and new born children to mild when found in adults. But hopefully more research will be undertaken to the right side of the heart. I have not had any treatment plans, we will be using the conservative approach of medication. Someone I talk to in America was found late in life. Around 55 years old and is now 70 with similar medication to me. It was nice to talk to someone similar. It is nice talking to people on this forum I have gained alot of useful information. Thank you, especially to you for replying.
Hi Yumz you are one brave lady and I just love how you’re able to keep us smiling through difficult times! I grew up with a hole in the heart and can remember the anxiety at hospital appointments where grown ups would speak in hushed voices behind the curtains and not explain anything properly! It has made me a bit jumpy when things are not explained and my cardio nurse has had to tease me for not believing her when things are ok! Good luck and hope all tests and any treatments go well for you 😊
Ahh thank you your so sweet x yeah it's not fun having to go to hospital appointments when your a child I was constantly having to go to great Ormond Street hospital with my mum. Did you have your hole fixed or is it too small to close, they just leave mine cause its there and fixing it would do more harm then good apparently! X
I had my hole in heart fixed when I was 15 - open heart surgery and 1968 was still quite early days for that op! These days they can patch things up with a catheter. The worst part for me was having a big scar at that age but I’m proud of it now! 😅x