So I had a 24hr holter monitor due to palpitations then an echo cardiogram. The scan I think was due to having a murmur so think they were checking nothing had changed with that. I was told it looked the same as previously 5 or so years ago. The results would go to a cardiologist and I would hear back.
I don't expect it to be any time soon. My scan was around 3 weeks ago.
The last few nights I've noticed my throat feeling odd and like I need to cough and when I check my heart rate its sitting around 50bpm, sometime briefly dropping lower. Tonight I felt a bit tingly with it but very aware it could be that I'm too focused on it so unintentionally changing my breathing maybe. I think all it fine generally. Each time this is during the evening when I'm relaxing watching TV. It just seems a bit low for me.
I'm in my 30s, okay walking around but not overly fit due to other issues. Can get breathless just talking at times so certainly wouldn't come under the fit people having lower bpm.
In my shoes, would you wait it out until you hear from cardiologist? Or contact GP or cardiology to mention the change?
Unsure what to do. Leaning more towards keeping an eye and waiting it out.