ECTOPICS WINDING ME UP.!!: hi you... - British Heart Fou...

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Jetcat profile image
72 Replies

hi you lovely people. I’m on a bit of a moan today . Iv been having ectopics for 2 days now and they’re showing no signs of letting up. Iv tried everything from breathing techniques, going bed really early, exercising, relaxing, drinking electrolytes you name it Iv tried it.! I know My Fitbit doesn’t pick them up but I’m definitely having them. I get a 2 minute break then 2 to 3 missed beats ( little thuds) these don’t seem as powerful as they usually are but still very annoying and are now starting to get me down a bit. I’m at work on my break at the moment and can feel every single one of them😡 I have customers to deal with until 3 o’clock and finding it hard to concentrate. My EP once told me there nothing to worry about which is a comforting but I’m slowly going from annoying to worrying mode.!!!😢

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Jetcat profile image
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72 Replies
Tos92 profile image

Hi Jetcat

I had a week recently where I was having mine on a more regular basis. Have you had a holter monitor carried out any point to see the burden of them on your heart? If the burden of ectopics is considered to be within the higher range (sorry, don’t know the percentage) then medication can be prescribed to control them. However, as your EP says, they are considered benign for the most part.

Have you been under more stress than usual lately?

All the best.


Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Tos92

thanks tos, I tried working the burden out and I’m well under the level.! I think youv got to be having 10.000 a day before they class it as a problem I may be wrong.????? I’m on bisoprolol daily so that should be helping.? I’m hoping they fade away in next day or so. Longest Iv had them is for a week and they just disappeared 😳 if it isn’t AFIB. It’s ectopics. 😂although I can’t complain really because if I do get afib it doesn’t last long at all since the ablations.👍

Tos92 profile image
Tos92 in reply to Jetcat

Yes, Bisoprolol is commonly prescribed to treat ectopics, heart palpitations, and other arrhythmias, in addition to treating angina. I was prescribed Bisoprolol for my ectopics, but couldn’t tolerate it. The good thing is, mine come in phases, as opposed having large episodes everyday.

Maybe you could discuss if your dosage could be increased with your GP to see if that makes a difference ?

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Tos92

thanks tos. Yes I think I could mention it to GP he/ she may be able to put me on something else. Once these have passed I my go another 6 months before another 24/48 hour episode so I shouldn’t complain really.?👍

Tos92 profile image
Tos92 in reply to Jetcat

As mine are spaced out, I usually just tolerate them when they do come on. Not pleasant at all, but I take comfort in knowing that they are sporadic.

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Tos92

me too tos. It’s common for me to get the odd few on a good day but I know it’s just going to be the odd few and they don’t bother me at all. But when it’s all day etc it starts really winding me up.

Blackwolf_7619 profile image

Hello 🙂

I've just posted about mine. I have ventricular bigeminy. No one listened until I bought a Kardia device which finally picked them up.

I have regular episodes which last weeks at a time.

I've always had PVCs but this started in November last year out of nowhere. I'm still currently in this cycle after 4 weeks. It is debilitating, terrifying, disturbs sleep and is downright annoying!

A halter monitor would help. You may also find beta blockers help, but I didn't find they helped me.

I completely understand your feelings. You are not alone!

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Blackwolf_7619

thankyou blackwolf, I can pick them up on my kardia device it shows 2 spikes close to each other then normal beats until 2spikes again then gives a reading of normal sinus rhythm. Which it would I suppose because apart from ectopics it is normal.!! If you call that normal.?😜 dam nuisance they are.!!

Blackwolf_7619 profile image
Blackwolf_7619 in reply to Jetcat


Yes mine show up as sinus rhythm but my ectopics are every ventricular best. So the atrial beat is fine, but the ventricular one isn't. Apparently that's also bigeminy, but they can present in different ways. My cardiologist says mine is coming from the right ventricular outflow tract. Could explain my breathlessness.

I Jack been on bisoprolol but it does precisely nothing for my ectopics which can last for weeks and weeks, but they will just stop suddenly. I don't know why I haven't been given ablation as a treatment option.

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Blackwolf_7619

try to get a appointment to see if they can do anything.? I have read that it’s only usually treated/ablated if you’re having 10.000 a day or 10% of your whole 24 hours worth of beats.? Seems a large number to me does 10.000

Jetcat profile image

thankyou bekind for your lovely reply. Your a good en you.👍x

Jetcat profile image

yeah. They do seem to quiet off a touch when I relax actually.!!x

Jetcat profile image

thanks bekind.👍 I’ll try the settee out soon as I get home. I was going to go for a fast walk but Iv tried that and that’s not worked.!!

Does anything improve when you get older or is downhill all the way.? I’m 55 now i darnt even think what I’m going to be like in 10 years.???😳😳😳😳

DoggieMum profile image
DoggieMum in reply to Jetcat

I'm afraid not. The only good thing about getting older is that eventually you don't have to work anymore. 🙂

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to DoggieMum

Yeah.!!! More time to concentrate on our ailments ???😢

Jetcat profile image

you’ve made me laugh bekind 😂 downhill all the way 😂. I honestly think you’re rite though. Iv had something swirling around my head for a lot of years when it comes to us starting to fall to bits slowly.? Here goes………..

Thousands of years ago when us first modern day humans were tramping around eating berries and walking around all day looking for food, and hunting etc we must have been really fit and healthy.? But samples of their old skeletons show 90% still died really young compared to us even if they survived accidents or survived been on the menu for a hungry wolf/tiger etc. so are we just genetically programmed to live a shorter life than we we actually think we should be living to.? Any thoughts.?

DoggieMum profile image
DoggieMum in reply to Jetcat

I have no doubt that with all the modern medicines keeping us alive, we are living beyond our allotted time. Ho hum!!

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to DoggieMum

yes me too.

wischo profile image
wischo in reply to Jetcat

Yep our lifespan is really extended with modern medicine so we have come to expect to live longer. For example I have seen posts by people in their 80s with severe heart disease saying they do not want to take statins in case of liver damage etc🙂. What a complex animal we humans are if when you consider it is only a very short time ago that the old age pension was given to people at 65 and that figure was based on a life expectancy of 66/67yrs. I am now 72 and if I make it to my 80s I really hope I am not worrying about taking whatever it is that got me there. Best wishes with the ectopics.

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to wischo

so true wischo, I wonder how long we’ll be living in another 500 year’s with way technology is going.? I bet head transplants onto AI bodies will be common place.? Knowing my luck my head would end up on a goat or a giraffe.😳

wischo profile image
wischo in reply to Jetcat

Jetcat probably would although they would want to speed up technology a bit faster🦒mind you being a young Giraff might not be that bad😺 as they say a change is as good as a rest.

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to wischo


Musicl profile image

Hello Jetcat,Whenever I have this problem, usually I request a 72 hour monitor from cardiology, just to be on the safe side. Fortunately, it is not a frequent occurrence and it always sets my mind at rest. The result has never been alarming for me, thank goodness. I lay off the caffeine which helps.

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Musicl

thanks Christine. I’d have buy a monitor to catch these as they only come every 6 months etc and by time I call my surgery and get eventually get one fitted I’ll be back to normal unfortunately.

Jetcat profile image

fish left the water millions and millions of years before modern day humans appeared so we can’t go on the old goldfish bekind. 😜

You’ve made me laugh again.? Make memories.! As for retirement age I think it’s ridiculous. The powers to be try brain washing us all saying we all living longer so work longer.?

Jetcat profile image

No one will want many of my memories either.😂 as for retirement age I think it’s a case of tell us all we guna live to great silly age and keep working so we can keep paying into the system.? If you’re a normal working person it doesn’t pay to save or pay into a pension because you’re a penalised on it when you’re at a certain age.

Jetcat profile image

believe this or believe it not they do actually seem to be starting to calm down.? The missed beats are becoming more spaced out with a longer gap of normal beats in between. I hope it’s not because of the settee.? And the greedy all time hungry cat laid on my chest.? She only wants feeding a dozen times a day.!!!😡 she’d let me too if I tried.!!!😜

Jetcat profile image

😂😂 take the settee to work. Great idea. And yes she’s a very hungry cat. She will cause an accident one day.? She skips in between your feet if you dare walk into kitchen. Last time I tripped up I ended up with my head In refuse bin. I was fuming.😡

ETHEL103 profile image

I'm suffering with these ectopics too.Im going through a lot of stress at the moment as hubby is ill .I was out with a friend yesterday and I had to come home early as my heart suddenly took off at 150 bpm.I didn't have kardia with me but 14 months ago had a flutter ablation .Not sure if it's reared it's head again but ectopics make me very anxious which I know doesn't help.Pesky things.

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to ETHEL103

thankyou Ethel, yes they certainly are a nuisance.

cazada profile image

Hi Jetcat

I have been having these since my heart attack March 22 and no one believed me. It has been such a scary time and I have been in and out of A&e so many times but nothing shows up. I can only describe it as something inside me flibbering and flobbering they are mainly at night and in the morning , so strong my body wakes me up telling me to breathe deeply. It can be terrifying at times. Finally a 24 hour tape caught these along with an additional beat and the odd very fast beat and they have increased the bisopropol . I still can feel it but it is no where near as strong. I understand how you feel it is nit a nice experience and really does get you down . I hope you can get sorted x

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to cazada

thankyou cazada. 👍

Bramble2000 profile image

they are annoying but if they carry on much longer, I’d go to the doctor. They can’t be tolerated for long depending on the level they’re at. I get them regularly and they are sorting but usually short lived. Trouble is I have a history of ventricular tachycardia so my ectopics are hard to ignore. All the best to you. X

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Bramble2000

thanks bramble, I’ll see how they pan out, so far so good this morning anyway. Iv only had a few. 👍

Evaluna profile image

Hi Jetcat, I have had ectopics for over 35 years! Started with a few a day but gradually increased. Now can be all day every day... probably averages a couple of thousand a day. I also get shortlived tachycardia episodes. I have had monitors and told they are benign but, as I say to people, it's like having a bad headache, you know its not going to kill you but it's hard to concentrate on anything else. I've just had bisoprolol increased to 2.5mg a day-it doesn't seem to make much difference but maybe they would be worse without. I wish I could give some really helpful advice that would make then disappear! Have you looked at the videos if Dr Sanjay Gupta, York Cardiology? I go back to them if I am feeling low as he us so reassuring... as are the lovely people on this site. Good luck.

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Evaluna

thankyou evaluna, yes Dr Gupta is brilliant isn’t he. I’m hoping they on their way.? Iv not had as many this morning at all compared to yesterday.

DLS25 profile image

I get loads of these when I am a bit run down. I had 4 in a row once picked up on Kardia and my EP wasn't bothered. Try not to worry

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to DLS25

thankyou DL. They don’t seem as bad this morning thankfully.!! So hopefully their on their merry way.??👍

Mine are presently at double+ the 6 per minute threshold, but the NHS Cardiologist told me they're not a problem and won't kill me. 12 hours later I was in an ambulance with all the symptoms of a heart attack without actually having a heart attack ... and A&E was clueless. The NHS live to chuck bisoprolol at you, it's their preferred crap of choice. Switch to nebivolol (research it and see why) and throw in some daily Magnesium Taurate. Do the research, put the time in, educate yourself. DO NOT rely on the NHS ... they do not care.

Arrythmias can be triggered by other issues you are unaware of and issues the NHS neither understands or will look for. Digestion, IBS and gallbladder issues will trigger it all day, because they share the same immediate nerve network.

Study your condition - do the maths. If when has a pattern examine what you were doing and when you last ate. With digestion it won't happen 5 minutes after you eat, it could be 4 hours later ... but where there's a pattern, there's a cause.

Find it, arm yourself and do not expect your doctor to solve it. You could tattoo the cause and cure to the inside of NHS doctors eyelids and they would still refuse to see it.

I'm presently at over 30 A&E admissions with it and not once have they diagnosed it correctly. I diagnosed the cause, forced them to scan me for gallstones (that they insisted I did not have) by faking a gall bladder attack, and guess what they found? Gallstones. They trigger palpitations and arrythmias. Tah Dah!!! 28 months of NHS waffle and someone with not a minute of doctor school diagnosed the condition correctly, found what reduces it and found what will stop it. Unfortunately I'm not qualified to perform a laproscopic procedure, otherwise I'd be I there in a heartbeat ... pun intended.

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to

thankyou stv, I shall do some studying 👍 i keep a diary for the afib so I may as well buy another diary for my ectopics. At this rate I’ll be up to my kneecaps in diaries.?😜

Bramble2000 profile image
Bramble2000 in reply to

Bisoprolol has saved me. I’ve taken in for the last 30 years following ventricular tachycardia.

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Bramble2000

Iv got a funny feeling that I’d be a lot worse without the old bisoprolol too.

If its type 2 throw in 1500mg of berberine supplement and watch your glucose numbers return to normal levels within 10 days. Combined with T2 meds its revolutionary. It works better than metformin with absolutely none of the side effects. Research it and try it. Doctors know about it, but there's no money in it for Big Pharma ... and doctors work for them before they work for you.

In addition ... stay away from anything caffeine. And that means all them "diet" drinks. They take out the sugar and more than double the caffeine. They're a heart attack in a glass.

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to

I agree. And Iv never been into caffeine thankfully. My colleague at work drinks those energy drinks in a can? And Iv told him he’s heading for trouble drinking that rubbish but he won’t listen.

High potassium levels can cause issues with hearts electrical system. The only way to check it is with a blood test. Last time I had a 24hr holter it came back with less than 1% ectopics. But I won't do the maths

KIMMY60 profile image

Maybe see the doctor get some beta blockers they might settle it down

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to KIMMY60

Thanks kimmy, I’m already taking 10mg bisoprolol i dart start on anymore beta blockers or I’ll be sleeping more that a hibernating polar bear.!!😳

Letsallhope1 profile image

hello Jetcat,

I’m sorry to hear you’re having loads of ectopics, especially if you’re working 😌

I have to deal with them at times and they’re effecting me so much that I sometimes I think I’m on AF as they get me so breathless that I find strenuous even talking on the phone/working.

What I find particularly frustrating is that I don’t understand what start them and as unexpectedly they come, they go 🤷‍♀️

If they carry on for days I’d get in touch with the cardiac team which look after you.

Wish you all the best!

Blueflags profile image
Blueflags in reply to Letsallhope1

Hi, as everyone says ectopic beats are very annoying, and can be depressing, I have the same experience as you with them in the way that I get breathless and worn out even talking! I’m now on 10mg of bisoprolol and still getting ectopic beats, hoping to see EP soon,

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Blueflags

yes they very annoying aren’t they blue.? Weirdly enough they seem to have disappeared today.🙏 but rather than just stopping all of a sudden they have got weaker and just seemed to faded off.? It’s as if Iv ingested something and it’s taken 2 days to get out of my system.?????

Blueflags profile image
Blueflags in reply to Jetcat

yes very strange, I can have episodes for a few days or nights then get nothing, I’d rather have some sort of continuity so I could get it treated, I’m often asked by GP or consultant ‘what are your symptoms and when do you get them’ and have to say ‘well it’s just random’ so very annoying!

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Blueflags

totally agree blue.👍

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Letsallhope1

thankyou very much hope, would you believe they’ve nearly gone.!!! How on earth can they start then fade away like that.? It blows my mind does these heart issues.😳

Letsallhope1 profile image
Letsallhope1 in reply to Jetcat

maybe I’ve got healing powers 😉

Every time you feel rough just drop me a message 😜

Jokes aside, I’m pleased you feel better, for me it has always been the same, they come as suddenly and unexpectedly as they go, we just need to accept that as part of the condition we have 🤷‍♀️

Enjoy the rest of the week

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Letsallhope1

thanks hope. I’m back to normal now. Infact since yesterday to be honest, well as normal as I’ll ever be anyway.? 😂

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Letsallhope1

I want one of those machines that captain Kirk walked into where it scans you then finds the problem and heals you.? I’m going to see if Aldi sells them.

Letsallhope1 profile image
Letsallhope1 in reply to Jetcat

good luck with that! 🤣🤣

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Letsallhope1


Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Jetcat

their back.!!! 😡

Helena45 profile image

I get them regularly and the cardiologist advised they were linked to my endometriosis. They tend to be more noticeable when lying flat but I find that inversion postures sometimes help a little.

Blueflags profile image
Blueflags in reply to Helena45

oooh! That’s interesting, although I don’t have the same as you, I do have Gastritis and do have bad flare up at times, I may discuss that with EP,

DoggieMum profile image

I can understand how you feel and can only wish that you find a way of stopping them soon. Take care

dicynth profile image

Hi Jetcat, I see you are on bisoprolol. This medication caused a sharp increase in my existing ectopics. I know it is supposed to suppress them, but in my case ( and also in others, from reading I have done), it had the opposite effect. Perhaps see your doctor for a med review?

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to dicynth

thanks dicynch, I didn’t know that. It’s well a mention to the doctor. Thankyou

DoggieMum profile image

Glad you've kept your sense of humour 😀

Hi, as well as AF I to suffer from ectopic beats, sometimes without knowing.

I signed up to an app called FibriCheck- it is medically certified by the NHS. You have the option of 2 plans unless your hospital ( if they use it) provide you with an access code.

I can measure my beats as often as I like.

The app records ectopic beats and episode of AF

I get a weekly report which I can print off and take to my GP/consultant.

I find the app very reassuring, and it provides my medical team with a detailed understanding of my heart rhythm data…

Good luck.

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Fight-the-good-fight

that’s very interesting thankyou. How does one go about signing up.?

Fight-the-good-fight profile image
Fight-the-good-fight in reply to Jetcat

Hi Jetcat, take a look on If you like what you see you can download the app onto your iPhone or, smartwatch - then sign up. You get a 3 day free trial.

Good luck, let me know how you get on, or if you need further assistance.

My consultant was very impressed, she had used the App in London hospitals…

I love it.

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Fight-the-good-fight

thankyou, will do👍

Alphakiwi profile image

Dont worry about them. Ive been getting them for 4 years now. Every time my chest gets a thump it instantly causrs my lungs to breath in. Earlier on it eas so violent it hurt my chest. I get them still but not quite so severe. Im still living ok at 80 but have a pacemaker and blood thinner and taking 120mg diltiazem nightly.All the best

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Alphakiwi

Thankyou very much alpha for your comforting words. Iv been more concerned about the ectopics than AFIB which is a little strange probably. At least when Iv had a AFIB episode it over until next time which isn’t really often to be honest but these ectopic beats are here all day and it’s starts playing with my mind deep down .!!! Thankyou Alpha for taking the time to message. Best wishes. Ron

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