Question - does anyone on the forum have experience of coming off Ticagrelor medication and experienced any complications from doing so? The background to my query is below:
It's almost three years since my major heart attack, 12 July 2020 - I remember it well. I am currently on a fairly common combination of medication - Ticagrelor, Aspirin, Bisoprolol, Ramiprill, Atorvastatin and Lansoprazole. I was put on Ticagrelor in November 2021 in place of Clopidogrel and Rivaoxaban - a decision made by the cardiologist given my recovery and was discharged from Barts Heart Centre. I was told that Ticagrelor should be dropped in July 2023, three years on from the HA event. I am very stable with the current meds and am back to running regularly now (I was going running the morning of 12 July when it all kicked off).
I talked to my GP a few months ago when I was there for something unrelated. She said that there is no evidence of the benefit of continuing Ticagrelor, or not, after three years or so and it's common to be dropped at that stage.
Interested to know if anyone has had any adverse consequences of dropping the medication. Obviously, I'll be happy not to be putting a drug in me twice a day if I don't have to.