5 years now since bypass surgery, and my depression (if that's what it is) is getting worse.
Nothing ever phased me before CABG, but now...
I find myself crying at something sad on tv.
I find myself crying at something happy on tv !
I find myself crying in a restaurant or pub, for no apparent reason.
I find myself crying reading all the information I am getting whilst trying to research this.
I told my doctor, and she ignored it as a problem. I've wondered is it the medication I am on ? can't see any side effects of depression or low mood with anything I am being prescribed.
So I turn to my bypass as a possible cause.
To add to my cry baby habits, I have completely lost interest in my life time hobby of photography, wanted to sell all my gear, but my partner talked me out of it.
Always liked woodwork, so when I retired I intended on kitting out my shed and making things... Lot of money's worth in there, but again the interest has gone...
Is this normal ? so long after CABG, or is there possibly something else wrong ?