So, here I am. 1 year and 3 months post op and they still have no idea what has happened to me and I'm not going to lie, it's really upset me. (There are a few f**ks in this post!)
I feel so bloody lost and almost trapped by it. Everytime they try and make a diagnosis there is some other consultant that suggests that it was something else that caused all the damage to my heart vessels and now it turns out, most of my major blood vessels from brain to my pelvis. I'm scared by it, I am confused by it, upset, frustrated and just over it. It's f**king multifaceted.
The consultant I saw yesterday was really kind and he said that rather than Kawasaki's I had Takayasu's disease...
If I had had Kawasaki it was a very severe and it was very rare to have done the damage it has done to my major blood vessels and it's exceptionally rare in adults...if it was Takayasu's then it was very severe and shouldn't have done the damage to my heart that it did. So it's almost like I had both conditions but I have been told that, again, is very rare. So who the f**k actually knows?! Turns out, no one and I have seen some of the best doctors in the UK, probably the world.
However, the consultant did say putting a name to it doesn't matter, it just matters that we rule out that the "Unknown autoimmune caused vasculitis" has stopped happening and has gone away. He said we can call it "Rosie Syndrome" if we like. Part of me appreciated his humour, the other part of me will probably have to discuss "Rosie Syndrome" with my
I have had further blood work done and I am having a PET Scan to rule out inflamation in my vessels to check I'm OK, so I do appreciate that they are looking after me but I can't help but think "What is THIS scan going to show?!" because I haven't had a scan yet where the results are normal and everytime I have a diagnostic procedure it comes back with "Well, we weren't expecting to see...". Like, every f**king time.
Thank you, writting this helped. Started in tears, ended in wry smile. Any comments welcome, but don't mention Japanese motorbikes...