Update on racing heart: Hi everyone... - British Heart Fou...

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Update on racing heart

Valentina98 profile image
28 Replies

Hi everyone

Last night my racing heart got worse and the ingestion got worse (it wasn't ingestion) plus I was getting breathless. I spoke to a nurse after requesting a call back on the NHS website. She called an ambulance and when I was in a&e I had a heart attack the early hours of this morning.

I'm just waiting to see the doctor to see what happens now, I've messaged Mum and Bec (best friend)

Mum is waiting to find out when she can come down. (We're thankfully not celebrating mother's day today, I always ask her if she wants to celebrate the UK mother's day or the Spanish mother's day, she normally chooses Spain one although last year she said both, so I don't have to worry about mother's day until May 7th)

I'll update you as soon as I know anything


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Valentina98 profile image
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28 Replies
EU95PTM profile image

Oh gosh, so sorry to hear this.

Hello :-)

Thank goodness you called 111 even though I am so sorry you have had another heart attack when your post said update I was hoping you were going to say you were ok now

Do not be worrying about Mothers Day or anything else for that matter just concentrate on getting yourself well that is the most important thing

You know you are in the best place and safe hands where you are and they will soon sort you out and have you back on that road to recovery

Please when you can let us know how you are doing we will all be thinking about you and sending positive vibes your way :-) x

Tos92 profile image

I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had a heart attack, I know this is probably the last outcome you wanted. Although not the best, you were in the right place when it happened, which is the hospital.

Keeping you in my thoughts. I wish you a speedy recovery and do not forget to rest and put all else aside until you’re feeling better x

I started reading with optimism thinking things had calmed down but so sorry to hear the outcome and same as others have said you took notice of what your body was telling you and took action and you were in the best place you could have been. Wish you all the best with your recovery now.

Heyjude31 profile image

Hello Valentina, so very sorry to hear your news. Thankfully you are in the right place to get the treatment you need and you will be back on the road to recovery. My thoughts are with you and sending a big hug. Let us know how you get on. Take good care, Judi

Oh gosh so sorry to hear this. Hope your ok. At 24 years old too! Its practically unheard of being that young.

I was 35 when i was in AnE and AFTER they gave me GTN spray, i then went on to have a heart attack. They shouldn't have given me this spray as i informed them of medicines i had taken an hour before which interact dangerously with gtn spray. Annoys me that they used the same standard treatment as i may have been in a different position today if they just withheld that spray until they found what was going on. The standard throw water onto the fire doesn't work for every fire!

Anyways, good luck. Hope you pull through and they give you the appropriate treatment x

Oh Valentina I'm so sorry to read this... thank goodness you listened to your body and got checked out! I've sometimes found that some can be dismissive because "oh but you're so young!", so really you've done well to stand up for yourself.You're in the best hands and I hope that gives you some reassurance. Really really wishing you a speedy recovery! X

Rhinos67 profile image

So sorry to hear this but so thankful that they got an ambulance to you and got you to hospital 🙏. Sending you love Joanne

Yumz199725 profile image

So sorry to hear what you been through. But as the others have said you listend to your body and that you didn't feel right so glad you did ❤️

MummaSoap profile image

Dear Valentina98,

So sorry to hear what you’re currently going through but really pleased that you listened to your instincts and made the call.

I’m sure your mum (and best friend) is glad that you’re in the right place and receiving the care that you need!

I know it’s easier said than done but take this time to be a bit selfish and concentrate on yourself - no one is going to begrudge your self preservation, it’s imperative for your recovery.

Sending you positive thoughts and energy for a speedy recovery.

Best wishes


Wooodsie profile image

Lots of good wishes Valentina, and I'm happy to add mine. I hope you are better soon and that the hospital gets ro the bottom of everything. Best wishes, Steve

kenhaem profile image

Oh gosh poor you hope you have a speedy recovery

ETHEL103 profile image

Very best wishes.

PeterpPiper profile image

take it easy - we are all rooting for you

devonian186 profile image

So sorry to hear this. The message is 'Listen to your instincts.' Lets hope for a speedy recovery

Furryears profile image

So so sorry to be reading this, please do update us, wishing you a speedy recovery xx

JeremiahObadiah profile image

Adding my very best wishes.

You poor love, you are having a horribly difficult time of it. Really hope that you are getting plenty of medical attention and good advice.

Do let us know how you are when you can, we will be thinking about you. Xx

Faub profile image

Hello I wasn't aware of your previous messages but I wish you the best luck for your recovery and I hope they find out the cause of these heart attacks in such a young girl. Keep us posted! Fabio

Coper10 profile image

Sending huge virtual hugs right now and wishing you all the best 🤗💐xx

Ardbeg28 profile image

So sorry to hear this. My advice is Please please please relax and try to stop using your mobile phone. I had a heart attack and next day I was texting other friends and relatives in a truly exhaustive state from a hospital bed. I'm sure the mental energy of texting contributed to me having a cardiac arrest that evening. So once you've read all these encouraging words from others, have a complete rest and use your phone very sparingly. I'm sorry no-one (like nurses, Dr's) gave me this advice, I was a teacher also and I know how in control we like to be but you have to give yourself a true break and cut your mind off everything in relation to what you think you have to do. Folks can wait so please rest well and I pray you make a quick recovery and will/are being looked after extremely well.

Kimkat profile image

oh my goodness such a young age to be going through this but take everyone’s advice on here and have complete rest, your Mum will understand and I’m sure she’s not in the slightest bit bothered about mothers day as long as you’re ok. Sending you all my best wishes

Airlie37 profile image

Oh my goodness so sorry to hear this,please update us when you can but right now you have other priorities.....take care and you are in my thoughts x

Doctorzhivago profile image

Dear Valentina,

So very very sorry to hear your sad news. Hang on in there and I feel sure you will come good again. We are all routing for you. God bless.

Adhtz21 profile image

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Maidenhead1 profile image

very good advice from Ardbeg 28, re the mobile.

Just switch it off, and concentrate on yourself and plenty of rest.

I wish you all the very best, and a full recovery! X

Smitty1956 profile image

Hello, Valentina98!

I am so sorry that you had a heart attack. Your symptoms sounded a whole lot like mine before my HA last March 24th. Hopefully, you are feeling some better today and the doctors have done/will do some testing/blood work to see what is going on.

I agree with others that being in the hospital when the HA occurred seems to be the best possible place to be. Hopefully, the doctors will be able to sort everything out fairly quickly and have you back home.

I know that you are likely scared and worried right now, but try to think of the positives too. You were in the best spot when the HA happened. You got immediate care and interventions. You may have already started on new medications that help. Evaluations and testing to find out what you need are likely ongoing. Plus, the most important thing is that you are still here. You are able to speak with your loved ones and share your story—all a blessing!

I will keep an eye out to see how you are doing, and I wish you the best going forward.

Valentina98 profile image
Valentina98 in reply to Smitty1956

I've posted an update.

I had a stent this morning, I'm feeling a little better at the moment

V x

Smitty1956 profile image

Thank goodness! I’m so happy that you are feeling some better now. You should start feeling a little stronger and better day-by-day going forward.

Best wishes!

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