I’ve been asked by my GP to monitor my blood pressure at home for the next three days but should I take the readings on my Left arm or Right arm as I’m seeing differing views on which arm to use. Does anyone know?
Blood Pressure : I’ve been asked by my... - British Heart Fou...
Blood Pressure

As most DR's/nurses take your BP on your left arm I would do the same. I had to monitor my husband's BP for 3 months & submit the results to his GP, she never asked which arm we'd used.
it doesn’t matter. Do whatever suits
I always use the left arm, as do most Drs and Nurses it seems. I think the important thing is to always use the same arm.
Use the arm closest to the doctor as both arms should show the same.It has been advised to take readings on both from time to time as a difference in BP could be due to a blockage.
By 'difference' I mean over 5mm Hg,
Thank you. I have just started taking readings in both arms and appear to have widely different readings. I only have to take readings twice daily till I speak to my GP again on Monday but, looking at the readings I am getting, I suspect my dosage of Losartan will increased.
They always do it on my right arm when I go for my yearly check up does that not happen to everyone then or do they just do that at the hospital???
My GP took my blood pressure in the right arm.
I’ve been asked to do the same as they’ve just increased the mg of one of my BP meds. My doc done BP in right arm but I’ve always done mine in my left arm and never thought about it till I saw your message. But I assume if they wanted you to do it in a certain arm they would have said. This is just my opinion so I may be wrong
why not do both?
Hi Rosie The nhs website links to this guidance from blood pressure uk.
Measure your blood pressure in both arms when you first start. They will give slightly different readings. From then on, use the arm that gave you the higher reading each time.
This is on
Hope that helps.
Oh and maybe tell your GP why you chose thatcarm when you give your readings?
Just use the same arm each time. I have to use my right as I had BC in 2008 and have no lymph nodes in my left armpit
Hi I had to do it for 7 days and used my right arm as that is the one the nurse uses as its nearest to her
as you have different readings in both arms take both.
If the difference is substantial you will need different medication .
You can always ring your nurse who will check the results
No right or wrong. But take all readings from the same arm. I did morning and evening and made sure I had been sat calmly for ten mins before taking
It depends-I had 4 lymph nodes taken from my left armpit in 2021 after lumpectomy (all clear) but now I have to only use my right arm and for blood tests and injections, but guess just playing safe!! Good luck!
Every time I have my blood pressure checked they use my right arm but I don’t think it really matters.
I use my right arm because I have a cyst in my left and it hurts when pressure is applied. Was told by the Hospital to always take a reading on my right. It can be a bit awkward applying cuff with my left hand but I manage.
I had to take mine and they had tremendous variations. Eventually I thing that I needed to take my medication - wait a few hours then take the blood pressure trying to keep the gaps fairly consistent. This is solely a personal observation with no medical opinion ? If correct it would seem to suggest that the medications effect decreases over a day !
Again I must state purely my observations in my own situation . PH
I always use my right, worth experimenting to see if there is much of a difference
Thank you all for responding. I’m taking it in the right arm as that is what my GP did. Had a shock when I took it this morning as very high but when I took it this afternoon is was low - just like my heart rate! I suspect it will be increase in my Losartan as the trend is high.
Was told to use the left arm for greater accuracy as it's nearer the heart.
I don’t think it makes any difference, as others have said it depends on the Surgery set up. I have had high blood pressure for several decades which is medicated and controlled, yet I have what is known as ‘white coat’ blood pressure I step into the Surgery and it goes sky high for no reason that I can explain which is why I monitor it at home as well. If it was actually as high as the readings in the Surgery I would have been rushed into Hospital several times. My advice is you can take it on both arms, but take it at different times throughout the week and in different seating positions. My main advice is do not let it consume you, it will give you high blood pressure. I hop this helps.
Thank you for your imput. I am in Losartan for high blood pressure which I have been on for many years but, for some unknown reason Losartan appears not to be controlling my blood pressure now. I am getting the same high readings at home as what my GP got in the surgery and I am now getting concerned, luckily have an appointment with him again tomorrow after home testing for the last three days.
Out of curiosity i took some readings yesterday using both arms. Results were broadly similar for both.
I did that yesterday after getting a reading of 171/71 in the right arm, then I took it in the left arm and got 140/70 in the left arm. I must admit it it now concerning me as I have been on Losartan for many years and thought all was under control until last Thursday when I saw my GP for something entirely different!
In my experience, the blood pressure can vary several times especially if you take medication, and walked or any physical activity. To compare the results in different days, I usually do as below and take notes in a small notebook:
in the same arm (I use in my left arm)
relax first
around the same time in the day
use the same device
take 3 times (or more until the readings are quite similar)
sitting upright