symptoms before a heart attack - British Heart Fou...

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symptoms before a heart attack

VickyHK72 profile image
9 Replies

hi everyone, I’m a 50 year old female with mild coronary artery disease and likely familial hypercholesterolaemia. I have a strong family history of early death from heart disease and my dad died at 57 having had several HA’s in his 30’s/40’s followed by a triple bypass at 44. Although he died very suddenly, in the few weeks before the event, he did tell my mum he felt unwell and to our great surprise, gave up smoking (which he’d restarted about 7 or 8 years earlier) to my knowledge he didn’t go to the doctor at this point.

I was totally shocked to get my diagnosis a few years ago and have made many lifestyle changes as well as taking statins and ramipril on the advice of the cardiologist. Something I really struggle with is the concept that a HA can come from nowhere with seemingly no symptoms in the lead up. I feel like surely your body should give you some warning of an impending event?! I suppose I am really fearful of dropping dead out of the blue and the devastating impact that would have on my kids and husband.

So I thought I’d ask on here, if anyone who has had a HA would be willing to share what symptoms if any, they had in the few weeks prior to the HA and if looking back there were signs even if they weren’t obvious at the time. Thankyou for reading and hopefully understanding my crippling fear around this point. Vicky

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VickyHK72 profile image
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9 Replies

Hello :-)

I am so sorry to hear what happened to your Dad and I totally understand the fear it leaves you as heart attacks run in my family and I seem to have inherited the genes

I think for me I was getting out of breath quick and knew it was not right , I would wake up with like a feeling I was having a panic attack but as I do have them again I knew it was not that happening and had this feeling it was my heart but I did nothing much about either till I eventually had a heart attack

Looking back now I think we know our own bodies best and that gut feeling we get when something is not quite right and then we need to make sure the Doctors listen to us

Had your Dad gone to the Doctors when he started to feel unwell who knows the outcome could have been different but sadly I know this was not the case from your post

No one knows what life has instore and it can be frightening but we can only take the meds we are given as well as stay as healthy as we can the medical profession has come a long way and listening to our bodies and acting upon it if we sense something is wrong is something I think we should do

But you are so aware of this now and I know you will keep been monitored as well as staying healthy so you are in a really good position that history will not repeat itself

Sometimes people do not get a warning that is why so many are lucky on here that they do and go on to live long and happy life's

I hope you can try and put these thoughts to the back of your mind and enjoy your family making lot's of special moments for you all :-) x

AlfredV profile image

For me, my HA started with pain that felt like it was behind my shoulder blades which then moved around to my chest after about 30 minutes. It felt like pain between the connective tissue of my ribs, and was quite generalised in location. I also had pain in both wrists. No arm, neck or jaw pain.

I honestly didn't know I was having a HA and it wasn't until it was confirmed by the surgeon while I was on the operating table did I believe it. It was then I realised I'd had several more in the prior 6 months which I'd written off as a symptom of another health problem I had.

I'm not sure if this helps though as I've been told symptoms can vary significantly from person to person. What I do know is that worrying about it is counter productive and detrimental.

Discuss it with your GP, consider what he suggests, but live your life and try not to worry - I know, easier said than done.

EU95PTM profile image

Hi there, I’m a similar age to you and had a STEMI heart attack. At the time it felt like it was out of the blue. In hindsight there were signs that I hadn’t paid attention to. Mainly it was fatigue and a feeling of weakness doing ordinary household tasks. I’d find myself being exhausted and sitting down after running the hoover around. I also had a couple of episodes of “indigestion”. Well that is what I thought it was as it happened after eating a few times but it was likely to have been angina. This was about 10 days before the heart attack happened.

Even though there is a strong family history for you, you have already taken the right steps to reduce your risk, so that is excellent news.

I’ve recently read an excellent book called “A woman’s guide to living with heart disease” by Carolyn Thomas. In it there are many accounts of how women have been diagnosed with heart disease and/or heart attacks. The symptoms are so variable and often women present in different ways. I’ve found it a really useful resource.

Tos92 profile image

Hi VickyHK72

I am sorry to hear about your dad’s sudden passing and understand the anxiety which this may have caused with your own health.

I was symptomatic with chest pain, arm pain and back pain for about a 1.5 years before having an NSTEMI whilst abroad. I was vocal to my healthcare providers about my symptoms, and after carrying out a few tests they were convinced it was not cardiac related and probably long-covid as I had it in August 2020.

Of course, it turned out that it was cardiac related and the onset of my symptoms on the day of the NSTEMI, I had sudden abdominal pain, which then led to a squeezing sensation felt in the centre of my chest, all they way up into my jaw, and down my right arm. I proceeded to be nauseous and then vomited a few times. The night before the HA, I was under emotional stress.

I do believe the HA could have been avoided if I was diagnosed with coronary vasospams and having a congenital heart defect (myocardial bridge) earlier however, both of these conditions are very niche and unfortunately, were missed.

I was diagnosed with very high cholesterol (over 9, probably FH) nearly 25 years ago and have taken statins ever since. Five years ago I had had a virus infection and on the first day when I felt OK I went for a leisurely walk but noticed chest discomfort half way round. This lasted for few hours so believing it was a chest infection contacted 111 who made an appointment for me at a GP drop in centre, and from there, since the GP was not sure, I drove (!) to the local A&E where I was told I had had an NSTEMI. An angiogram two days later confirmed I had moderate to severe blockage in most of my heart related arteries, but wasn't stented. Last year I had another angiogram which found nothing much had changed. So if you get any unusual chest pains my advice it is wise to be checked out even if it means repeat visits to A&E.

Charl70 profile image

hi vicky

When I had my mild heart attack 6 mths ago my symptoms where a burning lactic acid feeling in my upper chest and a cold sweat ,I went to hospital had anagram where they found blocked artery and two partially blocked no other symptoms, in Sept I had quad bypass as surgeon said best for me because of my age ,I to have cvd hereditary from family uncles and father all suffering heart attack or stroke ,I only had symptoms for 2 days last August, if you feel anything pls go to AE and get checked out

valeriep profile image

I’ve been diagnoses with FH and thankfully, haven’t had a HA, but I did start suffering from angina about 6 years ago - breathlessness, dizziness, a tickly cough and a feeling like I had a big weight in the centre of my chest when I exerted myself, especially after eating a meal. An angiogram revealed that my arteries were severely blocked and I was told I was very lucky, because the angina had been a warning sign, so I could get treated before a HA occurred. And BTW, when I told the specialist I hadn’t experienced chest pain, just a weighty feeling in my chest, he replied wearily, “Yes, that’s what we call chest pain!"

warning signs for me were a cough (a month beforehand), fluid on lungs (4 days before), tingling/numbness in left hand (days leading up to it), and possibly tingling numbess in left foot, middle toes (weeks before hand). Extreme Fatigue (days leading up to it). My heart attack didn't appear to be the classical arteries blocked. My heart was failing bigtime.

On the day itself i was real tired. i was working nights so put it down to that but the fluid on lungs, i thought was a bad chest infection or something. Being 35 and fit i didnt expect my heart to be failing that quick

VickyHK72 profile image

thankyou so much to all of you for taking the time to answer my questions and share your stories, it is so helpful and reassuring. I am really grateful to you all. I am a worrier do have presented at A&E 3 times in the last 2 years when I felt ‘just not right’ but turned out twice to be nothing cardiac and on the other occasion I had a very small amount of troponin but was not treated or investigated further (2nd blood test showed No troponin) - this was a different hospital to my usual one. I will always go if I don’t feel right but it’s helped enormously to hear your experiences. Thankyou, Vicky

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