Hi all, my husband has been diagnosed with heart failure in the past few days. He is currently in hospital following a high AF attack. He is also a diabetic - they are tinkering with his meds currently- but no mention of surgery. He had a stent fitted five years ago. I’m so frightened that I am going to lose him after 40 years of being together… is heart failure as scary as it sounds? Sorry for the long post
heart failure…. How to help - British Heart Fou...
heart failure…. How to help

They really need to rename this condition, it doesn’t really mean the heart has failed but rather it isn’t working as well as it should, I was diagnosed with heart failure in 2019 , on lots of meds and am very careful with my diet. And am absolutely fine. I know it’s easy to say but try not to worry.
The word heart failure can send us all in a flap all heart conditions they use that term
I had a triple Bypass and still I am classed as a heart failure patient even though I am told I am doing well as others that have had treatment are to and go on and live long and happy lives
He is in the right place and they know what they are doing and they will do everything they can to make sure your Husband has many more years with you put your trust in them
Make a list of all the questions you would like to ask and maybe at some stage you can talk to the Consultant and ask them everything you need to know to reassure you
Let us know how he gets on and try and I know you still will but not to worry keep telling yourself he is in safe hands and what they can do now has come a very long way from what things used to be x

thank you so much for taking the time to reply - he’s actually been discharged home today ( on a Sunday!) as they believe that he has a chest infection and this is what caused his AF to be high… he’s got new meds, antibiotics and numerous outpatient appointments that will be arranged in the future…. I’m in less of a spin than I was, but the uncertainty is what I need to deal with. X
They will discharge you any day they need the beds
But a positive is they will not discharge you unless they feel you are safe to be home so keep hold of that thought
Uncertainty is so hard to deal with but I think trying to stay in the day so for today he is home medications to keep him safe and well and just take each day as it comes till you get the answers you need
Keep us updated on his progress and don't forget to take care of you to x
Like Hanibil, I was diagnosed with HF (severe in my case) in 2019. With recent new medication, exercise and diet, I have been discharged by my cardiologist.
As the others have said, it is a bad term which sounds worse than it is. It might be worth discussing in detail with his cardio team, I hope you are getting support and advice. If he is offered rehab I would strongly advise him to take it.
Welcome Callumella,
Please remember I'm no Doctor but....the term 'heart failure' has long been a source of frustration on here. It's really a scary phrase! The term inefficiency instead of failure is far more accurate. Many on here have been and currently are, living perfectly normal everyday lives with this very same condition. There are a plethora of excellent medications which can be used in any kind of different permutations to treat this and hopefully greatly improve it. Early days and patience, he's in good hands and follow the advice, be honest when looking at lifestyle changes, they will be key to better outcomes...and look after you, all the best.
Hi Callumella
I'm sorry to hear your husband has been diagnosed with Heart Failure. It's a horrible term but it doesn't mean his heart is gonna give up, it just means his heart is failing to meet his body's need's at the moment, medication helps massively with this and there's no reason to think he won't be able to live a reasonably normal life with adjustments. My husband has had HF since 2012 & in that time we've holidayed abroad many times, until 2020 & lockdown he was going to the gym 3/4 times a week, he's gone through cancer treatment, we've moved home etc, a diagnosis of HF isn't the scary monster it sounds like.
Please don't Google HF, the information you'll come across will be massively inaccurate. I recommend having a look at the pumping Marvellous website, it's the UK's leading HF charity, it's patient led & will give you lots of info about it. If you're on Facebook the Pumping Marvelous charity also has a FB support group for people with HF, their partners & carers, I highly recommend joining for support, advice etc there's lots of experience on there.
Hi Callumellea,
I had a bad HA on Xmas Day and stent fitted a few days later. Also have a thrombus (clot) in the left ventricle caused by some damage to the heart from the HA. So I'm only 2 months into this recovery process but feel pretty good considering I too have 'heart failure'.
Do I have a few 'wobbles' at the moment, yes, mental and some physical. But I think I'm recovering well and looking forward to some good news after my next scan on Wednesday and another in April. Am I thinking I'm at deaths door...no chance!
We should start a campaign remove 'heart failure' as a phrase to describe any form of heart condition!
Hope it all works out - I'm sure it will.
thank you so much for your kind words- I agree “ heart failure” is a dreadful term x