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Statins and Liver

Lola50 profile image
26 Replies

Hello.Looking for some advice from others who are on statins. I decided to take statins about 6months ago, due to my cholesterol being diagnosed high at 7.1. after a blood test. Tried Astorvasatin for 2 months, but couldn't get on with it. Doctor put me on Rosuvastatin 5mg, 1 a day. Not really had any problems and was happy to know that my cholesterol went down to 4.1 after 6 months, HDL being higher than the LDL.

However, my Liver Test showed there was an increase in the ALT number, 48 outside the range 0-35. I will have another blood test in 3 months time. Has anyone here had their liver numbers rise after taking statins. Although I haven't had a heart attack, heart disease/strokes run in my family, so decided to take statins as a precaution, but don't want to damage my liver in the process. Tia for any replies.

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Lola50 profile image
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26 Replies
MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

Mine were fine on the 20mg dose of Atorvastatin pre bypass. This was increased to 80mg post bypass. My liver did not like it but was fine when it was cut back to 40mg but it took around six weeks to normalise. My heart disease was not diabetes related but hereditary as all the male side died prematurely of heart attacks! Response is not linear so if your liver doesn't settle halving the dose may still see a total cholesterol under 5.0.

Lola50 profile image
Lola50 in reply to MichaelJH

Hi Michael, thanks for responding. I'm only on 5mg of Rosusvastatin, so a very low dose. I don't think I can go lower. My husband was on 80mg Atorvastatin after a heart attack, but suffered joint pains, so now on Rosuvastatin with no side effects. I'm undecided about continuing at the moment. I suppose we're all different in how we tolerate certain medications.

Hamedk profile image
Hamedk in reply to Lola50

HiI had some blood tests results. What exactly do I need to check for Liver function?

Lola50 profile image
Lola50 in reply to Hamedk

Hi Hamedk. I started taking 5mg Rosuvastatin about 6months ago. daily. I asked for a Liver Function test a couple of weeks ago, because after reading up about statins, they can sometimes affect the liver, so became concerned. I'm glad I did as it now seems it has raised the ALT marker on my LFT blood test, although not by very much. If I hadn't asked for the test I wouldn't have known. I will have another test in 3 months as advised by GP. If you're concerned, ask for a LFT blood test, it will put you're mind at rest. You have to be proactive about your own health, otherwise something can be missed, especially with doctors being more stretched than ever.

GFFF profile image

Hi Lola, it is quite common for ALT to rise on statins but according to my doc they only worry if if goes > 3 times max of range, most increases will lower after 2-3 months x

Lola50 profile image
Lola50 in reply to GFFF

Thank you GFFF. That's reassuring, although I've been on Rosuvastatin 5mg for 6 months. I will be having another LFT in 3 months advised by GP.

Suzyh profile image

Hi have been on rouvestatin after trying others for 5 years my liver function like yours has changed they are just keeping an eye on it but have never said it was because of statins

Lola50 profile image
Lola50 in reply to Suzyh

Thanks Suzyh for replying. Tried Astorvasatin but couldn't get on with it. My cholesterol is gone down to 4.O from 7.1 so pleased with result, but don't want liver damage either.

MountainGoat52 profile image

My blood test results indicate a normal level of 5 - 41 for the ALT test. I've seen reports indicating 44 to be the top of the range. Either way, you are not that far out of range.

Personally I would be concerned more about high cholesterol than a slightly high ALT result. If it does concern you, Rosuvastatin can be taken on alternate days, but it is a pain remembering which days! I started on 10mg on alternate days and my cholesterol reduced from 4.4 to 3.7. I now take it daily to maintain that level.

Lola50 profile image
Lola50 in reply to MountainGoat52

Thanks GEP1952 for your reply. I was concerned about my high cholesterol number, and happy that it's gone down to 4.1. I didn't know you could take it on alternate days. Will check with GP after next bood test if ALT keeps rising.

sceptical101 profile image

Hi, I have been on 10mg Atorvastatin for 6 months and my blood test in Jan showed an increase in my Gamma GT level to 49 from 31 ( normal range is up to 39). No action was deemed to be required. My cholesterol was not checked in this liver test ( I am monitored as I am on Edoxaban) but will ask for a test to see if it has been reduced from 5.2 . I was badgered to go on Satins having held out for a year.

Lola50 profile image
Lola50 in reply to sceptical101

Thanks for replying sceptical101. I don't think I was tested for Gamma GT. I think it is a bit of trial and error with statins and like yourself I wasn't keen to take them, but on the other hand I worried about heart problems, as it runs in my family. Hope your next test proves the statins are working for you.

irishwife93 profile image

My husband has been on 80mg Atorvastatin for 9 months and recently his liver enzymes have been elevated. His GP hasn’t made any changes to his medication yet but in the meantime he’s started taking coenzyme Q10 as it’s supposed to be good for heart failure and helps the liver. He is due an appointment with the GP on the 13th of March so if they make changes to his meds I’ll report back.

Lola50 profile image
Lola50 in reply to irishwife93

Hi Clare. Thanks for replying. My husband was on 80mg Atorvastatin, but now reduced to 5mg Rosuvastatin for the last year, no side effects, he could not get on with Atorvastatin, he had terrible joint pains. Hopefully, in the future he might be able to reduce to a lower dosage. I have heard about the benefits of Q10, so will give this a try.

irishwife93 profile image
irishwife93 in reply to Lola50

I forgot to mention while doing some research I came across meds that lower cholesterol but do not belong to the statin family - you could perhaps consider taking these (obviously after speaking to your GP) if your liver is a worry, the link below could be useful

Lola50 profile image
Lola50 in reply to irishwife93

Thanks for link Clare😉

irishwife93 profile image
irishwife93 in reply to Lola50

GP is making no changes to his medication despite the elevated liver enzymes 🤔 as the statins are apparently doing their job.. referring for a liver ultrasound and running more blood tests this week.

Lola50 profile image
Lola50 in reply to irishwife93

Thanks for replying. So they're obviously not too concerned, but good they're doing an ultrasound and more blood tests to see if everything is ok. I'm supposed to have another Liver Function Test at the end of May to see if everything has calmed down. My cholesterol is now in the normal range which is good, but still concerned about the raised ALT. I will get back to you after my next blood test result.

irishwife93 profile image
irishwife93 in reply to Lola50

At least the drug is working for you too and I hope your next test results show a happier liver!

Lola50 profile image
Lola50 in reply to irishwife93

Hi Clare. I will let you know after my next blood test if there is further changes.

carlosbcg profile image

I recently had a heart attack and open heart surgery and was put on statins. As usual I did not just take the recommendations of all my doctors at face value and started to do my own research on taking statins altogether. I have learned over time that such is the best policy for me to follow. Do what doctors advise and take what they prescribe initially while I do my own research over the Internet to check what they tell me. As a result of my extensive research I decided to get off statins given to me mainly to lower my cholesterol and stopped taking them. Do yourself a favor and read an updated and most up to date version of a book called The Cholesterol Myth. Written by a cardiologist and a nutritionist. Statin side effects can be serious.

Lola50 profile image
Lola50 in reply to carlosbcg

Hi carlosbcg. Thank you so much for telling me about the book Cholesterol Myth. I will definitely have a look at this book, and admire you for looking for an alternative to control your cholesterol rather than taking a pill. I will take them for now, but I'm definitely open to an alternative rather than take statins every day. I think it's a choice one has to make for themselves.

Bloodredroses profile image

same here, could not tolerate the common statins , cholesterol Professor put me on Rosuvastatin 5 mg x p day. Same as you all good . I do eat a no bad fat diet . But do eat blue cheddar for arthritis . Kefir for guts , no bitter bacon reF meat . All good for years. As long as doing the 3 monthly kidney bloods ( I do for kidney check as on Rivaroxaban blood thinners ) results clear . Don’t worry . Those statins have never disturbed me , I am super sensitive and have APS . Said to add 10 years to life , lessen risk of heart attack . So far so good .

Lola50 profile image
Lola50 in reply to Bloodredroses

Hi Bloodredroses. Thanks for letting me know about your experience re statins. I try and eat as healthy as possible, mostly chicken and fish, olive oil etc. I love Kefir yoghurt. I do like chocolate, so will definitely have to keep that as a treat occasionally. It's good they keep a regular check on your kidneys.

Bloodredroses profile image
Bloodredroses in reply to Lola50

I have to ring through to G P to ask for the kidney 3 /4 monthly , due Rivaroxaban not statins . I don’t know that’s obligatory generally for statins ?

Moomin8 profile image

🙋🏻‍♀️Me! Mine has gone up to ver double. It is hovering at about 60 atm. I do have other meds too though.

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