Hello : Hey Everyone Firstly I'm sorry... - British Heart Fou...

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Valentina98 profile image
27 Replies

Hey Everyone

Firstly I'm sorry I was MIA for a couple of weeks, I hope no-one was too worried.

Secondly I'm sorry to hear that BeKind left as they were so nice and kind to me when I first joined. If anyone is in contact with them please let them know I said goodbye and I'll miss them.

Finally, the reason I was absent, School had Ofsted and it's brutal I was meant to do half days but ended up doing a few full days and my goodness it took it out of me, then it was half term and I decided to completely switch off and go out and enjoy the city. Lastly and the hardest reason, I'm currently going through a breakup, my boyfriend dumped me (I won't go into details) on Monday night so I've been hiding under my duvet and crying most of the week. I'm one of those people who hardly eats when they are upset so I think I've had a few meals, Ice cream and chocolate has been my diet this week. I left the house today so that's a good thing. I've told my Mum that I've got a stomach bug and not too come round, she's messaged a bit but I gave her enough so she didn't worry.

On top of all my heart conditions the last thing I needed was heartbreak. I just felt awful, seriously it's the worst pain ever.

Sending Love to you all

Valentina x

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Valentina98 profile image
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27 Replies
Valentina98 profile image

I'm not sure, if I'd say I'm alive and kicking I'm surviving.

Definitely need more Ice cream

boredom profile image

I also worked in Education as a classroom ass special needs very stressful job ofsted was a nightmare even for the classroom ass felt as though you were being judged. As for the boyfriend you will eventually find someone kinder and more supportive out there. Just take time for you at the moment and if you need time off go on sick leave, theres a saying your health is your wealth lots of hugs

Valentina98 profile image
Valentina98 in reply to boredom

I've had this week off to recover from the breakup. I've got to go back eventually so I'll try for Monday

Anon2023 profile image

hi. I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve had such a tough time. Things will get easier as time passes but I know it probably doesn’t feel that way at the moment. Sometimes you’ve just got to get through one day at a time and do whatever works to get you through. If that means eating ice cream and hiding in bed then so be it. I really hope that you have better days soon. Xxx

Lydia_1 profile image

I am sorry for your break up, get yourself ice cream, chocolate and wine if your allowed it. I had no idea be kind left, whoever they are gave me fantastic advice on my uncle

Jackabee profile image

not much to add here but thinking of you and sending you a big hug x

Silvertail profile image

Hugs from me. ❤️🌺

What a rotten year this has been for you, I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this on top of your physical struggles.

Things will get easier and better - and I know it sounds a little hollow right now. So feel what you're feeling just now, and live it the best way you can (hiding under a duvet with ice cream is living in the moment).

Sending hugs and good thoughts x

Jules2021 profile image

Sending big hugs to u. Xx

Thanksnhs profile image

Sending hugs, I understand how awful you are feeling just now maybe going back to work will help a bit to take your mind off it for a bit. Take care char

scentedgardener profile image

Oh, you are having a rotten time, I'm so sorry.Well done on leaving the house, that's an achievement to be celebrated.

You need to be kind and thoughtful to yourself, be pleased with what you can do but don't beat yourself up over things you can't do (yet).

It is said that every journey begins with a single step, and you've taken two, leaving the house and posting here.

Sending big hugs, and please keep in touch so we know how you are.

HHH2017 profile image

So sorry you've had such avrubbish couple of weeks! I was a SENCo and had to retire early cos of heart condition, but know exsctly what you mean - so unnecessarily stressful! And the boyfriend, well 🤦🏽‍♀️ It will be his loss in the end when you get through this shock & distress and are strong enough to move on.

'Be kind' to yourself if ice cream helps it helps we all need a bit of Bridget Jones time at some point. Do let your mum in soon though support is always well meant and comforting. Take care and eventually you'll come out stronger and ready for the next stage of your journey.

BeeBee79 profile image

Oh bless you!! The first few weeks of a breakup are very hard so don’t be mad at yourself for taking some time away - it’s much needed.

Send love and big hugs and I promise…..he will be a distant memory soon xxxxx

wischo profile image

As a history teacher remind yourself he is part of that history and look forward to new beginnings in the future!! thats what always happens after you beat yourself up you will meet somebody else and wonder why you fretted at all.

cappachina profile image

Dear Valentina from the older perspective of a 75 year old. He was not the right one for you and you will be better off without him and you will see this once you are over the trauma of being dumped. Some where out there is the one who will stand by you though thick and thin as you would for him I was dumped in my time so I do know how you feel but trust me one day soon you will realise it was for the best. In the meantime comfort eat its amazing how much better chocolate makes you feel.

Valentina98 profile image

Hey Everyone

Thanks for all the messages, I can't reply to them all,

I'm going back to work tomorrow after this "Stomach Bug" it was just easier to say that. I would like to take longer but we're going on a school trip in a couple of weeks and I need to be involved as I'm partly in charge of organising it.

I've told Mum I've had an argument with the boyfriend. So that should keep her at bay for a bit longer.

I'm trying to be positive but it's still raw, it hurts so much. Sinead O'Connor, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Taylor Swift and Beyonce are my current soundtrack. I'm trying to get to the Miley Cyrus "Flowers" part where I can buy my own.

I'm trying to eat more than just ice cream and chocolate. I know at the end of the day I need proper food. I've added toast and eggs today.... It's a start right...

Valentina x

in reply to Valentina98

I used to organise school trips-a great responsibility and one which will demand 100% of your concentration, so get back in there and look after your charges, they will help to put things into perspective for you! Onwards and upwards!!

JeremiahObadiah profile image

Well that’s a big blow, it’s a ghastly feeling.

You will come though it and life will go on, but it feels pretty miserable and painful when it is so raw .

Move on from the chocolate and ice cream when you feel strong enough and enjoy some quality nutritious food which will help your self esteem reset. Don’t drink alcohol-it depresses one. Get some fresh air especially as just seeing the outside world creates some space from the spiral of internal dialogue.

BeKind is a great loss to us here. The support and kind words helped more people than she can realise. It is unfortunate that some twit decided to deliberately rock the boat and caused hurt and anxiety.

Keep believing, it will get better. Xx

marypw profile image

I’m probably quite a lot older than you, but good break-up songs are Gloria Gaynor - I will survive and Stone Roses - I am the resurrection - which has great lyrics - ‘I don’t care where you’ve been or what you plan to do’ and ‘I couldn’t stand another second in your company’

Don’t be sad, get angry, he’s not worthy of you.

Very best wishes.

So sorry to hear of your problems. But you need to look after yourself first. Your health is priority. Yes you need time to griev.. but try not to let it take over your life. I have to admit that's easy for me to say. But you have to care for yourself. If you can continue to work then that's good, but remember your employers do have a duty of care. So they must show some sympathy towards you to help you continue your work. I hope you get back to your normal self and thrive in what ever you do. Take care.

Tos92 profile image

I know it may not feel like it at the moment, but this may be a good thing. He’s given you the opportunity to allow the right person to come into your life.

Going back into work might be a good distraction for you as it’ll help you keep your mind off of him, although it’s temporary, at least you get a break from it.

Just know that so many of us have been there and it will and does get better!

All the best x

LadyZ13 profile image

My heart goes out to you Valentina. It's the worst feeling and hard enough to bear when the rest of life is going smoothly.

Please be kind to yourself. Getting back into work may help take your mind of things a little bit don't wear yourself out OK?

You will come through this, but it will take time. Treat yourself with compassion until then xx

Valentina98 profile image
Valentina98 in reply to LadyZ13


Thank you

I only do half day on a Monday so I'll definitely take it easy at work.

I'm hoping to get through it, it's just so hard


LadyZ13 profile image
LadyZ13 in reply to Valentina98

Give it time, dear V. It'll get better. It'll be slow, but trust the process xx

elliebath profile image

I'm very sorry to hear this Valentina. Breaking up is a very painful loss, (and I've had a few). So take baby steps, try to eat some healthy food so that your physical strength doesn't suffer too much, and plan a few nice things to do with the friends and family who love and appreciate you. Finally, I fully understand you may want to avoid a full post mortem from your mum, but she loves you more than anyone ever will, so try to let her in a little bit. I lost my mum when I was 16. Over the years Ive had several lost loves and wish she'd been there. I'm now 70.

Valentina98 profile image
Valentina98 in reply to elliebath


I've told her I've had a stomach bug, I just can't deal with the full account to her at the moment, I'll tell her soon. I saw her yesterday so she knows I'm doing okay now. Hopefully that should keep her at bay.

I'm at work today which is a nice distraction.


elliebath profile image
elliebath in reply to Valentina98

Having a job where people depend on you is a good thing at times like this. It avoids having too many duvet days, even if we feel rubbish inside x

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