I have a stent fitted last Friday and I have just noticed a small lump with a pulse near the entry site for the catheter in wrist.
Is this a normal thing and do it require any treatment ? or will it go away on its own.
I have a stent fitted last Friday and I have just noticed a small lump with a pulse near the entry site for the catheter in wrist.
Is this a normal thing and do it require any treatment ? or will it go away on its own.
I suggest you contact your GP who may want to examine it before offering advice.
I had my stent inserted through the femoral artery. A few days after I developed a 1cm lump close to the access site. The discharge information I had been given at the time advised seeking immediate medical if this should happen. My GP saw me straight away, examined the lump and advised that it would gradually disappear and indeed it did. That was my experience but the first thing you should do is speak to your GP.
I messaged the cardiac rehab team last night so they should reply today i, if I don’t hear anything I will speak to my go today.
Thats good. They will advise you.
Ive nearly always had some kind of lump or swelling at the entry site, after angios. (I’ve had a lot). I was warned about it by the Cath team, and the lumps gradually reduced, causing no longer term trouble.
I have been in contact with gp and have been advised that it should be ok but they gave no indication about how long before it would go, in previous post you said you had some lumps near catheter site in the past and I wondered how long they took to go and did it happen quickly ie overnight or a gradual reduction in size.
2of my pastimes are Yoga and golf which it would need mobility in my wrists and even though I have stopped both for a while I don’t want to start them and aggravate or cause complications to this little lump.
I had a lump after a recent angiogram, which was also a bit sore. However the soreness and tenderness gradually disappeared over a two to three week period.
I had two stents fitted in December of last year. After an arterial bleed and a night in Papworth, I had the same little lump, the size of a petit poi’s. It disappeared after 2 weeks. I remember reading about it in the paperwork the hospital gave me.