I have already written about my horrible bruising due to Brilique but this morning I noticed something else wrong with my skin. I had my heart attack in September and other self health checks I put on hold. This morning I thought I had better check my breasts and whilst looking in the mirror I noticed lots of dry peeling skin in the fold underneath my breasts and in a couple of places the skin had rubbed off where the bra band sits. Has any other slightly well endowed woman had this? If so, did you use a moisturiser and, if so, which brand? Haven't suffered with this before and can only assume it is now due to my poor skin. I am 70 years of age so skin thinning at this time in my life is natural and I have been on colitis meds for 8 years which have not helped. Thank you for reading this post and any advice you can give will be gratefully received as I am still getting my head around the whole heart attack thing.
Dry skin on blood thinners: I have... - British Heart Fou...
Dry skin on blood thinners

It's just one more inevitable side effect when the ageing process runs full tilt into heart medication!
Like many people on this forum I notice I bleed more when I'm cut. But there's a double whammy, we're actually more likely to cut ourselves in the first place. Our skin becomes less elastic, so it's more likely to catch and tear on any obstruction or splinter.
Still, it's a trivial problem in the scheme of things, and one I'm happy to put up with to enjoy more years of otherwise healthy and active life.
Good luck!
Unfortunately I have other health conditions to put up with and any other condition seems huge even though it isn't in the grand scheme of things.
The bleeding unfortunately is another problem with being on blood thinners.
I have psoriasis which itches and sometimes I give in and scratch especially at night. It bleeds so badly I often have to change the bedding when I get up. When I was working I had to really try not to scratch or I would look like a stab victim (slight exaggeration!!)
I got very dry skin all over when I started heart meds. I used to use aqueous cream, large tub for a pound, but found nothing would help.I now use Cerave moisturising cream, it's expensive at 16 pounds from Boots and within a couple of days I no longer had dry skin. It rubs in really quickly and is non greasy and you don't need much either. A large tub lasts about a month and I use it twice a day. I would recommend you give it a try.
Thank you for the tip about Cerave cream. I think my sister uses it when her exzema flares up.
Try Anthisan.Worked for me.
Good Morning. I was taking Warfrin for 9 years and then I was told that Warfrin I'd not work for me then on to Riveroxaban for 2 weeks I has server allergic reaction then I was put on another blood thiner again I had a server allergic reaction I have had Fragmin for many years that did not work for me Now I am on a new blood thiner
Through out all the many years and I still have Extreme dry skin on my hands legs.
I am with you on on this all the way.
i have dreadful dry skin. On my legs and upper arms I can peel off huge flakes of it. I've had all sorts from the doctor that do absolutely nothing ( except make me slip in the bath) but my legs are so much better since I discovered Aveeno. One application lasts about 3 day and keeps it under control. I'm not sure how it would be in a natural moist area like under your breasts but once rubbed in it doesn't feel greasy.
It’s possible you have a fungal infection under your breasts, it’s not uncommon for us older, more endowed women. Easily treated, but do discuss with your GP before self treatment.
Thank you all for your kind replies. I have got some cerave on order and hopefully my skin will improve. It is definitely not a fungal infection, just horrible dry skin which is also on my legs.
I had a PM fitted after a shock HA and wore no bra for a while as painful. I developed this dry flaky and bumpy skin. I thought Shingles at first but GP said fungal so used Canestan cream to clear it. Floppy breasts and sweat unfortunately, very attractive sight lol
Have you tried a few drops of a good essential oil of German chamomile (its blue!) diluted by a carrier oil like almond oil? It is anti fungal and anti bacterial. Just a tiny bit on the affected area under bra. For the legs and feet I use body shop moringa body butter. There are various body shop body butters which work for me.
Could the dryness be partially due to the Apixaban as well as age related?
I am allergic to most creams and any thing containing SLS (most shampoos) and never use any shower gels.