Will my breathing improve?: I was... - British Heart Fou...

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Will my breathing improve?

18 Replies

I was admitted to hospital at the end of July and, diagnosed with Heart Failure. I gather that I have an Ejection Fraction of 25 to 30%. Subsequently, an additional diagnosis of Atrial Fibrillation was added. I was discharged after nine days into the care of our local HF Team, a wonderful facility funded by BHF. Many of the drugs that I was discharged with have since changed either, in dosage or for an alternative. In the last two months, I have been introduced to Dapaglifozin and Entresto. In the case of Entresto, I am currently taking the lowest dose (24/26mg).

I am 75 and, quite prepared to learn to live with these health conditions. Of late however, I have become aware that the very slightest bit of exertion results in breathlessness. Now this is not as severe as I encountered prior to my hospitalisation but, it concerns me greatly. Can I expect this to be something that is likely to happen to me for the rest of my my life or, will further changes to my medication and an exercise programme make breathlessness less prevelant?

18 Replies
citygirl65 profile image

Not sure as I'm getting breathless too not really had chance to speak to anyone about it as such tests at mo.keep safe and strong

in reply to citygirl65

Thank you for your reply. Just heard that my HF Team Nurse is coming here later in the week. Hopefully, I’ll get some answers them. Good luck with the tests. Take care, stay safe, keep well city girl65.

10gingercats profile image

Check out fluid around your heart and/or in your lungs .This gave me breathlessness after a diagnosis f of heart failure. But when i was given Flurosimide and Spironolactone it vanished.Now I take a very small dose of both on prescript. each morning to keep heart and lungs free free from fluid and it works a treat.

in reply to 10gingercats

Thank you for that. I left hospital taking Furosamide and Spirolactone but, dropped the latter on my nurse’s advice because it was thought to causing my diarrhoea. However, I’ve recently had a CT Scan which indentified Diverticulitis as the cause. I now control this reasonably successfully with diet. The thought is that, once I settle with the ‘Dapa’ and the Entresto. I’ll go back to the ‘Spiro’.

10gingercats profile image
10gingercats in reply to

My dose of Furosimide is 20mg together with half a 25mg Spironolactone once in the morning. This was rec. by my cardiologist.

GrumpyScot profile image

I suffered from diarrhoea for 3 weeks, I thought it was related to my chronic pancreatitis and wrongly assumed to would pass (big mistake), it led to severe dehydration and acute kidney failure. My cardiology consultant was consulted by the intensive care consultants immediately withdrew 5 HF meds. My kidney functioned slowly improved and the HF team reintroduced the HF meds one at a time over the next few weeks to identify which one was causal - it appear that the HF meds were not the cause. My GP prescribed Loperamide which rapidly did the trick. If I had consulted my GP after a few days the diarrhoea may have not led to acute kidney failure and 10 days in hospital.

in reply to GrumpyScot

My GP believed that I could have Bowel Cancer and referred me to the local hospital Oncology Dept. That resulted in me being referred for a CT Scan. The scan showed me clear of bowel cancer but, that I had Diverticulitis. Did a search on line and added more fibre to the diet. I’ve gone from diarrhoea every day to maybe once every ten days and it doesn’t last as long. It a perfect remedy but, it reduces the misery considerably.

Fullofheart profile image
Fullofheart in reply to

I have AF (18 years) and was told I was borderline heart failure after MRI. They were looking at medication for that but it seems there's been a improvement (or maybe just more accurate reading) according to recent ECHO, so holding off, for now.Not much to add on that except that breathlessness (not severe) comes and goes for me and can be linked to certain postures or movements. I've found somatic movement, pilates,meditation and tai chi useful. But re diverticulitis..My mother has this. She has found the fodmap diet the best for her. I'm sure there is plenty online on this...my mums not online so I bought her a book on it which she has found helpful. Plenty around. Hope that's helpful.

devonian186 profile image

There are many illnesses going around at present. Both my wife and myself had a bad cold just around Christmas which keeps coming back at different levels, but the end result is that we both get breathless walking up even slight slopes. She doesn't have a heart condition but it seems there has been a lot of this 'cold' with its associated symptoms. so it may be your heart or it may be something else that will take time to clear out of your system

in reply to devonian186

I’ve certainly had ‘this year’s cold’ and it has hung around. Wife and I have both had it together with a chesty cough. My chesty cough has mostly gone but I’m left with a dry cough but, I fear that may be a side-effect of one or more of the meds I’m on. I had something when I was on Rampiril but, I quit that in early November. I attend a Tai Chi class every week and one of classmates asked me if I was on Ramipril because, she had taken it and was now off it.

devonian186 profile image
devonian186 in reply to

It certainly does hang around and waxes and wanes. However, breathlessness seems to be a common result, not helped by a cough. I am on Ramipril but it doesn't seem to have any effect although collectively goodness knows what side effects our medications have! Its not being able to walk up the slightest slope I find most frustrating so i deliberately head for those in order to test if I am feeling better that day. I will be going out in a minute, but its pouring with rain and VERY windy so not looking forward to it

mesally profile image
mesally in reply to devonian186

Ramipril caused me to have a terrible cough, which gradually vanished when the GP took me off it

Prada47 profile image

Hello Quick answer is No it won't but it is Manageable,

I now shower very lazily and towel dry slowly to stop a cause of my Breathless episodes, Another reason I would get Breathless is pushing the supermarket trolley (cart ) up an incline so I stopped doing that, and now use a different route ! Just a couple of examples to show it is possible to alter your routine to minimise your symptoms.

I still get Breathless at times which can come out of the blue but I have learnt to live with it. I am on Maximum dose of meds for Heart Failure but I do have other Heart issues besides HF.

Hope that helps a little

It does Prada47. Thank you.

Biglad1 profile image

I'm in entresto eplerenone bumetanide digoxin and farxiga, dizzy spells when standing but got used to it can walk gor 4 miles no problem. I too started on low dose now on middle, on about upping to max dose next week. Just needs time to work. In permanent afib ef was 35% last echo. Hopefully it's working just need to wait and see. Possible cardioversion in future.

in reply to Biglad1

I’m on Entresto, Digoxin and Farxiga. That said, I’m still quite new to all this having only been diagnosed back in the summer.

Dollcollector profile image

I have had heart failure for 4 years and doing the tiniest bit of work makes me breathless. I have to keep stopping what l am doing to rest every 1 or2 minutes. Just getting dressed takes a tremendous effort. I also have a cough and get fits of coughing ; some days worse than others. I take Riveroxaban , Bumetanide and Bisopropol. I also have a pacemaker. My breathing and other symptoms have got worse as time has gone on but l am 86 years old. I hope you are different and improve.

am1875 profile image

Shortness of breath may be a new combination of meds affecting the heart. I’ve read that Entresto has helped for some in this regard. Maybe it will once the body adjusts. Wish you well.

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