I have been on a low dose 12.5mg at night of Metoprolol succinate er...which is slow release. I tend to have a low heart rate at times in the 50s. The doctor has switched me to Metopralol Tartrate which is the same mg..but fast acting. Should I be worried about it suddenly dropping my heart rate to much?The doctor said no worries...but lol I am!
Metopralol switch should I worry? - British Heart Fou...
Metopralol switch should I worry?
Metoprolol Tartrate had a strong effect on me, but like you I took a low dose of 12.5mg twice daily and it suited me fine. Jean
Thank you for your reply.
Hidden following 4 stent on September I was put in metroprolol tarter 25mg twice a day. Start of I had normal BP and Heart rate..before heart event. it dropped my BP and HR significantly so had some dizziness and weakness . My cardiologist dropped to 12.5 twice a day..even now I have low BP and HR and cardiologist suggested if this continued for months have to take you off metroprolol but I am not convinced taking it off completely will not so helpful for my heart as it is recovering from my procedure and lower EF. I guess keep note of your HR and BP..and speak to your cardiologist. According to my cardiologist if you don't have dizzy spells or weakness fine with lower hr and BP. But if symptoms continues have to drop metroprolol
Thank you for your reply! I will keep check. Hope you get along well.
I have been on metroprolol 100mg twice a day for the last 7 years and i think the body simply adjusts so worry not, after a few days u will barely notice a change.
Thank you!!