Just to ask 3 mmonths after bypass does anyone out there still get days when completely shattered and tired
tiredtir days: Just to ask 3 mmonths... - British Heart Fou...
tiredtir days

Yes! Don’t worry, it was normal for me. Remember, 3 months is still a very short period of time. You are going to have off days still. My cardiologist said basically to give it a year. I’m nearly at a year and I don’t have tired days anymore but my chest will still twinge occasionally and the swelling has only just gone down completely.
Keep on keeping on xx
Thanks very much ,yes I still have tingling on left breast a bit like sunburn also if I try to carry to much chest area swells a bit Thanks for replie much appreciated
No problem yeh, I had altered sensation in my left breast for ages, it’s because that’s wear they normally take the graft from. For me it was most annoying in the shower as the water didn’t feel right on it. Just be careful lifting things. I remember when I was only about 3 weeks post op I tried to do some cooking and just moving my arms was enough to send me back to the sofa lol
Absolutely ! 3 months is no time, it will improve , you just have to be patient - 10 months in and I still sometimes feel weary after a busy day, but that's probably more my age ! I'm giving it a year before I consider changing beta blocker
3 months is still a short time since such major surgery, these very tired days will get less as your stamina returns. The tingling I used to say it was as if someone had ripped an Elastoplast off! My surgeon said it was where they had harvested the mammary artery, they rip the artery out! And this feeling is the nerves trying to join back up and not quite getting it right! He said it would take about 18 months to sort itself out and he was right on the money. Just remember if your tired rest, it does pass.
Best wishes Pauline
16 months post Bypass and I get many days where I feel tired , I do think a couple of my meds contribute though to that feeling
It is still early days for you and you are doing really well x
As everyone says, your symptoms are completely normal.
Hi CharlIt's nineteen months for me, and I have had to contact work today to give my apologies, and say I hope to be able to go in tomorrow.
It's a irritating side effect of hart conditions in general, and at least in my case a cabgx4, feet up apart from the hour of brisk walking, oh it's so nice to walk in the poring rain, almost as much fun as rodding a septic tank.
Just roll with it, I usually say something choice about that bleeding surgeon, then remind myself that he is a fantastic human followed by something nasty about why did I get hart problems being narrow of waist and reasonably good diet wise unlike that git at number six,he looks like the before photo against mr blobby as the result of following the miracle diat and excersise program.
It's a side effect of our not actually dieing of cardiac illness.
Chin up and plan for Christmas.