Hello my name is Ellie, I'm 19 years old and I'm a new member to this site. The reason I joined this community site is because I had a heart attack in September 2019 and I got told about it by my doctors. although I went through a tough journey which felt like a roller-coaster I managed in the end. Some days I get bad days where I feel like I cant deal with it and them days are the worst, to take my mind of the trauma and the flash backs on what I went through is to do things I love doing weather that's reading a book, drawing, writing or taking my dogs for a walk as it helps and feels like a big weight lifted of my shoulders but does anyone else sometimes feel like there alone because I do as no one I have understands what I have had to deal with, the trauma I went through and the medication effects sometimes it all gets too much and the stress is hard.
Good days and Bad days: Hello my name... - British Heart Fou...
Good days and Bad days

Yes, Ellie I recognise everything you describe. Some days are better than others but it gets so much better over time - September wasn;t that long ago. The BHF has a young persons section
and there you can make contact with people your own age and chat and exchange thoughts. You are really already doing all the right things to move your thoughts on and I think you are already benefiting from being so positive. It;s so great to hear from you and that you can describe it as a roller coaster because that is what it is. At some point it will just become part of your life story - you accept it and move on. Take care Ellie and keep posting - have a great day.

Hi Ellie. Welcome to the forum. You’ve been through a lot, but I hope you will be encouraged by the stories here. So many of the forum have also been through their own very stressful roller coasters, and come out very positive!
In my own case, I have managed to find new ways of doing things and managing a new state rather differently. ...and enjoying it! I also found counselling very helpful.
What are the Drs saying to you now? Have they been clear with you about what you can and can’t expect?
Sounds like you’ve made a v good start.
@RHFaCOY That is a totally inappropriate and inaccurate post, you should delete it.

I agree, thankyou
Yes I have also been through heart failure at the age of 3 and had open heart surgery at the age of 5 its not irrelevant at all if you want to comment horrible thigs on peoples posts then do one as this site isn't for you its for others to communicate, be nice and help each other maybe message the person privately aka me and get a little bit more detail of there background before judging because quite frankly I think your rude and obnoxious.
It sounds like you are doing a fantastic job Yes, I get the difficulties having heart (or any other hidden issue) problems. The public and some friends are so stereotypical, if you cant see it you dont have it. I spent five weeks in cardiac/CCU/HDU units and was the youngest by quite a margin, it is frustrating that because we look young(ish) and well, we are all expected to be just fine. You have found a good support network here to ask your questions and get reassurance. Keep busy and look forward to the future!
Hi, it sounds to me like you need some mental health support; the GP can refer you. Stress can have a physical impact on your health. When I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease known to worsen due to stress, I asked for a referral to counselling to help process the news and give me tools to cope in the future. Have you considered looking into that?

Hello, thankyou for that suggestion it sounds like something I need to have done a long time a go and it could of helped me during this lockdown but I will definitely be give counselling a try once this lockdown has ended to see if it does help with the stress, trauma and depression. It was nice of you to suggest that I'm very grateful so once again a big THANKYOU to you
It really sucks for you to go through this so young but you are on the right track in getting better. A heart attack can really affect your mental health the depression and questioning of your future is very real. You will succeed in coming to terms with it all just go through the positive and negative to achieve your new peace and place of confidence and harmony. My dogs are my buddies and remember they love and need you. Stay strong Ellie you will be ok.
Awh my dogs are amazing and there well and truly my best friends they give me so much light and positive impact on life. thankyou for giving me a good and positive mind set.
Am glad your dogs help you when your having a bad day, my two cats are completely indifferent to my situation!
Awh that's lovely knowing that when I have bad days I can send you a private message and you will understand it means so much that knowing you will listen, again thankyou x
Honestly they help so much as they keep you occupied and keep you stable in life
I think you are a very brave person and althou you are young are handling it very well I had ha at 50 four years ago most times I worry if have slightest pain it’s difficult but we must try and have positive attitudes u should enjoy the things u love doing we cannot change wh happened but look forward to what we have when u have th down days remember the good days and don’t forget u are not alone feel free to write take care
Hi Ellie your certainly not on your own it's a terrible thing till happen till anybody especially at your age I had my heart attack at 59 3 stents in took me a while till get over that but believe me you will just takes time but u will get there stay positive you will get a lot of help from people around you who love you x