Started Bisoprolol 2.5mg: This is now... - British Heart Fou...

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Started Bisoprolol 2.5mg

Hendeiskotland profile image
44 Replies

This is now my 4th blood pressure medicine that I started 3 weeks ago and I feel so bad..have no energy can't walk my dog very far anymore and I really feel so depressed and sad I cannot believe that a medicine that is supposed to help you should make you feel like this🥺I have been on here looking through every post mentioning Bisoprolol and can see very few that are actually saying they have no side effects 🤔

Just wondering how long I will have to persevere 😣

I know that different persons react differently to medicine,but cannot understand my doctor can't prescribe one without all these side effects.

I'm on medicine for high blood pressure which was between 145/80...sometimes 151/82 which my doctor say is too high.

I'm 71 years old and reasonably fit..and normal weight 68kg

Does anybody have same problem?

Thanks for reading this


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Hendeiskotland profile image
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44 Replies
Chappychap profile image

Three weeks is a bit too early to draw conclusions.

It took me over a year before the irritating cough that's a well known side effect of Ramipril subsided, and if I'm at a party and chatting to lots of people then even after nearly five years I still feel hoarse the next day.

And yes, Bisoprolol also makes me sleepy. But I've learned that if I dig deep I can push through it, in fact I've found getting outside or exercising are actually the best ways of overcoming Bisoprolol fatigue.

The hard truth is that if, like many of us on this forum, you've been prescribed these drugs for heart disease/atheroschlorosis, then there are only two ways of keeping well, medication and life style changes. To give ourselves every chance of staying healthy we need to embrace both those options to the absolute max. It might not always be easy, but the prize of more active years of precious life is surely worth fighting for.

Good luck!

Hendeiskotland profile image
Hendeiskotland in reply to Chappychap

Thank you for commenting on my post..I had no idea it would take that long for some people…I guess I’ll just have to wait and see🤔

Suzyh profile image

Yes I did I will not take bisoprolol again ever feel like a new person since stopped taking it

Hendeiskotland profile image
Hendeiskotland in reply to Suzyh

How long were you on it before stopping taking it 🤔

Suzyh profile image
Suzyh in reply to Hendeiskotland

3 years thought there was something not right but everybody said give it chance. You know your own body when something is not right go with your gut feeling wish I had

Blackknight57 profile image

doctors put me on a lot if stuff to bring my bpm down . My BP was never high ,now at around 90/65 resting.

Hendeiskotland profile image
Hendeiskotland in reply to Blackknight57

Thanks for coming back to me 😉

56dick19 profile image

hi the side affect I get is feeling tired and usually have a sleep in the afternoon.Iv been on it for about 6 years now. I take 10mg a day. I would speak to your heart nurse. Not sure if it was the Bisoprolol but after I started taking It I got depressed and felt awful and still on medication for it

Hendeiskotland profile image
Hendeiskotland in reply to 56dick19

Thanks for your reply 😉

Flummoxedlou profile image

Try to vary the times that you take it. I take mine in the morning and sleep every afternoon, but it hasn't affected me too much. Others I take only at night so that the immediate effects are slept through rather then suffer them. But I think three weeks is too early to tell with bisoprolol. Good luck though and perhaps after a couple of months, if still the same, ask your doctor to try another similar. However, if you really still feel ghastly then talk to the doctor. I also find my local pharmacist a wonderful source of knowledge.

Hendeiskotland profile image
Hendeiskotland in reply to Flummoxedlou

Thanks for coming back to me 😉

intheweeds profile image

hi, I was on bisoprolol for only 2 weeks before I had to come off it. Reason for coming off it was that it put my heart into brachycardia. And another interesting side effect was that after blood tests they found my gamma GT level in my liver to be 145. Normal range is below 37 I think. Bisoprolol could get my heart rate back down if I have AFib so I will take it again when I need to.

Best of luck with your journey, it’s a challenge but on here we are not alone but surrounded by friends.

Hendeiskotland profile image
Hendeiskotland in reply to intheweeds

I had my blood tests done Tuesday so will see what results they come back with thanks for your reply 😉

Prada47 profile image

Bisoprolol is probably one of the MOST prescribed Heart Medications.

I actually believe that it is only a few people who have negative side effects from it.

The effects that it causes is why it is prescribed i.e. to lower Heart Rate to stop episodes of AF and to lower blood pressure.

Don't get me wrong I believe people do have side effects that they feel they can't live with, but and here it comes, it is prescribed for a reason a professional has decided you need it so not a just handed out for nothing !

Merry Christmas ps I do take 7.5mg Bisoprolol along with another six medicined every day

Hendeiskotland profile image
Hendeiskotland in reply to Prada47

Merry Christmas to you too and thanks for your reply 😉

Patti90 profile image

My mum who was wasn't on any medication before having to start Bisoprolol for A fib this year, she was at first on the the smallest dose and then over several weeks went from 5mg which made her extremely sleepy then a visit to the cardiologist he put it up to 10mg over the next weeks horrific is the only way to describe it, becoming more even more sleepy than before, would just sit down and her eyes would close, almost like being on sedatives,but then at night began to start shouting, even singing at the top of her voice, her heels become red and sore where I worked out that she was moving her legs up and down vigorous, gp very unhelpful, first the gp wanted to reduce it to 7.5mg but I got her to reduce it to 5mg, this was around 3 weeks ago, improvement on all fronts almost immediately, but not perfect,I still think Bisoprolol isn't right for her, but feel the medical profession still are just so unhelpful, and I feel we are having to work it out ourselves, even when I described the symptoms she was experiencing, they didn't think it was a problem, that controlling her heart rate was it. I am not against medication, but one shoe does fit all. I hope I can get my mum to the place where she remains at her best, and her medication doesn't make her feel ill.

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to Patti90


Not looking for a fight but AF is quite a serious illness in it's self and Bisoprolol is the NICE 1st Line Medication. I stand to be corrected on this but 10mg is the target for almost everyone who is prescribed Bisoprolol but over a period of time. i.e. 2.5 5 7.5 10mg.

I believe a Professional would only go to 10mg should the lower dose not be controlling the Heart Condition it was prescribed for.


Hendeiskotland profile image
Hendeiskotland in reply to Prada47

Thanks for your reply 😉

Bigheart58 profile image
Bigheart58 in reply to Prada47

I’m not sure what you say is correct. I’m on 10mg. My impression is that my cardiologist wanted me on the maximum dosage I could tolerate. That seems to be the general approach but I realise it depends on the patient’s specific condition.

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to Bigheart58

I think that's what I said !!! " I believe a Professional would only go to 10mg should the lower dose not be controlling the Heart Condition it was prescribed for"

Merry Christmas

Bigheart58 profile image
Bigheart58 in reply to Prada47

I’m saying the opposite. The NHS website says that 10 mg is the standard dose of Bisoprolol for heart failure.

Patients are usually started on 1.25 mg and that is incrementally increased over time to 10 mg, provided the patient is able to tolerate it.

Merry Christmas!

Bigheart58 profile image
Bigheart58 in reply to Prada47

Hendeiskotland profile image
Hendeiskotland in reply to Patti90

Thanks for your reply 😉

Hendeiskotland profile image
Hendeiskotland in reply to Patti90

Thanks for coming back to me 😉

dicynth profile image


I was on Bisoprolol for 4 months, and it knocked me flat. The fatigue was continual, ectopics increased instead of decreased, and I developed back pain. I felt like I was in a fog and my daily exercise routine went out the window. I had never felt worse.

I was on this for BP control, so thankfully there were other options. Beta blockers are certainly not first choice in the care of blood pressure.

I totally understand how you are feeling. See your doctor and perhaps an alternative can be found. Good luck!

Hendeiskotland profile image
Hendeiskotland in reply to dicynth

Thanks for coming back to me 😉

Kewen profile image

hi , my husband was put on it approx 6 weeks ago.

He felt a very tired but also had other new meds , so not sure if it was the Bisopheral causing that.

But now he’s feeling much better and the side effects of the new meds seem to be levelling out.

I hope that helps a little.

Hendeiskotland profile image
Hendeiskotland in reply to Kewen

Thanks for your reply 😉

GCWhits profile image

I experienced lots of side effects on just 1.25mg, and also on half of that (had to cut the tiny little ill in half). Nausea and light headedness were intolerable. I was taken off it.

Tedthedog profile image

when I was first taken off antenlol (that I felt fine on) and put on bisoprolol .. I felt really tired too… everything was an effort but has time as gone on my body as got use to it and it much better.. When I spoke to my GP and he said give it some time and he was right..… Why not speak to your GP too

INTHEUSA profile image

I’ve been on Bisop for 12 years. It is more a drug that impacts the strength/stress of heartbeat than it is a BP med. Some drs prescribe it as BP moderator others not so much. Regardless, you will adjust and your body will feel more “normal” in 3-6 weeks. I was as high as 10mg which was too much for me-felt too lethargic. I have settled at 5mg and it affects my day to day not much.

Hendeiskotland profile image
Hendeiskotland in reply to INTHEUSA

Thanks for your reply 😉

Hi Hendei, I've been on 1.25gram of Bisoprolol since my Bypass 11 weeks ago. Ever since my op I've suffered with a queasy- upset stomach. I just put it down to all medication I'm on to prevent the remodelling of my heart following my Bypass. But as this has put a real dampener on my quality of life I had a long chat with my GP. a couple of days ago. On her advice I tried switching the times of the day I took my medication 💊 to see if we could identify which particular medication was causing my problems. To cut a long story short even though at only 1.25gram of Bisoprolol it seems to be the problem. So, as of tomorrow I'm going to take it at night 🌙 in the hope that I won't be aware of the symptoms if I'm asleep. Anyway I'm only taking half the dose your on and it's effecting me so you're not alone. Best regards, Denis

Hendeiskotland profile image
Hendeiskotland in reply to

Thanks for your reply 😉

Bigheart58 profile image

Clearly some people have bad side effects from Bisoprolol but the vast majority of people don’t.

It’s easy to get a misleading impression from the relatively small number of people on this forum who struggle with it.

Nobody is going to post that they are on a drug and have no major side effects. Beware placing too much weight on an unrepresentative sample.

Hendeiskotland profile image
Hendeiskotland in reply to Bigheart58

Thanks for your comment,I fully understand that there will be a lot of people, who tolerate the medicine with no or few side effects.This is my 4th prescribed blood pressure medicine,and I’ve not tolerated any of the others very well,so are beginning to think I’m one of those persons who struggle with medications🤔😉

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to Hendeiskotland

Hello Hendeiskotland, please try not to despair. I could not tolerate Bisoprolol and have changed my bp meds 4 times. I have recently changed again in the hope that this one will work better for me. I normally am not able to speak to the same GP as it is a large practice but the GP I spoke to recently was really lovely and helpful so I am hoping to try and see if I can arrange to speak with her again if I get any issues. Take care and I do hope you can find an alternative that suits you. The meds can be a challenge but we have to persevere and find the ones that work for us! Judi

Bigheart58 profile image

I’m sorry you experience bad side effects and hope that your body is able to cope with these meds over time. Sometimes it takes time for the body to get used to new drugs. I wish you well.

Windmill6 profile image

What is the reason for your high BP? I am correct in saying your are on 4 drugs for high BP. I had to come off this drug It didn't work well for me so back on atenalol,longer lasting.

Hendeiskotland profile image
Hendeiskotland in reply to Windmill6

Thanks for replying

There’s no reason I know of for my high blood pressure, other than maybe my age.And I’m not on four different medicine,I have been on three different ones so far,and all of them gave me bad side effects.

Finaus profile image

Perhaps you need a second opinion as to whether your blood pressure really is too high and a first opinion on the benefits as compared to the adverse effects of this drug so far as you are concerned.

Hendeiskotland profile image
Hendeiskotland in reply to Finaus

Thanks…yes I have also considered this..😉

Windmill6 profile image

I really think you ought to look again at why BP is so high....a similar story with me and mine was caused by an endocrine condition. Don't be fobbed off by Dr saying age is reason!Ask for some basic blood tests...fbc,u/e,thyroid function and urine tests too. Good Luck!

Hendeiskotland profile image
Hendeiskotland in reply to Windmill6

Thanks will do have a phone consultation this Wednesday to ask for that🤔😉

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