how can you know if that ache in your left arm is a warning or just that you have done too much with that arm that day?
aching arm: how can you know if that... - British Heart Fou...
aching arm

I would say if you’re concerned it’s always best to get yourself checked out. Maybe call 111 to get some advice and they might be able to get you an OOH appointment with a doctor.
Good luck, I hope you feel better very soon! 🤞🏼💛
Hi what sort of ache is it does it feel like a pulled muscle or a dull sharp ache and does pain move to anywhere else obviously I'm not a doctor but maybe do 111 online and see what it says just be safe.
Take care ❤️
It’s always worrying when those of us with a heart history get pains that could be an indication of a heart problem. As I understand it if you put pressure on your left arm where it hurts and it initiates the pain and feels sore then it is almost certainly a muscle overuse problem, particularly if you know you recently have used the arm a lot. If there is no replication of the pain then it probably needs further investigation. However always err on the side of caution and if uncertain consult your GP or ring 111.
I hope that helps and good luck .
Hello aching arms were the first sign I had of angina. It was both arms. A heavy aching feeling when I walked or ran outside. Followed by chest pains a few weeks later. Best to get it checked out
Speak to a medical professional. I worried myself sick recently with aching left arm and it turned out to be a side effect to diltiazem. Rectified very quickly.
Good luck and hope you feel better very soon.
Oh that's so difficult. I have severe arthritis in my shoulder and a herniated disc in my neck so I always wonder where arm pain is coming from but all I can say is that when I did have a heart attack, I just knew immediately. It was a very different pain; more like a tingling. I'd had horrific indigestion and pain in my back for 3 days; living on rennies but when the tingling started in my arm,then went up my neck I just knew and rang 999. It wasn't even bad pain/tingling. Just very different. No chest pain at all except the indigestion.
you were shrewder than me. Well done. I had arm ache two nights prior to event. I blamed my dog for pulling in the lead. Third day indigestion and gaviscon. All day I wondered around petsworth East Sussex with this indigestion coming and going. 8 o’clock at night I thought this is not right and called 999. I really had no idea.
Mine was slow burning but exploded at 8 o’clock.
We have to be careful not to cry wolf but the symptoms are so varied. Very hard to know.
thank you for caringxxx
I think if it hadn't also g one slightly up my neck too, I would have ignored it because I always have pain down my arm although it definitely did feel different. The nurse who triaged me in A&E obviously didn't believe it as I was left on a corridor for 5 hours. I wasn't grey or clutching my chest. Women do get different symptoms.
you are absolutely right. Womens symptoms are very different. 5 hours in a corridor ( you couldn’t make that up) glad you’re still here to tell the talexx
Yep it was a bit traumatic. Ambulance came at 10.30pm. It was 10.30 am before I'd had bloods done and results back then around 3pm before I got a bed and I was on my own; husband didn't believe paramedics and went back to bed.
that’s the beauty of healthinlocked we can advise each other and also allow ourselves to commiserate just a little over our hard times. I had felt quite concerned about the arm ache and just decided to write . I’m glad I did because it’s helped no end to hear everyone’s input.
For what it's worth, when I had my HA, all I got was a slight tingle in the tip of my little finger on my left hand. Every now and then I get a similar thing but I've been up to the hospital a couple of times and it was nothing. I sometimes wonder if that's where my anxiety manifests itself now so I'm learning to live with it. What I would say is that you know your own body better than anyone, if you think it may be, go and get it checked out 👍
hi, you would have other symptoms with it, like shortness of breath, nausea and or vomiting, chest or back pain, feelings of not being ok, irregular heart beats, slow or racing heart. Any time your unsure check with your doctor.
as far as i know heart related symptoms in females can differ significantly from those in males… you don’t necessarily have to feel accompanying symptoms..i had a persistent pain in my arm going down the full length of the arm at the beginning of this year.. phoned 111 and they sent an ambulance.. troponin was raised but informed i hadn’t suffered a ‘full blown HA’ still don’t know what that means🤣.. if in doubt call 111👍
no mine came out if the blue. Just an aching arm two days before and third day indigestion. Given that I’d been staying with Italians and eaten like a queen I put it down to that. 3 stents later 2 in LAD one somewhere else? Still here to tell the tale but get a bit worried occasionally x
That's what I wonder a lot of the time 🤣 if concerned a puff of your GTN and see if it goes away - it's hard to ignore any chest/ arm pain if you've had problems before 🤷
yes exactly. We can sit and worry about things but it’s so much nicer to write it down here and all you kind people put it all in perspective.