Permanent bloating with continuous pa... - British Heart Fou...

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Permanent bloating with continuous palpitations

Micron5 profile image
14 Replies

At my wits end for some time now have had constant palpitations accompanied by endless stomach bloating - every few seconds my heart jumps/hesitates/leaps - have tried valsalva manoeuvre, cold water splashes on face, slow/deep breathing, and for the bloating have tried activated charcoal capsules, pepppermint capsules, simethicone, etc etc -can't get to see a g.p. for love nor money so in desperation rang 111 - as I am not having chest pains, breathlessness, passing out it was not considered urgent. I have an appointment with my cardiologist on 16th of this month (I am on Flecainide for AF which was recently increased from 100mg to 200mg per day and my Bisoprolol 2.5mg withdrawn)and in desperation phoned but had to leave a message-his secretary phoned me today and said he is aware of my problem and will conduct an e.c.g at my appointment so I now have to cope with this till then. I have always been used to heart palpitations but never constant like this and being personal for a moment I can do over 100 huge belches of endless gas regularly from my stomach. I am & always have been an extremely stressful person which doesn't help at all. I am also due to have a scan of my pancreas due to recent blood test showing an A1c of 42 (borderline for diabetes) despite having been on a reduced carb and sugar diet for over a year and having done some online research I find that 'pancreatis' (failing pancreas) can also lead to poor digestion AND BLOATING so I am a nervous wreck at the moment with 'what if its some sort of cancer...)' I can cope with most health problems reasonably well but this situation is really getting me down when you can't get to talk to or see anyone urgently to help. Sorry to witter on! Has anyone any suggestions please?

Micron 5

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14 Replies
Jasia profile image

I had the same, and eventually was referred to a dietician. She put me on the 'Fodmap diet' where you have a very carefully researched bland diet then carefully introduce foods after eight weeks. I discovered that I am sensitive to various glutens. I do miss delicious wheat bread, cakes, barley and other foods but the bloating and pain (which I did have) are gone. Do ask your doctor about the Fodmap diet - it is the result of research by Addebrookes hospital in Cambridge and St. George's in London if I remember correctly. Good luck.

Micron5 profile image
Micron5 in reply to Jasia

Thank you so much for your quick reply and for the suggestion of diet restriction -actually I also had the same thing in mind and have been experimenting cutting out various items from my diet-maybe a more rigid regime is called for as you suggest- it is certainly worth a try-you may be aware of Dr Steven Gundry an eminent heart surgeon who has written numerous books on the subject of bad foods (harmful lectins in oats, wheat, etc etc plus scientists have genetically altered crops plus spraying with pesticides etc - in fact he is so alarming that I have often thought the only safe way to eat is to throw away the contents and eat the packet of any supermarket food!! Best wishes. Micron 5

DanniC88 profile image

I suffer from acid reflux and literally live on gaviscon. I know it's different to you but keeps my tummy in check which helps stop my heart doing flip flops too.I also avoid chocolate, spicy foods and pizza.

Micron5 profile image
Micron5 in reply to DanniC88

Thank you very much for your reply to my post - I have a similar product to Gaviscon called Peptac which in my case doesn't seems to help ( I have purchased various so-called remedies but to no avail. I am also guilty of excessive use of decongestant nasal sprays (oxymetazoline hydrochloride) which shrink the nasal passages (had problem since teenage years with nasal passages being dry but sealed up) research online even suggest that this product may cause palpitations though my g.p. doesn't think so! Best wishes

Goldfish7 profile image
Goldfish7 in reply to Micron5

Pretty sure decongesants do cause increased heart rate and palpitations. Ive been warned off using them by GPs and specialist team (I have rapid AF and AFlutter ). Pity because I have fairly chronic sinus problems. However, my sinuses may now be slightly better than when I was using decongestants so thats a bonus. I tend to use salt water sprays or a Netti Pot (asian watering can looking thing with mildly salty water in) to clear my sinuses now. Re the bloating AF lilink - I get the same at times and havent found an answer yet. I think it may be related to too many carbs or refined carbs such as bread, sugar and things with white flour in them. Best of luck with your symptoms and let us know if you manage to crack it!

Micron5 profile image
Micron5 in reply to Goldfish7

Hi thank you for your message. I am currently trying very hard to wean myself off the nasal decongestant sprays although my G.P. doesn,'t think that they are responsible for palpitations etc and as you will be aware, persistent use of these sprays (used them for most of my adult life) results I am convinced this was a contributory cause of me waking with AF in the night being unable to breath as my mouth was totally dry and my tongue glued to the roof of my mouth!) I have tried NeilMed nasal rinse techniques with the saline solution also trying to persist with the steroid sprays prescribed by my G.P. but its hard. I have been so restrictive with my diet to the point of obsession which has made mealtimes difficult and unenjoyable and recently have been tempted to abandon all restrictions and just eat what |I want and enjoy. Anyway I will wait until the results of the next couple of weeks and hopefully the situation will improve. Take care. Micron5

DavidM16 profile image

I have a similar problem just no where near as bad I do find walking helps hugely and also laying on your stomach helps release the gas l also reduced a ppi

Micron5 profile image
Micron5 in reply to DavidM16

Thank you for your reply - I was given Omeprazole some time ago but apart from no sign of relief I got to the point of confusion with so many different drugs to remember to take and when (even with my pill charts & dispenser boxes!! I also take meds for my prostate, R.A. blood-thinning, A.F. etc)My worry is that it may be my pancreas that is at the root of the problem as my research tells that a failing pancreas can inhibit proper digestion of food and thus cause bloating & this may also account for my continuing weight loss ( that is why the big C has already entered my mind) anyway I am due for a scan of it on 11th Nov. As you will have gathered I am Mr Stress in every conceivable sense of the word! Take care

Sljp0000 profile image

I suffer dreadfully with stomach problems with the most horrendous side effects. Loads of tests over the years, nothing wrong. I know its easier said than done but try not to worry. When anxiety is high we swallow so much air which only exacerbates any issues. I suspect this is whats happening here.

With regard to pancreatic problems my mum had pancreatitus for years which resulted in major surgery. The pain she had was incredible and she coughed up bile. Do you have these symptons? Please remember that bloating g is most likely excess gas in your tummy and nothing more sinister. Have you tried relaxation techniques. Of course I'm not medically trained but this is the most likely explanation.

With regard to your Haba1c results they are pretty good. Just take it as a warning you need to tweak your diet and up your excercise. It wouldn't take much to reduce it. Mine is in the 50s with a low carb diet. I have insulin resistance. Don't let it get that far which it could do if you don't take action now. Maybe just have 1 carb free meal a day and extra 10 mins walk. Diabetes is a dreadful disease and causes so many health problems. Don't let it get a hold on you. Sort it now whilst you can. Believe me it will be worth it.

All the best, let us know how you're doing.


Micron5 profile image
Micron5 in reply to Sljp0000

Many thanks for your message. The baffling thing to me is that having listened to the plentiful advice (on YouTube mostly) about low-carb low sugar diets I have been trying very hard to follow the guidelines for at least a year (not buying biscuits, cake, deserts, crisps, etc etc) and studying the labels on just about everything to check the carb/sugar content as well as trying to avoid preservatives, hydrogenated fats, msg, etc etc and then, after all of that effort to be told by my G.P. practice that I am borderline for diabetes!! I regularly check my blood sugar levels which usually hover around 5.5/6.0 before food and 6.5/8.00 after food. I managed a rare face-to face with my G.P. and he said we must scan your pancreas first as this may be the cause (scan booked for Frid 11th Nov.) -no stomach pain or jaundice so hopefully.... I have also now managed to book an ECG at the hospital on Monday 7th Nov and have arranged for the result to also be passed to my cardiologist with whom I have an appt on 16th Nov. I just wish that these constant heart palpitations would stop as the bumps/jumps/flutters every few seconds is driving me insane together with the accompanying 100's of belches/burps of gas from my stomach which also seem never ending. Right I've had my moan - forgive me but I have never felt so desperate AND secretly harbouring the fear of a heart attack, cancer or the end. P.S. Perhaps you could elaborate as to what stomach problems you have endured? Thank you. Micron 5

Pdlmgk4 profile image

I joined this site because I thought it might help. I have atrial flutter diagnosed at the start of the pandemic. Had an ablation in April this year but recently it has come back. I am in constant AF and finding it very stressful. The last few weeks I have had doctors appointments and been to A& E but nothing resolved. Reading these posts is making me feel depressed it seems there is no help unless you can pay private. I am going to get my funeral payed for and my affairs sorted.

Micron5 profile image
Micron5 in reply to Pdlmgk4

Hi many thanks for your comments. I find it extremely frustrating that nowadays it seems so so difficult to get to either speak to or see someone in the health service especially when feeling desperate with worry. Of course I DID manage to get through on 111 and was eventually assessed but because I was experiencing no chest pain or passing out or breathlesness my case was judged to be non-urgent. As I have said I have always been a very very stressful person all of my life which doesn't help BUT all I am desperate for is some relief AND reassurance that my situation is not life-threatening. (I keep looking at my dear little cat Daisy with a tear in my eye and thinking "I love you my little companion and I don't want to leave you especially to an uncertain fate/future without me...) Yes I'm being melodramatic but that's how I feel right now-anyway hopefully after the next couple of weeks I will have a better indication of what is happening in this creaky old body of mine. Many thanks again for taking the trouble to message me. Take care.

Micron5 profile image
Micron5 in reply to Pdlmgk4

Hi further to my last message do you mind me asking what atrial flutter feels like as I am wondering if this is what I am experiencing and what I am describing as heart palpitations every few seconds - feels like a jump, hesitation for a split second then bump! I woke at 3am this morning with full AF (my 20th episode so far in 2 years) - fortunately my usual technique of valsalva manoeuvre, splashing cold water on face and slow deep breathing brought my heart rate back down after about 25 mins but then I am back with the regular palpitations (ECG tomorrow at hospital BUT they then make you wait for the result to filter back through the sytem!).

Pdlmgk4 profile image
Pdlmgk4 in reply to Micron5

Hi, yes, you described it well. Sorry for the delay but I am unwell at the moment. Been having constant palpitations. The doctor has put me back on Sotalol which makes me feel sick and gives me stomach problems. It I should a case of getting the rate down until I can get an appointment with cardiologist. In the meantime if I have any further problems it’s A&E again,

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