At my wits end for some time now have had constant palpitations accompanied by endless stomach bloating - every few seconds my heart jumps/hesitates/leaps - have tried valsalva manoeuvre, cold water splashes on face, slow/deep breathing, and for the bloating have tried activated charcoal capsules, pepppermint capsules, simethicone, etc etc -can't get to see a g.p. for love nor money so in desperation rang 111 - as I am not having chest pains, breathlessness, passing out it was not considered urgent. I have an appointment with my cardiologist on 16th of this month (I am on Flecainide for AF which was recently increased from 100mg to 200mg per day and my Bisoprolol 2.5mg withdrawn)and in desperation phoned but had to leave a message-his secretary phoned me today and said he is aware of my problem and will conduct an e.c.g at my appointment so I now have to cope with this till then. I have always been used to heart palpitations but never constant like this and being personal for a moment I can do over 100 huge belches of endless gas regularly from my stomach. I am & always have been an extremely stressful person which doesn't help at all. I am also due to have a scan of my pancreas due to recent blood test showing an A1c of 42 (borderline for diabetes) despite having been on a reduced carb and sugar diet for over a year and having done some online research I find that 'pancreatis' (failing pancreas) can also lead to poor digestion AND BLOATING so I am a nervous wreck at the moment with 'what if its some sort of cancer...)' I can cope with most health problems reasonably well but this situation is really getting me down when you can't get to talk to or see anyone urgently to help. Sorry to witter on! Has anyone any suggestions please?
Micron 5