Hi, does anyone get palpitation episodes which according to my GP is not a heart condition, yet make me feel unwell with shortness of breath, dizziness and a feeling in my chest area. Basically, left to get on with it as apparently a common condition, but quite dibilitating.
Palpitations: Hi, does anyone get... - British Heart Fou...

You are obviously unhappy with your GP's assessment of your condition and the instructions you have received. I suggest you return to the GP and explain that to your GP and see whether they are willing to change their position. If not you can ask for a second opinion which is apparently not a legal right if you are in the UK, but often allowed,. This may cause your GP to reconsider and onward refer you to a specialist as appropriate, or grant your request for the GP second opinion. The other alternative, if you can afford it, is to ask your GP for a referral to a private specialist such as a cardiologist for a consultation. You are paying so any objections should be challenged. Fees in the private health care sector are about £200 for the first appointment reducing for subsequent consultations. Any tests or investigations are additional.

Thank you, since my posting, I have read several older posts that address my concerns. I was daunted to read how others have followed up with cardiologist appointments, scans, tests etc, all to no avail. As the BHF page asks, is my condition idiopathic? It would appear so.
Have you had any tests? My palpitations were episodes of high HR (205) with some dizziness. ECG at doctors showed nothing (I wasn't having an episode.) Bloods were clear. I was due to have an echocardiogram but in the end I was admitted as an emergency and had tests which diagnosed SVT and Severe Mitral Regurgitation. I did feel that initially my symptoms were thought to be either non-existent or not as bad as I was describing. On one call with 999 they would not take my HR reading from my clip on sats monitor and insisted on me counting it which I could not do at 205/minute! It was such a relief when I was attended to by a first responder and paramedics while an episode was still happening and they acknowledged the severity of what was happening ("oooh we haven't seen one that bad for a while!".)
i would ask for a second opinion.
Im not sure i like the GP saying its a common condition.. what is the condition? I need some answers just like you.
Keep us posted
This is what I read online about Palpitations being a common condition. My last conversation with my GP 4 weeks ago was to get some reassurance before going on holiday. She said she had listened and was confident there was no need for concern, even though I ended the call with me saying how unfit and unwell I feel with this. On my travel insurance form, there was in declared conditions, Palpitations and Heart Palpitations??? I asked my GP what was the difference, she didn't know!
Ah sorry to hear you been having palpitations and your gp is taking you seriously its annoying with palpitations they only become a cause for concern when you have heart problems and accompanied with light-headedness or chest pain and dizziness. But considering you have been getting those symptoms I would chase it up and get a second opinion. Hope you feel better soon.
Thank you. but after reading many of your comments, several of you have gone to cardiologists, had numerous test and exams all with negative results 🙁 So I now realise that I just have to live with this, it does impact on my lifestyle and you never know when it is going to strike, but hey, a lot of people worst off, so we count our blessings.
I understand why you feel that way I felt that way but I wouldn't let them treat me like it was nothing I basically nagged them about it for ages before they decided to take a second more detailed look into my 7 day holter monitor and they literally phoned my couple weeks later saying they found that I have 12 extra beats I can't remember what else they said but they started me on verapamil 40mg and that's really helped been on it since June this year. Please don't give up I know what it's like I tried to just let it be but in the end was affecting everything.
Just fight for your opinion! 😉
Many thanks 👍 I was put on Propranolol ages ago which certainly helps, I tried to come of it at one time and had a very uncomfortable attack of the pulps! And I recently had Covid and that gave me one day in bed with an attack. I think I mentioned that I asked my GP what the difference was between Palpitations and Heart Palpitations and she didn't know. This was on my travel ins form, so if anyone knows . . . .