Good morning, well here goes another day. As soon as I wake up I think I can hear my heart pounding and just seem anxious all day. I was taken off Citalopram back in March following a heart event (not a heart attack but diagnosed with CAD with a narrowing in my LAD, no stent needed at the moment). I was taking citalopram to control mood swings and hot flushes in menopause but GP seems reluctant to put me on medication and advised a 6 week CBT course which I’ve just completed. I actually feel worse since doing this. I feel I am anticipating a heart attack, I feel angry, irritated and stressed all the time and am really not myself. The cardiologist advised against HRT. There are so many of you who have been through much worse and I applaud your positivity and braveness. If anyone can let me know what you take for anxiety/menopause I’d be grateful and at least I can go armed with information when I next speak to GP. This has been such a rollercoaster. Thank you ❤️
Anxiety Struggle: Good morning, well... - British Heart Fou...
Anxiety Struggle

I have found Mirtazapine helpful for anxiety.I am on a low dose but you can come off it with a nod to your GP. Itis a a long time commitment .It also helps with insomnia as you take it before bed so it is a mild soporific.
I am so sorry you are going through such an awful time with your anxiety as someone that suffers I know how it feels
I am also sorry that you feel worse for the cbt than you did before it does not always work for everyone or sometimes you need more than you get allocated which I know on the NHS you are only allocated so many which is not always enough
I have gone through the menopause still get some symptoms though , I have had 3 heart attacks as well as Bypass surgery and the one anxiety medication that my Consultant , Surgeon and Doctor always mention my Consultant telling me she puts many anxious patients on it and how well it works is Sertraline and is safe to use
Hope you find the right anxiety med that will help you x

😊 xxx
Hello BeKind 28. Thank you for taking the time to reply. I know from reading your posts that you have had such a difficult time in the past with your heart events and your ongoing anxiety. You always come across as positive, kind and brave, encouraging others to move forward. Unlike me who is just so irritable and fed up. I just feel that the world is a very heavy place at the moment and so many of my friends are having tough times financially and with illness, there don’t appear to be many happy folk around to keep spirits lifted but hey thank you for your kind message. I will certainly look into that medication too and ask the GP about it. I definitely feel I need something to get me through this period. Stay well, strong and kind - thank you ❤️
I did not know you had replied to me
When you reply to someone if you press Reply that is in blue under their reply then they get notified you have sent them one , maybe you know that already and just forgot
Believe me I am sat here feeling just the same as you I am a total wreck seriously and so far away from been brave but because I know how it feels whenever I see someone struggling I do my best to try and encourage them as I know how much that would mean to me
We are also in times when we look around us and either people have health issues or struggling financially and it does seem so depressing but it is the little things that can make a big difference just listening to someone can help such a lot and letting them know they are not alone and neither are you we are always here if you need someone to listen
Try and focus on something nice a favourite TV programme , listen to the birds singing again the little things it reminds and distracts you from what can feel like the weight of the world on your shoulders
You may not feel like it but you will get through this and you will be wiser and stronger when you do x

Wow BeKind28 you’ve brought a few tears to the eyes 😢. Thank you for your kind words and your gentleness. You’re right, I’m sure I’ll bounce back from this but as you’ve said it’s a difficult time for so many folk. As humans we are very resilient aren’t we and sometimes it’s the simple things that can make us smile and feel encouraged again.
I do hope you stay well and please take your own advice - be kind to yourself as well as those around you. You are braver and stronger than you think. Your kind words are very much appreciated -Thank you. ❤️ (I hope I’ve pressed the right button 😁) xx
Yes you have pressed the right button
I honestly do know how hard this is I actually spend from morning till night worrying and taking my own advice is so much harder to do , I think what frustrates me so much I know the answers when it comes to anxiety but I just cannot make them work for me but we have to keep going and just a day at time
The simplest gestures can mean so much more than grand one's
I remember someone once thought of me and brought me a pot of home made jam they had made this was some years ago and it meant so much to me that they had made it and thought of me than if someone had given me an expensive gift without any thought ( if you know what I am trying to say )
Try and have a nice weekend and you know where we are if you need us x

Good stuff,I like it!this is always a great and inspiring place (site)to come if you need cheering up or to get some faith back in the human race!I am talking about this whole heart foundation website full of good people with great advice !
I agree there are some really kind , helpful people on here that when you are feeling low help pick you up
I hope you are keeping well and have a lovely weekend x
Hello BackToTheBlues, thank you for getting in touch. You did kindly reply to an earlier post I put on following my heart event earlier in the year and told me about your wife’s menopause situation with the HRT. As you are probably completely aware, these heart events give you a shock and we all need time to get our heads around them but what this has also done to me is make me so so cautious about taking medication which could have side effects which impact on the heart, diabetes and even cancer. This is where additional worry kicks in and I have fear that I didn’t have before. Fear of HRT giving me cancer, fear of antidepressants giving me diabetes or knocking my heart out of sync. But like you mention, what’s going on inside with the anxiety, stress and worry? It’s likely it’s not doing me any good at all. I’d like to think that with exercise and surrounding myself with good people that they will lift me out of this situation but as I mentioned in my original post, everyone seems to be having a hard time at the moment, I think I am being over cautious and worrying about a potential heart attack when interestingly you say don’t worry about having <50% narrowing in the LAD - have you been given some reassurances about your situation? The cardiologist has said I’m “low risk” so why can’t I accept that? But then that’s what makes me think this could all be just taking me back to my original menopausal symptoms - so I’ve gone full circle. I’ll definitely speak to my GP and thank you again for your response. I do appreciate it and I hope you and your wife are feeling good. ❤️❤️ Apologies for waffling! ❤️
I fully understand what you mean I am in hospital at the moment and have had a lot of problems with AF and angina also I have got God really is difficult plus the fact I’ve got swollen legs and feet and it’s hard to walk about I really exercise as much as I can now I’m on medication to try and get my legs better which might help the AF is a real rollercoaster and I have many I’ve had many rails in A&E because I don’t always take you seriously good luck with your menopause
Thanks again for the message. You sound like you’ve done wonders with the exercise and have put the situation to the back of your mind and accepted your new “normal”. I bought a new bike and have started riding that and have started playing tennis - well knocking a ball about for an hour or so. I’ve cut out meat and dairy so I’m hoping all that will help me. Physically I feel great it’s all in the head I’m afraid but I will definitely follow your advice. Thank you and stay well ❤️
I know you’re right - I am very fortunate compared to a lot on the forum. I’ve tried jogging in the past having done a few 5 and 10kms over the years - I may give it another go but I must admit I do prefer the bike and walking the dog but your advice isn’t unheard. I do appreciate you taking the time and I wish you well for the future with all your running adventures 🏃♂️- thank you ❤️
hello heartfairy, I to suffer with anxiety and also take Mirtazapene. I think it is fair to say that it has been incredibly helpful to me. It has massively helped my anxiety and also my sleep. I do hope you can get the support you need. Anxiety is very debilitating. Take care, Judi
Hello Heartfairy,
I am extremely sorry to hear that you are going through such a hard time. I had posted a similar post few months back and I had some very helpful answers. I am 36 and had a HA when I was 33, and it needed Quintuple CABG surgery. I have these phases of anxiety and panic attacks and I have been diagnosed to have PTSD from my event. I understand how the anxiety makes you feel and the daily struggle of dealing with it. I have been trying to walk to deal with it. I also listen to music. I have recently started counselling with Hypnotherapy. For inspiration, I have been reading books from a guy named Joseph (Joe) Piscatella who is from USA and had a heart attack in 1972 but is still well alive and ticking. I am yet to consider any medications to control my anxiety.
I hope you feel better soon. Take Care.
Hello ClaydonAR - I love books so I’ll certainly look at your recommendation for some inspiration. I have kind of discovered though that mens heart health is a lot different to womens but at the end of the day a successful, inspiring story is an encouraging one for us hearties. Thank you, much appreciate ❤️
Hi, ask to be referred to a menopause clinic, there are many different types of HRT and it certainly helps. I’ve been on it 30years, read about it, balance opinions and risks. Good luck😸
Hello VelvetSky - yeah there seems to be so much more nowadays but some GPs are still reluctant to prescribe. I will consider a visit to a clinic I think or as another reply mentioned acupuncture. These replies have been marvellous for ideas. Thank you ❤️
Hi heart fairy, the Gynaecologist I saw said I was the same age as his mother and he hopes she stays on HRT for life and he saw no reason why I shouldn’t do so. I have found that the reluctant GP’s are usually men or young women, neither of which have any personal menopausal experience. Something is going to get me in the end, I’ll take quality of life over length of life.💐
hi heartfairy, I’m under a cardiologist and have seen an electrophysiologist. I’ve been having counselling for anxiety for about 3 months which has helped but The electrophysiologist has also recommended anxiety medication. He went away and looked into the medications and he’s recommended sertraline as being the safest. I’ve looked around at the medications and for me I can’t see another one that is any safer. I’ve been on it for just over 2 weeks and yes it’s made me feel worse at first- like the information says it can I’m now starting to pick up. I also think sertraline is the group of medications that’s given for PMT so might be helpful for menopausal issues. But you’d need to check that. Good luck
Thank you Ewloe, I think that medication has been mentioned already so certainly one to ask about with my doc. Thank you ❤️
I, like Ewloe have been prescribed sertraline. I had a HA and cardiac arrest 4 years ago and have suffered with anxiety ever since. Every little ache and twinge I got would cause terrible panic to the point that a couple of times I was convinced I was having another heart attack and called for ambulance to take me to A&E. I tried CBT but it didn’t work for me. My anxiety got to a point that one day I couldn’t not go to work for fear of having another HA at work. That is when I decided to call the doctor and he prescribed me sertraline. It has worked for me - I feel so much better - I do still worry about things sometimes but not to the extreme that it had got to ☺️
My Dear Heartfairy
Who could read your post and not be moved,
I feel so strongly about anxiety and the way it affects the very basics of peoples life, thank God that it is beginning { and I say Beginning } to be more understood and reconized by the medical profession .
The main advise that I can give you is that you are not alone and never will be and sometimes that can help lift the moods that your going through, the rest there is help for and you seem to be trying that path already.
I am so sorry that I cannot be of more help to you and I hope that my prayers and thoughts for your recovery reach you.
Please take care

Hello Blue1958 thank you for your lovely reply. You’re very kind. I do realise now that I’m not alone but sometimes when you’re sat in the house feeling so blue - you do feel alone. But the replies I’ve received have been so encouraging and the suggestions made have certainly given me food for thought. Thank you again and I hope you are okay ❤️
Hi Heartfairy, sorry to hear that you are having such a bad time with the menopause. I can completely sympathise as I have been there myself. Menopause matters is very informative and the forum on FB has been a source of support as you don’t feel so alone. I wish you all the best in finding a way forward through this time.
Have you tried acupuncture from a AACP member?
What a wonderful idea Digger0 - I never even considered that and have used it in the past for injuries but emotional….well hey why not? Thanks for the suggestion. ❤️
I notice that you are hypothyroid. Has anyone considered the possible links between your thyroid status and your heart issues? You may already be part of the thyroid section of Healthunlocked, but if not, I recommend you take a look. I have little knowledge myself, but you will find great information there.
Anxiety can be linked to thyroid status not being optimal. Anxiety is horrible: I hope you can find some relief soon from your symptoms.
Fortunately for me, my endocrinologist communicates with my cardiologist, and vice versa.
Hello Staffsgirl thank you for your reply. I have wondered about the thyroid link to the heart although the cardiologist did link my heart event to genetics. My mum (who I lost a while ago now) had an angioplasty at 56 and her dad died at 52 of a heart attack. Although I did always think that their lifestyles contributed to their illnesses. But who knows. I’ve had a big wake up call to life since this happened but like I say perhaps I’m a lucky one who hasn’t quite got to the place my mum did and I can now try and change a few things, increase aerobic exercise and changes to my diet but it is the anxiety that I feel is more of an issue - the fear of what’s going on inside, my heart pounding and how this impacts. I’m becoming a bit obsessed with checking my heart rate on my watch etc which doesn’t help so I need to try and put this to the back of my mind. But thank you for your reply. I’ll take a look at the thyroid forum for sure ❤️
Good morning, sorry to hear you are having a hard time. There could be many things that could turn your life around. First it is possible to make things better for yourself, if any of these things seem inane or pointless then maybe they are not for you, anyway here goes. Changes to diet can positively help your conditions, have a look at Esseltyns work:
Dr. Esselstyn's Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease Program
might be an eye opener, also breathing exercises done every day can calm you massively as can appropriate meditative exercises- many to found on Youtube (Jaybittersweet has loads of good stuff), if you are up to it go for a walk everyday outside, the infrared that is around outside can be very beneficial. Try to avoid medication if your GP says it is OK to do so.
Have a great day😀👍Ron
Thank you Ron for the suggestions, I will definitely take a look at those you’ve mentioned. My GP told me to Google Dr Neal Barnard - gosh what an eye opener. I kind of feel the diet side of things has been successful, since going a bit more plant based, I’ve lost weight and am in a good place but mentally I know exercise helps and I am trying but sometimes just don’t have the motivation. But thank you I will certainly look at what you’ve mentioned. Stay well ❤️
dear Heartfairy, I'm sending you much menopsusal love as your struggle is so real to me ❤️
I am seeing a medical herbslist whose HRT which is helping immensely with my symptoms so that might be a way forward for you?
I hope the light at the end of your tunnel gets closer day by day - it is there, honestly 🌻
I advise taking your mind off yourself , try and get involved with local charity, I found a great help was joining ancestry and tracing my family way back in time , when I was not able to go out ..
All the local hotels/ bars are looking for help, explain your situation , but cleaning and clearing and chatting to others is a great help , what about the till at your local supermarket, you meet such nice people. ( mainly) .
Hello Breesha, thank you for your reply. I think you’re right, keeping busy and speaking to people is key but this is part of my problem at the moment. I can’t be bothered - not motivated and I have never felt like that. I used to be fun to be around but now….I feel a bit of a dullard! Hopefully after following up on some of the suggestions here I can sort the anxiety whether it’s related to the heart event, menopause or thyroid then at least I have some homework to research and act upon. I’ll continue to walk my dog, ride my bike and with Christmas around the corner, perhaps work on some crafting - just need motivation 🙄! But thank you for your suggestion. Stay well ❤️
nothing like earning a few pennies to motivate you , see if you can find a little job , anything , I have a really posh friend , she found solace cleaning hotel rooms til they sparkled. I make soup for a local church who hold Souper Days . I make it deliver it and they freeze it . I like cooking but not baking .
You can do it , just take that first little step , ask a local hotel if they have a job , reception , whatever ….they will welcome you with open arms.