hot weather breathing difficulties - British Heart Fou...

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hot weather breathing difficulties

Bartie123 profile image
23 Replies

is anyone else having problems with shortness of breat in the heat? Mine is worse than ever!

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Bartie123 profile image
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23 Replies

Hello :-)

Yes I am and yes it has got me feeling really anxious more this heat wave than the last one we had

I went outside doing something yesterday and I felt so breathless it upset me

I feel not only is it so hot this time but the air feels really heavy to unlike the last heatwave a few weeks ago

I am really hoping this heat passes soon

Be interesting to see how many more are finding this a struggle but you are not the only one I am to :-) x

Bartie123 profile image
Bartie123 in reply to

Thank you! It does help to know it’s not just me!

in reply to Bartie123

This heat will be gone in a few days thank goodness :-) x

Bartie123 profile image
Bartie123 in reply to

Thank you! Yes- only two more days to suffer! And I used to love the sun! Jane.

in reply to Bartie123

I know what you mean bt this is really extreme as well as it been hot here there is no air it is heavy which does not help

Just count down the next couple of days stay cool and we should feel better :-) x

Comp1 profile image

Oh yes I have heart failure since 2020 and copd since 2019 this weather is a nightmare short breath and cough using inhalers lots more and every effort seems to make it worse. Take care and take it easy and try to remember what makes it worse

Bartie123 profile image
Bartie123 in reply to Comp1

Thank you it does help to know you’re not alone. Racks up my anxiety…..

Becksagogo profile image

You aren't alone. This weather is affecting lots of us . I've cancelled lunch dates and appointments so that I'm not out and about in the midday sun. I also slept downstairs with my back door open because upstairs was like an oven.Hopefully the thunderstorms that are forecast for Sunday/Monday will clear the air.

SLK-14 profile image

Hello Bartie123Yes I am living with Heart Failure and struggling with this heat, have never felt like this.

I was concerned as I thought I was deteriorating, it gives me some hope that it us just the heat. Take care and stay safe 😊

MelB51 profile image

I am currently at our place in the south of France and we have been having temperatures of up to 40C. I struggle in the heat for sure but cooling off in the pool helps and air conditioning indoors. I’m on oxygen for16 hors/day which is very uncomfortable, especially in the heat but I try to appreciate the fact that I am actually still alive!

Yes I do suffer but I'm not sure if it's a result of my micro vascular angina or the moderate aortic stenosis (and bicuspid valve). Taking relevant precautions: keeping cool and not over exerting myself. And that's difficult as I do a 35 mile cycle at least once a week, walk lots, play golf etc. But that's all on the back burner whilst it's so hot. C'est la vie! The cooler weather will be here soon enough no doubt (it being an English summer).

seamaid profile image

Hello Bertie, It certainly looks as if there are a lot of us suffering this oppressive heat, I am having so much trouble breathing I am now just mainly staying indoors with the fans going full bore. Let us hope Monday does bring us some welcome relief with lower temperatures and , hopefully, some rain,

Ghost-233 profile image

Hi and thank you for posting this question it’s such a relief to know I’m not alone. I live in Scotland and our temps haven’t been quite as high as it has in England and Wales so it must be even worse there. I have been struggling this last week and like another poster have been cancelling social engagements because of it.

I use a Bipap ventilator at night due to weak breathing/chest muscles and the other night didn’t use it because of severe nausea, in fact I was up most of the night and my breathing was much much worse the next day so obviously the Bipap does what it’s supposed to do.Soon we will all be complaining about the cold and rain so all my friends have agreed we will remind each other how much we hated the heat!

What a pity we can’t harness the heat to reduce our energy bills in the winter.

devonian186 profile image

We were away in West Devon earlier this week for our first night away since my operation 12 weeks ago. There was someone on holiday from Melbourne who was boasting to his friends back home about the weather! Apparently they had one of their coolest winters for 60 years so he seemed pleased with himself. An indicator of the warmth at present, which of course with all the buildings and tarmac builds up each day so its a warmer start first thing in the morning.

As for me I long for wind rain cloud and 10 degrees C off the temperatures. At the least the heat makes me feel a bit faint if not breathless. Pollen levels are still quite high.

devonian186 profile image


I heard this theory about the loft space but its already much hotter than the rest of the house so don't see how the hotter air in the loft will allow the slightly less hot slightly less dense air to escape upwards.

Ruby300 profile image

Hi Bartie123, yes I have found it hard to breath has well. I have sleep apnea also what I did yesterday I had to put my mask on to see if that help I felt so much better but on previous days I just had to find cool spot and just relax that help has well it feels better if I am not doing anything. Hope you are ok and everyone else on this forum hope it won’t be to long when it will cool down a bit. x

SelstonCanary profile image

Same here, can’t wait for it to cool down a bit. We have a tower fan in our bedroom which has a water tank at the bottom, that takes the edge off it a little.

Debtyd profile image

hi bartie..I think we are all feeling 51 and as soon as I start to move around I feel like 91my angina symptoms are wheezing as it is so I sound like a whistle😁 mum who's 71 is more able than I am at the minute...ive been draping a wet towel across my shoulders that absolutely helps me though I'm not sure that helps my joints long term lol...i think it's a case of wait it out another couple of days and hopefully most of us will get the storms to clear the air for us xx

Newstart3 profile image

Yes me too ... I'm looking forward to the cooler weather. Be sure to take care to keep cool and hydrated.

Nadeje profile image

Hi Bartie123,You're certainly not alone in this!

I've had two anxiety attacks yesterday! I live in supported living accommodation, my living room and bedroom windows are massive , facing southeast....sun is blasting in until midday when it kindly buggers off over the building to the other side, thankfully my flat doesn't face the west.

The window panes are hot to touch! Despite of closing all windows as soon as 8am and pulling blinds down the heat penetrates into my home.I'm suffocating almost! It really would be helpful to have outer shutters as lot of buildings around have, alas! our building is modern, not Georgian.🤔

I'm currently sitting opposite a fan , feet in bowl of cold water, cold flannels on my wrists, back of the neck, head....

Hydrating continuously.

Yesterday my heart was beating very fast, I had tightness across my chest, and I felt nauseous...I really was scared!😭

My daughter is on holiday at the moment, I feel so alone and helpless. There's no escape from this torturous heat....

Have to suffer it today and tomorrow...

Not living at the moment, just existing...surviving but being scared.

I really hate summer! In my youth I loved getting tan, roasting myself, even covering my whole body in butter!🤪🤣😱

Just to get brown! Total lunacy!🤦‍♀️

I feel such a grump when I moan about the heat and sun...but people ,especially those that are young, healthy, and even those older ones who don't have a heart disease don't understand!!!

May it get cooler soon, please!!!!!

There are many of us feeling this way, I draw some comfort from that

Take care!

Monica x

FeetheBookworm profile image

I’ve had HF since 2016. Have found this summer to be particularly difficult with exhaustion and drawing a fine line between not drinking too much fluid and the necessity to keep drinking enough fluids to keep cool. I take my dogs out about 6.00 am at the moment and we go out again about 11.30pm to walk up our lane which has a grass verge. Now covered in falling leaves so sounds like autumn in August. It’s still v warm then. I definitely need a daytime nap due to the heatWe do have a couple of air conditioning units but frankly it’s so expensive to run we haven’t put them on recently. Fiona

Pippy36 profile image

Yes me too! Last night was the worst so far for me. So hot in my bedroom. Tonight seems as if it may be bit cooler🤞 Tried wet flannels, fan, running cold water on wrists etcIt's reassuring to know lots of us feel the same.

Hope you all sleep better tonight

Emeralds55 profile image

Ditto, the air is so oppressive here in South East Devon, I've been breathing in through my nose and then pursing my lips to slowly exhale. Never thought I'd be praying for some cold weather 😂.

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