Hi all, just thought I would share a couple of things.
Firstly, you may know I don't take this post-bypass stuff too seriously, yes I eat fruit, salad and vegetables more, I have stopped putting salt in my cooking and I do exercise a lot. But I do eat bacon, pork, steak, peanuts, boiled eggs, in fact all the stuff we are supposed to avoid, I even drink alcohol every day.
Yesterday, I was assessed for a clinical trial about statins ( see below), I was apprehensive to have my cholesterol checked. Blimey, 2.9 combined HDL 0.75 LDL .067. Living proof that a "normal" lifestyle is perfectly OK. I'm on 10mg rosuvastatin.
Now for the clinical trial, Panthera are looking for people to take part in a stage 3 ( final stage after all other tests have been passed), trial for a drug to replace statins and/or stop the side affects of statins. To qualify, you must be on the highest dose of your particular statin ( 40mg for Rosuvastatin, others are higher). You won't get paid , apart from travel expenses, but you will have access to a heart specialist, regular tests, health checks and support. who knows, the new drug may just change yours and our lives. Register here
they have a number of facilities around the country, I went to Rochdale, they were very professional and very friendly.