Morning all
As some of you know I was diagnosed with AFib last year and had an ablation October 2021, I’m now undergoing further investigation (waiting for an echocardiogram and cardiac angiogram) anyway my eldest daughter (age 23) has been pestering her Dr for tests due to family history and palpitations (she’s been told the last 3 years it was anxiety 🙄)
The Dr finally arranged for her to have an echocardiogram and she got a call yesterday to say she has:
Pulmonary balance regurgitation
Tricuspid valve regurgitation
And a murmur
She’s been referred to cardiology and has to wear a 72 hour holter, I can’t believe she’s been dismissed all this time, has anyone else got experience of this and will she need an operation etc?
Should I be concerned about my other children (daughter 21 and son 8) there seems to some sort of a genetic thing going on here
Sorry for the long post but I’m a bit shocked at the moment
Thankyou for reading