Slight swelling and pain in right han... - British Heart Fou...

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Slight swelling and pain in right hand one week post angiogram procedure. Should I be worried?

sickandsore profile image
22 Replies

My procedure went well and I didn’t require a stent which is good news. I’m only needing to take statins. However 5 days post procedure I noticed the swelling on my forearm just above wrist ( opposite side of wrist to the wound site which is healing well). I did rest it post procedure followed all guidance given by hospital.

My hand is v painful even trying to type this is really hurting. Using my fingers, awful cramp pain and if I lift anything a shooting pain all up my arm. There’s no bruising or redness on the swelling. GP has put it down to post op swelling and signed me off as I do a job which means using my hands & lifting. Been told to use a wrist brace and ice packs and rest it. It’s not feeling any better so far. Just wondering if anyone else has had something similar?

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sickandsore profile image
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22 Replies

I just had a mild ache in my forearm for a few days, my hand and fingers weren't effected at all.

sickandsore profile image
sickandsore in reply to

Tbh I expected to have some tenderness for a while but the swelling and then subsequent pain appeared only a couple of days ago. I kind of could understand swelling around the area of incision, bruising etc but this is on top of my wrist area several inches away from the incision site?

in reply to sickandsore

Have you got a lump or swelling under the incision site?That's the one thing they informed me to check was ok apparently if it was no bigger than a pea.

sickandsore profile image
sickandsore in reply to

Thank you for taking the time to reply btw 😊

sickandsore profile image

No the actual incision site is fine, bruising of course but to be expected. It’s on the front of my arm near wrist that has a weird slightly raised area when it’s pushed it causes pain through my fingers and up my arm, and using my right hand also causes pain but also hurts from time to time in rest as well.

MrsSuzuki profile image
MrsSuzuki in reply to sickandsore

I had a lump on my forearm near the wound site quite a few days after my op, and it felt sore too. I wondered if it was infected and luckily I managed to see the practice nurse at the doctors who reassured me that it was ok.

Maybe a call to your GP's surgery to see a nurse who can check it and reassure you .


sickandsore profile image
sickandsore in reply to MrsSuzuki

Thank you. I saw my Gp yesterday she things it’s just post op swelling as no bruise and doesn’t feel hot, she immediately over whether to send me for a scan but just wanted me to try resting it for a few more days.

If it hasn't improved or it's got worse by Monday morning, and you are following your GP's suggestions I suggest you have a word with the Nurse on the BHF Heart Helpline for advice. However if it deteriorates significantly get yourself down to A&E.

sickandsore profile image
sickandsore in reply to

Thank you if it gets worse or the pain worsens I might do that .

Bingofox007 profile image

Sorry to hear your concern and pain. If things are worsening 5 days after it could be secondary infection and really should be looked at incase. The pain in fingers caused by pushing the lump is obviously pushing onto a nerve. Ice and elevate, paracetamol if u can take it but be aware of rise in temperature, rashes/blotches, heat snd possible discharge at puncture site, heat in arm and new feeling of being unwell. If you don’t think it’s infected then just get it checked at drs on Monday but anything worsening or new symptoms do get it checked at an urgent treatment centre. Take care ❤️

sickandsore profile image
sickandsore in reply to Bingofox007

Thank you for your response. it appears to be staying the same at the moment.🤞 I really need to get back to work as don’t get paid when off sick😓

Bingofox007 profile image
Bingofox007 in reply to sickandsore

Oh bless ya, isn’t that the worst thing, you know what I mean, there are worse things, but to worry about finances when you’re not fit to work. It’s good it’s not worsening and others who have responded are encouraging with their experiences. Just rest up and look after yourself. Not through illness but lack of funds, just listing anything that doesn’t move on eBay to make ends meet. Can’t afford any further sick time either. You never know when it’s going to strike when your heart is involved. Take care and keep in touch ❤️

sickandsore profile image
sickandsore in reply to Bingofox007

Thanks , yeah could do without the worry of finances tbh. Never really got any answers to why I get angina, but I feel more confident knowing that my pain isn’t related to any blocked artery’s and dropping all those meds feels wonderful 😊 just on statins now. Hopefully this arm will settle, my job relies heavily on using my right hand/arm! Thank you for your replies x

Bingofox007 profile image
Bingofox007 in reply to sickandsore

You’re welcome. Don’t have all the answers and solutions but always here to listen ❤️

Digger0 profile image

Sorry you are having problems. Did they give you a number to ring if you had any problems?

sickandsore profile image
sickandsore in reply to Digger0

They did but only for the first48 hrs post procedure. I’ve seen my GP. 😊

Thecyclist profile image

Had my Angio back in January. My incision wound was painful for a good two or three months, I couldn't put any pressure on it, and my forearm ached for a good couple of weeks but I am absolutely fine now. I did think about going to the docs but didn't in the end.

As much as they say this is a relatively minor op and I had no issues either. It is worth bearing in mind that it is invasive and your body generally doesn't take too kindly to being poked with long tubes into major arteries. We all heal at different speeds and some take longer than others and some react differently, I would say that at five days these are pretty normal given the procedure. If however it worsens or doesn't feel more normal in a few weeks, I'd consider a visit to the doctor.

Hope it feels better soon, and great news that your arteries are in good shape, this in itself should be reason to be very happy, (mine were all clear and it was a major relief).

sickandsore profile image
sickandsore in reply to Thecyclist

Yes huge relief after the procedure 😊 I just rely heavily on my r hand and arm for my job ! So that’s a real pain. Think I’m going to have to suck it up and drug up and get on with it though soon, so long as the swelling doesn’t worsen I guess. Thank you for your reply and good news for you also 😊

Coxtribe profile image

I experienced something similar following my angiogram 6 weeks ago. I had swelling in my forearm and significant bruising. My arm was very tender, especially at night but this gradually receded over a couple of weeks. All I have now is a slightly sensitive 'funny bone'. I hope this helps.

sickandsore profile image
sickandsore in reply to Coxtribe

Thank you, glad yours all settled, 🤞 mine will too x

Coxtribe profile image
Coxtribe in reply to sickandsore

I'm sure it will. I did consult my GP after a week and they recommended the things you're already doing. For me it was very much like toothache after a 'big filling' - extremely painful at first but gradually receded. Good luck!

boredom profile image

Had 2 stents fitted end of March this year left arm still sore to lean on had a bracelet fitted as lump appeared on my wrist kept tighting it and loosening like some kind of torture still cant lean on it now GP reckons they bruised tendons or muscles when doing it.

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